Apel urgent la rugaciune pentru Pastorul John Tipei

Poza: Pastorul Iulian Costea, fostul pastor a plecat in Romania. Dr. John Tipei este ordinat ca noul Pastor al Bisericii Betel din orasul Nashville, statul Tennessee, SUA in data de 19 August, 2012.

Update Florin Cimpean 11 Ianuarie 17:00 pm

John Tipei

John Tipei

Va invitam sa va rugati in mod special pentru pastorul John Tipei care a avut un pre-infarct masiv in timp ce era la Bucuresti pentru a preda la Institutul Teologic Penticostal.

A suferit o operatie rapida, iar acum, conform doctorilor, este in stare stabila. Sotia, Rodica, a zburat la Bucuresti pentru a fi alaturi de John.

Actualmente John este pastor senior al Bisericii Betel din Nashville si professor adjunct la Pentecostal Theological Seminary din Cleveland, TN.

John a fost un dascal, mentor si model pentru generatii de pastori si teologi penticostali.
Sa ne rugam pentru el.

– Update Tony Lane – 11 Ianuarie 17:00 pm 

TO: All RTO Ministers
FROM: Dr. Tony Lane, Administrative Bishop
RE: Dr. John Tipei

Choice Christian greetings!

I’m asking all our congregations to have special prayer for Brother Tipei on Sunday.
After arriving home from a missions trip to Mexico last evening, I sent a message requesting information from Dr. Tipei’s daughter, who lives in Bucharest. She told me what happened and I wanted to explain further so that everyone would know exactly what happened so you can pray and have your church pray specifically for Brother Tipei and for his family. Sister Tipei is traveling from the US to be with him in Bucharest.

He arrived on Monday to teach at ITP for two weeks. Thursday afternoon, he went to the emergency room at the hospital, after the pain he was having continued became stronger. After arriving there at the emergency room, he had a heart attack. They did surgery immediately and placed a stint, because of a blockage. He is now recovering and will be in the hospital in Bucharest for a few days. We all know that God is our Healer and is more than able to touch him. Let’s pray for physical healing as well as for God to provide all their needs during this time. We are thankful to God for keeping His hand on him and also for guiding the physicians.

His daughter and son-in-law, who moved to Bucharest in September, are there with him. Feel free to send e-mails of encouragement to him to let him know we are praying for him.

It’s encouraging to be a part of the family of God in times like this! Prayer works!

– Update 11 Ianuarie 13:00 pm de la cineva de la Biblioteca Institutului Teologic Penticostal, el ne informeaza:

Fratele Tipei a suferit un infarct (destul de grav),insa acum starea dumnealui este stabila. Este internat in spital (in Bucuresti) unde va sta 5-6 zile. Dumnezeu a facut inca o minune. Sa ne rugam in continuare pentru el, pentru sora Rodica si pentru intreaga lui familie.

 – 10 Ianuarie 13:00 Pastorul Doru D. Ilioi ne informeaza:

Cu dragoste si simtind durerea si incercarea fratelui nostru, va rog din inima sa staruim inaintea lui Dumnezeu care este vindecator Atotputernic pentru recuperarea completa a fratelui John Tipei, sot, tata, pastor la Bethel, Nashville, TN si fost rector la ITP – un om al lui Dumnezeu! Sa stam in rugaciune pentru vindecare miraculoasa! Doamne asculta-ne cand Te chemam!

Am aflat ca sotia Pastorului Tipei este in drum spre Romania sa fie alaturi de sotul ei si ca el este in afara pericolului. Sa continuam sa ne rugam lui Dumnezeu, ca sa se atinga de fratele Tipei si sa-l vindece!

John Tipei Mesaj

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