In Ghana schools, they are handing out Bibles to first year highschoolers

PSALM 33:12

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD

Photo credit

The Ghana Student Bible Campaign by Tyndale House Publishers

  • English: Map of Ghana Español: Mapa de GhanaGhana, which is in West Africa is an independent country which used to be a British colony, they have free and independent elections- just like the United States. Unlike the US, they have religion classes in high school and they actually study the Bible. Several years ago the first lady of Ghana visited Tyndale House Publishers (UK) and told them that the students need Bibles. Through a program in local book stores, Tyndale House set up a program where customers could sponsor a Bible to a student in Ghana and as a result of this effort they shipped off 200,000 Bibles to high schools students in Ghana last year.
  • In Ghana 50% of the population is under 18 years of age (with a life expectancy of 60 yrs.). The official language is English (although most also speak several of the 5 local languages) and Christianity is the country largest religion (2000 census shows 69% Christian and 15.6% muslim) Schools in the West African nation are allowed to read and teach the Bible as well as share the gospel with students.
  • Scripture Union Ghana distributes Christian literature in 95% of the schools in the nation.

„While the door of opportunity remains open to the gospel in Ghana, we must act,” said Mary Chapman, brand and product director at Tyndale, who recently traveled to Ghana to kick off the Bible distribution with Scripture Union. „We cannot take this open door for granted. Seeing the faces of the young people who were anxious and excited about receiving the Word of God was truly a sight to behold.”

In the past five years, Tyndale’s Christian retail channel exclusives have distributed nearly 2 million Bibles to those in the military, prison and crisis pregnancy centers through various Bible campaigns.

VIDEO by Tyndale House Publishers (Map photo via Wikipedia)

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