Tineri Romani din Adelaide antiBarnevernet si pentru FLORIN BARBU – Adelaide (Australia) – United Against Barnevernet

FOTO Adelaide - United Against Barnevernet

FOTO Adelaide – United Against Barnevernet

In 11 iunie, tineri romani din orasul Adelaide s-au intalnit sa sprijineasca protestul din OSLO pentru familiile care sufera din cauza Barnevernet si in sustinerea familiilor din ANGLIA…

Some of the Romanian youth in Adelaide is supporting the Oslo protest and families suffering in UK’s CPS.

Will you show your support too? Let’s do this! 💛#June11 #BarbuFamily #letthechildrenbesetfree#StopBarnevernet!

Ellen Nichitean:

 We are fuming with diagrace over the Barnevernet system in Norway!

Today many people are joining together in Oslo to voice out their disapproval of the Norwegian CPS, Barnevernet.
Return Diana and Andy to Florin Barbu!
Stop taking the children away from their parents!!!

Blogosfera Evanghelică

Vizite unicate din Martie 6,2011

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