Ierusalimul – vedere aeriana / Jerusalem – an unprecedented aerial shot

(via) Jerusalem | An Arcane/Cosmic Picture Film

o panorama spectaculoasa filmata din avion…

After a year of research and preparation, the giant screen film JERUSALEM advanced into production with an unprecedented aerial shoot throughout Israel and the West Bank. Scheduled for worldwide release in 2013, the film will take audiences on a spectacular tour of the Holy Land and the city once believed to lie at the centre of the world.

5 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: Perry Stone – End Times – Sfarsitul vremurilor (English with Romanian subtitles) « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
  2. Trackback: Documentare – Israel « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
  3. gabi
    iul. 07, 2012 @ 00:30:42

    Where can you find the entire show?oh … 2013… one more year i guess

    • rodi
      iul. 07, 2012 @ 10:14:57

      yes 2013 is not too far away. 🙂 It should be a great film. Can’t wait. Regardless of the politics of the film it will make available to us a visual view of the actual places we have only read about in the Bible.

  4. Florin
    iun. 25, 2013 @ 07:37:01

    Un site extraordinar,spiritual te simti implinit cind citesti sau vezi secvente din TARA SFINTA,mai eles ca am avut privilegiul,sa lucrez in ISRAEL,si sunt mandru de asta,vizitind majoritatea locurilor sfinte pe unde a trecut CEL,care a luat asupra SA,pacatele lumii si datorita LUI,suntem mai buni si mai ingaduitori,FELICITARI PENTRU CEI CARE SUSTIN CU MUNCA LOR ACEST IMPORTANT SITE.

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