Modesty (3) The Swimsuit

Paul Washer once said to note that some of the things that Christians find acceptable today were once considered illegal by non christians. Here’s proof that he is telling the truth, from Chicago’s archives (photo is published on an Australian website).

1922: Arrested

This overly dramatic photograph shows police arresting women in Chicago, USA, for defying a ban on wearing brief swimsuits in public. Women were meant to cover-up when not in the water.- Reproduced courtesy Bettmann/Corbis Australia (Photo via Australian National Maritime Museum)

1922 Arrested

2 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. Gabi
    nov. 07, 2011 @ 09:47:22

    That’s the dress some wear in church these days! 🙂

    • rodi
      nov. 07, 2011 @ 11:48:28

      rebellious youth – I wonder if anyone ever approaches them as in Mahaney’s video, speaking the truth in love…

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