Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth – Dr. Larry Vardiman

Vardiman Larry in conférence Chicago

Vardiman Larry in conférence Chicago (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Name: Dr. Larry Vardiman
Title: Senior Research Scientist, Astro/Geophysics
Specialty: Atmospheric Studies, Climate Change, Ice Age, Age of the Earth’s Atmosphere

While obtaining his Ph.D., Dr. Larry Vardiman served as a research assistant at Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science (1970-74) and as a consulting meteorologist at Western Scientific Services (1973-74). After receiving his degree in Atmospheric Science, he worked as site director for a cloud seeding research program for the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation in Denver, Colorado (1974-82). He also served as a consultant to the Colorado Governor’s Advisory Panel on Weather Modification. Dr. Vardiman was an officer in the United States Air Force with the Air Weather Service in the Aerospace Modification Division at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Before coming to ICR, he taught at Christian Heritage College as a Professor of Natural Sciences from 1982 to 1989, serving as Academic Dean from 1987 to 1989. From 1989 to 2009, he was Chairman of the Astro/Geophysics Department at the ICR Graduate School, also serving two years as Chief Operating Officer. Dr. Vardiman was a major participant and director of ICR’s Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) research project. He has authored many technical papers and books. Much of his scientific contributions have been in the areas of ice crystal growth and evolution, rain from „the windows of heaven” (Genesis 7:11), the age of the earth’s atmosphere, the Ice Age and the Genesis Flood, and catastrophic hurricane formation. His most recent research focused on the Ice Age in Yosemite and Yellowstone National Parks, and giant typhoons in the Middle East.

Dr. Vardiman retired from the Institute for Creation Research in June 2012.

Available books by Larry Vardiman: Climates Before and After the Genesis Flood Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, vol. 1: A Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, vol. 2: Results of a Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative
Dr. Larry Vardiman, Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Creation Research, has devoted 30 years to the defense of science that honors the Creator. June 2012 marked the retirement of Dr. Vardiman, who has blessed colleagues, students, and audiences around the world.

During his tenure at ICR, Dr. Vardiman has served as Professor, Department Chair, Director of Research, and even Chief Operating Officer for the Institute. Those who have known and worked with Larry have come to know him as a gifted scientist, a capable leader, a passionate communicator, and a genuine friend.

Highlights of Dr. Vardiman’s research include his work in paleoclimatology, hypercanes, global warming, and director of the eight-year RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth) research project that settled significant scientific issues related to earth origins. A gifted writer and communicator, Dr. Vardiman has published numerous articles, technical monographs, and books on creation science.

Summarizing his experience at ICR, Dr. Vardiman said: „I call this my ‘second career.’ My ‘first career’ was working with the government doing research in cloud seeding and weather modification. So with the ‘second career,’ these last 25 years or so, I have been studying an even bigger weather modification event, the biggest one of all times, the one that God did when He changed the climate and the weather of the earth.

„So, it’s been a real blessing from the Lord to serve in this ministry and be able to help people have more confidence in the Bible. That’s basically been my whole thrust—being able to do science from God’s perspective and show that it fits science and fits the Bible, so that people can read the Bible and believe it when it tells us what has gone on in the past and what’s coming in the future. We can have confidence in what it says

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