Eu cu cine ma casatoresc (2) De unde stiu ca suntem compatibili? cu Pastor Sami Tutac

de la Alfa Omega TV, programul Calea, Adevarul si Viata cu Cristina Olariu si Samuel Tutac – pastor in Biserica Betel din Timisoara ( si coordonator al Departamentului de Tineret al Uniunii Baptiste, este licentiat in psihologie si teologie. Si-a terminat masteratul la Covington Theological Seminary din GA, USA, iar in prezent este doctorand la Universitatea din Bucuresti si la Covington Theological Seminary. Autor al cartii “Pasi pe calea credintei”, Samy este casatorit cu Simona si impreuna au patru baieti: Paul, Raoul, Flavius si Darius.

Pastor Samuel Tutac Biserica Betel Timisoara

Seria de emisiuni: Eu cu cine ma casatoresc?

Vezi primul video aici – (1) De ce sa ma casatoresc?
VA URMA (o postare pe zi):

(2) De unde stiu ca suntem compatibili? 

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This is a very cool futuristic video that also feels ‘freaky’. (I never thought I would have the opportunity to use the word ‘freaky’ on this blog. This outstanding film episode from the standpoint of its creative inception and production reminds me of Daniel 12:4 where Daniel is told that at the time of the end, knowledge will increase. And so will man’s pursuit of earthly pleasures. This video purports to show how in the not too distant future we will be able to live in a ‘glocolised’ world where everything and everyone can be simulated. The social implications are enormous.

The more technology advances, the more, we the human beings created by God for fellowship with Him and each other, withdraw into our private world trying to simulate and create our own pleasures.

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What guys think about modesty

Matthew 5:27-28

Adultery in the Heart

27 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

C J Mahaney (via) Gabi Bogdan

An honest assessment from guys:

  • The temptation towards lust does not stop. It is continual, it is aggressive, it does all it can to lead men down to death.
  • The way an immodest girl presents herself to the world is bait for my sinful mind
  • there’s not  a man I know that doesn’t struggle with lust
  • it is disappointing to walk into a church or church event and face the same temptations I face in the world
  • to the girls who don’t follow the pattern of the world – Thank You! You are following Scriptures command and helping your brothers in the process.
  • Let us be a church where men are committed to purity and women are committed to modesty

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Pastor Florin Campean la Biserica Filadeldia, Bucuresti- Biserica, spitalul lui Dumnezeu (Ioan 5:1-14) + cintari corul,candidatii si John Tipei

Uploaded by 10/30/2011 la serviciul de botez in apa la Biserica Filadelfia din Bucuresti:
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Eu cu cine ma casatoresc (1) De ce sa ma casatoresc? cu Pastor Sami Tutac

de la Alfa Omega TV, programul Calea, Adevarul si Viata cu Cristina Olariu si  Samuel Tutac – pastor in Biserica Betel din Timisoara ( si coordonator al Departamentului de Tineret al Uniunii Baptiste, este licentiat in psihologie si teologie. Si-a terminat masteratul la Covington Theological Seminary din GA, USA, iar in prezent este doctorand la Universitatea din Bucuresti si la Covington Theological Seminary. Autor al cartii “Pasi pe calea credintei”, Samy este casatorit cu Simona si impreuna au patru baieti: Paul, Raoul, Flavius si Darius.

Pastor Samuel Tutac Biserica Betel Timisoara

Seria de emisiuni: Eu cu cine ma casatoresc?

VA URMA (o postare pe zi):
(2) De unde stiu ca suntem compatibili?
(3) Cum aflu ca sunt pregatit pentru casatorie?
(4) Pot afla voia lui D-zeu in privinta alegerii partenerului?
(5) Ce spune Biblia despre viata sexuala?
(6) Ce ar trebui sa spun despre trecutul meu?
(7) Si totusi sunt gata de casatorie?

1. De ce sa ma casatoresc?

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The submissive wife by Brian Chapell (essential read)

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything (Eph 5:22-24).

When Fergie married Andrew we marveled at the days of pageantry surrounding the wedding, but what most of us remember is a moment when their vows were taken. Fergie was supposed to say to her groom, “I promise to love, honor, and obey…” She did say the phrase, but not without a sideways grin at the Prince that said much more. Her look could hardly have more clearly articulated the new Duchess’s thought: “You gotta be kidding. Nobody really believes those anachronisms about wifely submission anymore, and you had better not!” She repeated the vows, but with a toss of her head Fergie as clearly tossed away the content of those words without any indication of what commitments should or could take their place. In hindsight, that smirk of bemused lip service to traditions not intended to be truly honored has become a sad illustration of a royal marriage gone awry. But it is not merely royalty to whom the illustration applies.

It is my guess that if we strip away party platforms and lip service we too readily give to the official positions of our churches, political agendas, families, or traditions we will also find large question marks remain in all the thinking people about the current responsibilities of women in marriage. Hal Farnsworth, a Reformed University Ministries campus minister at Vanderbilt, tells me, “It does not matter whether the intelligent women on my campus are liberal feminists or conservative traditionalists, if you can get them to talk honestly about their deepest concerns most will say that even when they make choices according to one perspective that they constantly wonder if they are right. Deep down they are desperate for a credible authority to tell them what women are supposed to be.”

Sadly, our churches have not proved to be a credible enough authority to settle the issue even among themselves. I know of some churches that have urged women fed up with abusive husbands to leave their marriages. Others have used discipline to try to force women to submit to husbands guilty of the same offenses under the assumption that the abuse is a result of the women not being submissive enough. I hear the resultant confusion among my own relatives as women long committed to marriage and deeply desiring to honor Scripture have after decades of sacrifice cried out in emotional exhaustion and spiritual agony, “I know the Bible says to submit, but I can’t continue to live this way. I have tried, but I can’t keep on. I just can’t.”

From palaces to campuses to churches to our homes and hearts the questions echo: What really is a wife supposed to love, or to honor, or to obey? I do not have all the answers to the questions this fragmented and broken society demands that I consider. However, I do know that some of the flip answers we often give do not consider the complexity of our age, the dignity of each person, and the authority of God’s Word. Many of these principles appear in this passage which I cannot read without discovering a rather straight answer to the ultimate question we have to ask: “What is a Christian wife to be?” The inescapable answer here (for those who believe this Word is authoritative) is stated directly–a Christian wife is to be submissive. However, lest that answer merely be simplistic, we must carefully assess the requirements, nature, and goals of this submission.

The Duty of a Christian Wife
The duty to which God calls Christian wives could hardly be more clearly stated by the apostle: “Wives submit to your husbands as unto the Lord” (vs. 22). However, as you well know, simply repeating the word “submit” or even giving its Greek origin (which means “to arrange under”) does not tell us all we feel we have to know. What does Paul intend for us to understand by submission?

Submission Does Not Mean “Nothing”
We know that submission cannot be an incidental term without meaning because of the comprehensive ways in which it is addressed. If we do not understand what submit means Paul first gives us a comparison analogy. Wives are to submit to their husbands “as to the Lord” (vs. 22). As all persons should arrange their lives under the righteous purposes of their Lord so wives should prioritize their lives relative to husbands’ purposes in God’s kingdom. Lest that comparison prove insufficient, the apostle then adds a more compelling example of his thought based on the relationship of Christ and the church. As the church submits to Christ as its head, so wives should submit to their husbands’ headship (vs. 23-24). As the church would never think it could fulfill its purposes without submission to the holy will of its Lord, the apostle reminds women that they cannot fulfill their divine purposes if they are not submitting to the biblical purposes of their husbands. Finally, lest we assume Paul only means these standards to apply to some narrow part of life, the apostle clarifies the comprehensive extent of his instruction by saying that “wives should submit to their husbands in everything (vs. 24).” These really are comprehensive words.

The Scope of Scripture’s Witness
As comprehensive as these words appear in this place, however, we might still find a way to narrow their intent if this seemed to be an exceptional passage. Then, our culture as well as our biblical interpretation principles of letting Scripture interpret Scripture and allowing clearer passages to interpret less obvious passages might well lead us to conclude these “submission” words do not really mean anything for us. We cannot draw such a conclusion in light of the consistent commitment of Scripture to these concepts.

Note that wives are instructed three times in this passage alone to subject their priorities to their husband’s authority. Paul uses the same or related terminology about husbands and wives in at least five other books (viz. 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Timothy, and Titus). The Apostle Peter also tells wives, “be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without talk by the behavior of their wives” (1 Pt 3:1). This “gentle and quiet spirit” Peter then ties to Israel’s earliest history saying it was with such a demeanor that “Sarah obeyed Abraham” (1 Pt 3:4-6). Paul goes back even further in the Ephesians and Corinthians passages by relating this order of family relationships to the events of creation (vs. 31). The effect of this consistent witness is to spread the instruction for wives to submit to husbands not only over one passage, but across the Pauline material, through the New Testament, to Israel’s origins and throughout humanity’s history. Submission (so comprehensive in its imperatives, scope, and duration) cannot mean nothing.

Submission Does Mean Something
The something that submission means is perhaps most obvious in light of the purpose it fulfills. Paul reminds us of this when in the same passage he refers to the genesis of the marriage relationship saying, “For this reason a man will leave his Father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery…” (vs. 31, 32). These words tell us that submission is the pouring oneself into the completion of another. It is the sacrificing of self to make a relationship, and those in it, whole. Paul says this is a profound mystery and we can well attest to that. It is so past our explaining (and yet so obvious to us) that God has made those of us not gifted for celibacy so that we are never quite whole–in our relational maturity, in our personal development, or even in our spirituality–without those he intends to complement and complete us in marital oneness.

We will look at another individual (or even at ourselves) after a few years of marriage and say, “That person has so matured, so leveled out, or become so less self-absorbed since marrying so and so.” At least, that is what we say if the marriage is functioning well. If the marriage is going poorly, we typically recognize that the self-absorption, immaturity, or character flaws may be even more prominent. When the real oneness God intends for marriage does not occur, then the people themselves become less whole. Though this is a mystery it fits precisely with the pattern of Scripture which tells us that since God made us such that marriage would make us whole, then the abuse or neglect of that union must damage us.

Ultimately it is this knowledge of the way in which our lives affect each other that directs our understanding about what the apostle says here about the mutual responsibilities of marriage. To the husband is given the authority for the sacrificial responsibility of biblical headship that is designed to lead a family in the paths of God. To the wife is committed the nurture and care to support him so that he can carry out these responsibilities. Each has responsibility for the other to the end that the family unit as a whole is whole and healthy before God. Note this goal is much clearer than a specific set of behaviors imposed on every couple despite differing personalities, gifts, and situations. We are not obligated by some simplistic imposition that determines who takes the garbage out, who washes dishes, or how many hours outside of the home a spouse may work or play without crossing some definite biblical threshold of marital correctness. The responsibilities of marriage are determined at the deepest levels of the Christian heart, and call for the most diligent, honest, conscientious questions of self-examination. The husband must not only ask, “Am I leading my family to a better knowledge of God?” but also, “Is my leadership self-serving or sacrificial?” Similarly, the wife must not only ask, “Do my actions, words, and attitudes enable my husband to lead my family to a better knowledge of God?” but also, “Have I truly in everything submitted my life to this highest priority?”

These are questions that cannot be answered by arbitrary, cultural, or merely traditional role assignments regarding such things as who gets to talk first, who writes the checks, or who gets to drive. The inappropriateness of culturally imposed rules is obvious when we understand that submission (in addition to requiring the pouring of oneself into the completion of another) involves the exercising of gifts for the glory of another. This becomes most apparent when you recognize the balanced construction of the instruction Paul gives wives and husbands in this passage. His instruction for husbands directs them to use their headship as Christ used his for the glory of his bride, the Church (vs. 25-27). The effect is to remind husbands that they must never abuse their authority so that they rob their wives of “radiance” (cf. vs. 27). At the same time wives are told not to so disregard submission that they rob their husbands of “respect” (vs. 33). Discerning how wives make sure they fulfill this obligation requires us to recognize the implications of Paul’s comparison of marriage to the relationship of Christ and the Church. The Church does not honor Christ by dispensing with the gifts and graces God provides. Rather she is called to arrange all her energies and abilities under the grand purpose of glorifying the Savior. To do less would not be submission; it would be disobedience. By this line of thought we grow to understand the wisdom of Paul’s terminology. Biblical submission truly is an “arranging under” of one’s own gifts for the glory of another. Such submission is never an abdication of responsibility for another’s welfare, nor is it an abandonment of one’s own gifts to fit a culturally determined role.

Let me indicate at least one reason why humanly prescribed behaviors are an insufficient measure of biblical submission. On a church council outside our locale there is a lay leader who asks every new pastoral candidate entering that denomination’s churches, “Does your wife submit to you?” This man’s agenda is to make each candidate prove to the council that he has control of his family the way this official thinks headship should be practiced–meaning the way he controls his own family. However, it would be tragic if candidates actually did satisfy this official.

Over the years this man’s friends have watched as his intelligent, once glowing and buoyant wife has become increasingly silent, sullen, and dowdy under his “headship.” Sadly, the more withdrawn she has become the more obnoxious, belligerent, and accusing he has become with everyone in his path. The more she retreats from her own gifts the more his faults assert themselves. You need to hear me clearly say that I am not blaming her for his faults. I am simply noting the marital results of a spouse’s suppressed gifts. Yet, despite the obvious deterioration of their Christian witness both parties in this marriage claim the wife is biblically submitting to her husband because she only talks when he allows, only leaves the home when he permits, only wears what he approves. How sad. By limiting headship and submission to a certain set of behaviors they have actually lost sight of their true biblical priorities of promoting God’s glory and, thus, they have diminished each other. I cannot prescribe the specific actions this wife should do each day, nor would I pretend to know when certain things should have been discussed between these two people in years gone by. I do know, however, (and their lives confirm this) that submitting one’s life to the good of another does not mean abandoning them to their faults, nor abandoning one’s own gifts. God does not expect anyone to minimize the gifts he grants for a worship response to his own creative character and through which he has designed the character and happiness of a marriage to mature. Submission ultimately is not the suppression of gifts but the full expression of them in behalf of another.

The Dignity of a Christian Wife
It is this expression of gifts in behalf of another that further defines submission not only in terms of duty, but also in terms of dignity. To see how biblical submission grants dignity you must examine the precise wording of this passage. Such an examination may initially yield a shock. Where our translations say, “Wives submit to your husbands” (vs. 22), the word “submit” does not appear in the original language of the text. The very word we are so ready to debate is not actually present in this verse. Interestingly its absence not only underscores the necessity of submission, it is also confirms the dignity of a Christian wife.

The Value of a Christian Wife
The place the word “submit” does appear is the preceding verse where the apostle concludes his instruction on being “filled with the Spirit,” by saying we should all “Submit to one another out of reverence to the Lord” (vs. 21). The instruction to wives then follows as only the first constituency among Christians to whom the submission mandate applies. Next will follow husbands, then fathers, then children, then slaves, then masters. The construction of the passage, thus, unfolds with the following impact:

Submit to one another…Wives, to your husbands as to the Lord (5:22-24, 33); Husbands, by giving yourselves for your wives, as the Lord gave Himself for the church (5:25-33); Children, by obeying you parents (6:1-3); Fathers, by not exasperating your children (6:4); Slaves, by obeying masters properly from your hearts (6:5-8); and, Masters, by treating slaves with respect and fairness since you are slaves of Christ (6:9).

Each person is to submit whatever gifts, rights, or authority he or she has to the good of another for the building up of Christ’s kingdom.

The reason this structure confirms the dignity of a Christian wife is that it proves that her submission does not lessen her value or diminish her place in the kingdom. All Christians are to submit themselves to the good of others whom God has placed in their lives. Although the apostle clearly assigns differing purposes to husbands and wives, he just as clearly exempts no one from the requirement of having the attitude that was also Christ’s who made himself nothing and became obedient to God’s call for selfless sacrifice (cf. Phil 2:5ff.). In Christ’s Kingdom submission does not lessen believers’ standing, it confirms their place. Christians’ responsibilities vary, their value does not. To conclude otherwise is to reason that Christ became an inferior in the Godhead when he submitted himself to the Father, or that the Spirit deserves less glory because he fulfills the purposes of the Son. By his Trinitarian nature our God has made it abundantly clear that an equality of value does not require an identity of roles.

To Respect Her Husband
Paul concludes this address to husbands and wives with the instruction for men to “love” their wives and for wives to “respect” their husbands (vs. 33). Here the apostle seems to be dealing with each gender at the weak points of our relational tendencies. Often a man’s great temptation is to use the power of his position and physique to enforce dictatorial rule or to indulge passive self-absorption. A woman’s comparable temptation is to use the power of words and emotions to diminish a husband’s influence so that she has control of the home. Paul allows neither “power play,” by commanding men to love their wives sacrificially and commending women who respect their husbands.

Something in us instinctively knows the power of the forces the apostle is seeking to curb. When Kathy and I were first married and living in an apartment in a low-income part of this city, the paper-like walls and floors of the complex gave us an ear-opening perspective on the way some people live. The vileness and violence so many of the families around us considered normal were shocking to us. Most curious was the minister’s family below us. Most of their fights were about who was the better witness. We usually tried to ignore the shouts and slaps until he started choking her so she could not respond, and then we would have to find some way to intervene. It was awful. But as Kathy and I would night after night try to close our ears to the conflict as it built, we would sometimes turn to one another and say, “Why does she taunt him so? She knows he is going to hit her.” We did not know then what we have now learned about abusive homes: that as often as a man will try to dominate a woman with his strength, a woman will try to control a man with shame.

Even if violence is not a part of your home you must learn by listening to the ways spouses try to get their way even in Christian marriages. With intimidation or intransigence that are both expressions of power, men often exert their control. Women by a look, a cutting remark, an accusation, or some embarrassing reminder, may seek to diminish a man so he becomes less sure of himself and, thus, more controllable. Sadly these factors often, then, turn cyclical as insecure men react to their sense of being diminished by becoming more dominating, which only gives a wife more opportunity to needle and shame, which subsequently triggers more abuse. When this cycle is in effect to any degree each party in the marriage is vying for power, but note Paul is crusading for love (cf. 5:1- 2). Love permits none of this grappling for spousal control. A Christian husband has no privilege to intimidate or ignore his wife; a Christian wife no right to diminish or shame her husband.

The Glory of a Christian Wife
The dignity of a Christian wife is not only spelled out in the comparison of her duty with others’ tasks, but also in the glory of the purpose God grants her. To understand the dignity of this purpose it may be helpful to compare it to the role current society sometimes advocates. Such a comparison is available in author Phoebe Hobby’s January 1994 review of current books addressed to women (as it appeared in Harper’s magazine). Hoban writes that in the past feminism has been about power and money. Now, however, she concludes-

Feminism is no longer a battle for equal opportunity in a male-dominated society, but a kind of 12-step recovery program for wounded women. There is an endless appetite for self-help books. They do not offer women still struggling in an unfair world any clarion call to arms. Instead they urge women to redefine their inner lives.

I remind you these words are not my assessment, but rather are the observations of a secular advocate of modern feminism. How sad (and revealing) that a movement with such altruistic rhetoric and so often correct pleas for justice, equality, and dignity now finds at its end that it was but another journey into me-ism. Whether this cause returns to the direction of getting more external affirmation of status or stays focused on inner healing, the result of the movement as it is currently framed is the same–a path for women that is but the pouring of one’s life and demands into the vain, cloying pursuit of “what’s-in-it-for-me.”

Whether it be a man or woman, we find nothing so detestable as a person driven by selfishness, and nothing so ennobling as a life given in service and sacrifice for others. If you can see this in the comic book life of a Donald Trump who gains power and wealth at the expense of our respect, and sense it in the life of a Mother Teresa who has the honor of the world and its rulers though she has nothing, then perhaps you can begin to gauge the dignity God grants to the wife who submits herself to the good of her husband and family. The Bible says that they will rise up and call her blessed (Prov 31:28).

Heaven’s Cheer
I sensed some of this divine pleasure at a social I attended a few days ago. There I took much delight in listening to an older couple sing their own version of “Do You Love Me” from the musical, Fiddler on the Roof. At the point of the song where the stage characters are supposed sing, “After twenty-five years it’s nice to know,” this couple substituted their own marriage’s stats and sang, “After 48 years it’s nice to know.” In a church dominated by young marriages that have not yet stood the test of years, and in which we had just that evening heard previous stories from some in troubled relationships battered by cultural influences, the enduring love of this couple was more than endearing. It was inspiring. When they hit the last notes the room exploded in a standing ovation as we cheered for a love that had so powerfully encouraged us and had so radiantly persevered in them.

We were about to discover there was more for them to endure. Just a few minutes later their 41-year-old son also went on the stage to tell us about his current battle with cancer and the hope he still claims as a result of his parents’ life of faith. After the social when I spoke to the parents privately in a remote hallway of the church, I told them I was surprised to hear the cancer report. They said the report was only days old to them as well. There had been no history or warning signs to prepare them-just an out-of-the-blue telephone call: “Mom and Dad, I have cancer.”

As they told me this account of their beloved son, the recentness of the news with its shock, grief, and fear welled in the couple. The man, usually so stoic, could not keep tears from his eyes. When his wife saw that pain and the embarrassment of his tears, she touched his arm. It was such a simple and subtle gesture, and yet you could almost see the strength flow from her as he, then, collected himself and spoke again of their faith in God’s care.

The wife, I am sure, wanted to cry as much (if not more) than her husband wanted not to cry. Knowing her as I do, tears would have been far more typical of her, and she had no less a need to be comforted by him. Yet, in that moment he needed her strength and in that reassuring touch she sacrificed the expression of her own grief to minister to his pain. In their oneness she knew just how to help him, and how to preserve his respect in the midst of her own hurting. The gesture was a duty of deep love, a dignifying of him that dignified her, and a desire to serve another nurtured through a lifetime of serving God. Who witnessed this wife’s giving of herself in that caring touch in the hall? I did, and maybe one or two others, but for her I again heard applause–another standing ovation exploding this time from the portals of heaven as its hosts rejoiced for a wife who in those moments submitted her right to grieve to her husband’s need for support. I hope with her spiritual ears she heard it, too. I pray that on that day she sensed heaven’s regard for the beauty of her service; and, I pray that on this day she, like you, will know and claim the eternal value and scriptural glory of every wife who submits to her husband out of reverence for the Lord.

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Gabi Lupescu – Fiecare credincios trebuie să studieze Biblia într-un mod disciplinat

Într-o lume perfectă, fiecare credincios trebuie să studieze Biblia într-un mod disciplinat (2 Timotei 2:15) şi în dependenţă prin rugăciune de iluminarea Duhului Sfânt. Aşa cum se poate vedea foarte clar, – aceasta nu este o lume perfectă !!! . Nu toţi care au Duhul Sfânt Î-l şi ascultă cu adevărat. Sunt creştini care Î-l întristează pe Duhul Sfânt (Efeseni 4:30). Întrebaţi orice profesor: până …şi cel mai bun va spune că are elevi care se încăpăţănează să înveţe, indiferent de ce face el. Deci, unul dintre motivele pentru care oamenii interpretează diferit Biblia este că unii nu-L ascultă pe Învăţător, adică pe Duhul Sfânt. Mai jos sunt enumerate alte câteva motive pentru divergenţa mare de convingeri între învăţătorii biblici.

– 1. Necredinţa. Adevărul este că mulţi care pretind că sunt creştini n-au fost niciodată născuţi din nou. Ei poarta eticheta de “creştin”, însă nu a avut loc nici o schimbare reală a inimii. Multi care nici nu cred că Biblia este adevărată îndrăznesc sa îi înveţe pe alţii. Ei pretind că vorbesc despre Dumnezeu şi totuşi trăiesc într-o stare de necredinţă. Multe interpretări false ale Scripturii provin din astfel de surse.

Este imposibil ca un necredincios să interpreteze corect Scriptura. “Dar omul firesc nu primeşte lucrurile Duhului lui Dumnezeu, căci, pentru el, sunt o nebunie; şi nici nu le poate înţelege, pentru că trebuiesc judecate duhovniceşte” (1 Corinteni 2:14). Un om nemântuit nu poate înţelege adevărul Bibliei. El nu are iluminarea. Mai mult, chiar dacă cineva este păstor sau teolog, aceasta nu garantează că este mântuit.

Un exemplu de haos produs de necredinţă este găsit în Ioan 12:28-29. Iisus Se roagă Tatălui, spunând: “Tată, proslăveşte Numele Tău!”. Dumnezeu Tatăl răspunde cu o voce care se aude din cer, pe care toţi cei adunaţi au auzit-o. Observaţi, însă, diferenţele de interpretare: “Norodul, care stătea acolo, şi care auzise glasul, a zis că a fost un tunet. Alţii ziceau: „Un înger a vorbit cu El!” Fiecare a auzit acelaşi lucru, o afirmaţie inteligibilă venită din cer, şi totuşi fiecare a auzit ceea ce a vrut să audă.

– 2. Lipsa exercitiului şi a experienţei. Apostolul Petru îi avertizează pe cei care interpretează greşit Scripturile. În parte el a atribuit învăţăturile lor înşelătoare faptului că ei sunt “neştiutori” (2 Petru 3:16). Lui Timotei i s-a spus: “Caută să te înfăţisezi înaintea lui Dumnezeu ca un om încercat, ca un lucrător care n-are de ce să-i fie ruşine, şi care împarte drept Cuvântul adevărului” (2 Timotei 2:15). Nu există scurtătură către interpretarea biblică corespunzătoare. Suntem obligaţi să studiem.

– 3. Hermeneutica slabă. Au fost promovate multe erori datorită unui simplu eşec de a aplica hermeneutica corectă (ştiinţa interpretării Scripturii). Luarea unui verset din contextul lui imediat, poate aduce mari pagube intenţiei cu care a fost scris. Ignorarea contextului mai larg al capitolului sau al cărţii, sau eşuarea înţelegerii contextului istoric şi cultural, de asemenea va duce la probleme în interpretare.

– 4. Ignoranţa întregului Cuvânt al lui Dumnezeu. Apolo era un predicator puternic şi elocvent, însă ştia doar despre botezul lui Ioan. El era ignorant în ce-L priveşte pe Iisus şi mântuirea Lui, astfel încât mesajul lui era incomplet. Aquila şi Priscila l-au luat la o parte şi “i-au arătat mai cu deamăruntul Calea lui Dumnezeu”. Dupa aceea, Apolo L-a predicat pe Iisus Hristos. Unele grupuri sau indivizi au un mesaj incomplet astăzi fiindcă se concentrează pe anumite pasaje excluzându-le pe altele. Ei nu reuşesc să compare Scriptura cu….Scriptura !.

– 5. Egoismul şi mândria. Este trist să spunem că multe interpretări ale Bibliei se bazează pe preferinţele personale sau doctrinele favorite ale oamenilor. Unii văd oportunitatea avansării personale în promovarea “unei noi perspective” asupra Scripturii (Vezi descrierea învăţătorilor falşi din Epistola lui Iuda).

– 6. Imaturitatea creştină. Când creştinii nu sunt maturi cum ar trebui să fie, este afectat modul în care folosesc Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. “V-am hrănit cu lapte, nu cu bucate tari, căci nu le puteaţi suferi; şi nici acum chiar nu le puteţi suferi, pentru că tot lumeşti sunteţi” (1 Corinteni 3:2-3). Un creştin imatur nu este pregătit pentru “hrana tare” din Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. Observaţi că dovada caracterului lumesc al corintenilor au fost separările din biserica lor (versetul 4).

– 7. Accentul exagerat pe tradiţie. Unele biserici pretind că cred Biblia, însă interpretarea lor este întotdeauna trecută prin filtrul tradiţiilor stabilite de biserica lor. Atunci când tradiţia şi învăţătura Bibliei sunt în conflict, întâietatea este acordata tradiţiei. Lucrul acesta neagă efectiv autoritatea Cuvântului şi acordă supremaţie conducerii bisericii.

– În ce priveşte adevărurile fundamentale, Biblia este extrem de clară. Nu este nimic ambiguu despre divinitatea lui Hristos, realitatea cerului şi a iadului, cât şi mântuirea prin har şi credinţa. Totuşi, cu privire la unele subiecte mai puţin importante, învăţătura Scripturii este mai putin clară, iar acest lucru conduce în mod natural la interpretări diferite. De exemplu, nu avem nici o poruncă biblică directă referitoare la frecvenţa Cinei Domnului sau stilul de muzică pe care să-l folosim. Trebuie să fim cinstiţi şi să recunoaştem că creştinii pot avea interpretări diferite la pasajele referitoare la aceste teme periferice.

Ceea ce este important este să fim fermi atunci când Scriptura este fermă şi să evităm să fim categorici atunci când nici Scriptura nu este categorică. Creştinii trebuie să se străduiască să urmeze modelul Bisericii primare din Ierusalim: “Ei stăruiau în învăţătura apostolilor, în legătura frăţească, în frângerea pâinii, şi în rugăciuni” (Faptele Apostolilor 2:42). În Biserica primară a fost unitate deoarece ea a fost fidela învăţăturii apostolilor. În biserică va fi din nou unitate când ne întoarcem la învăţătura apostolilor… şi renunţăm la alte învăţături, capricii şi şarlatanii care s-au strecurat de-a lungul timpului !!!

   Isus Hristos ne-a avertizat că vor veni …“falşi hristoşi şi falşi profeţi” care vor încerca să îi înşele  chiar şi pe cei aleşi de Dumnezeu (Matei 24:23-27; 2 Petru 3:3; Iuda 17-18). Metoda cea mai bună de a te apăra de învăţături şi învăţători falşi este aceea de a cunoaşte adevărul. Pentru a evidenţia un lucru contrafăcut, trebuie să studiezi originalul. Orice credincios care “împarte drept Cuvântul adevărului” (2 Timotei 2:15), şi care studiază cu atenţie Biblia, poate identifica o doctrină falsă. De exemplu, un credincios care a studia despre faptele Tatălui, Fiului şi Duhului Sfânt din Matei  3:16-17, va pune sub semnul întrebării orice doctrină care neagă Sfânta Treime, sau Trinitatea. Prin urmare, primul pas este… să studiezi Biblia şi să examinezi orice învăţătură prin comparaţie cu ceea ce spune Scriptura !!!

Domnul Hristos a spus că …“un copac se cunoaşte după roada lui” (Matei 12:33). Atunci când te uiţi la “roadă”, sunt- trei teste particulare- care se aplică oricărui învăţător pentru a determina acurateţea învăţăturii lui prin comparaţie cu Scriptura :1) Ce spune acest învăţător despre Domnul Iisus Hristos? În Matei 16:15, Iisus întreabă: “dar voi cine ziceţi că sunt?” Petru a răspuns: “Tu eşti Hristosul, Fiul Dumnezeului celui viu,” şi pentru acest răspuns, Petru este numit “binecuvântat”. În 2 Ioan 9 citim că “Oricine o ia înainte, şi nu rămâne în învăţătura lui Hristos, n-are pe Dumnezeu. Cine rămâne în învăţătura aceasta, are pe Tatăl şi pe Fiul.” Cu alte cuvinte, Isus Hristos şi lucrarea Lui de răscumpărare reprezintă învăţătura de cea mai mare importanţă; atenţie la cei care neagă faptul că Iisus este egal cu Dumnezeu, la cei care diluează sau neagă rolul substitutiv al morţii lui Hristos, sau la cei care neagă umanitatea ori dumnezeirea lui Hristos. 1 Ioan 2:22 spune: “Cine este mincinosul, dacă nu cel ce tăgăduieşte că Isus este Hristosul ?. Acela este Anticristul, care tăgăduieşte pe Tatăl şi pe Fiul.”2) Predică acest învăţător… Evanghelia curată ?.
Evanghelia este definită ca vestea bună …a morţii, îngropării şi învierii lui Isus Hristos, conform Scripturilor (1 Corinteni 15:1-4). Chiar dacă pot să pară calde… şi atrăgătoare, delaraţiile de genul “Dumnezeu te iubeşte”, “Dumnezeu vrea să îi hrănească pe cei înfometaţi” sau “Dumnezeu vrea ca tu să fii sănătos”, – NU – reprezintă mesajul complet al Evangheliei !!! . După cum apostolul Pavel ne avertizează în Galateni 1:7, “sunt unii oameni care vă tulbură, şi voiesc să răstoarne Evanghelia lui Hristos.” Nimeni, nici măcar cel mai mare predicator, nu are dreptul să schimbe mesajul pe care Dumnezeu ni l-a dat. “Dacă vă propovăduieşte cineva o Evanghelie, deosebită de aceea pe care aţi primit-o, să fie anatema” (Galateni 1:9).3) Arată acest învăţător în viaţa lui publică şi privată un caracter care Îl glorifică pe Dumnezeu? Vorbind despre falşii învăţători, Iuda 11 spune: “Vai de ei ! Căci au urmat pe calea lui Cain! S-au aruncat în rătăcirea lui Balaam, din dorinţa de câştig! Au pierit într-o răscoală ca a lui Core”. Cu alte cuvinte, un fals învăţător poate fi recunoscut după mândrie (răzvrătirea lui Cain faţă de planul lui Dumnezeu), poftă, dorinţă de câştig (profeţiile pentru bani ale lui Balaam) şi răzvrătire (promovarea lui Cora de către el însuşi peste autoritatea lui Moise).
Pentru a studia mai multe despre cum să distingi învăţăturile false, studiază următoarele cărţi ale Bibliei care au fost scrise în mod particular pentru a combate învăţătura falsă în interiorul Bisericii: Galateni, 2 Petru, 2 Ioan şi Iuda. Este adesea dificil să identifici un fals învăţător sau fals profet. Despre aceasta se vorbeşte atunci când se spune în Biblie despre “lupi în blană de oaie”. Satan şi demonii săi se prefac în “îngeri de lumină” (2 Corinteni 11:14), iar cei care îi slujesc adesea se prefac în slujitori ai neprihănirii (2 Corinteni 11:15). Doar prin a fi familiar cu adevărul ne putem feri de învăţăturile false şi putem distinge contrafacerile de original.

Piper, Driscoll, and Ferguson (Desiring God 2008 National Conference)

2008 conference – panel discussion, moderator Justin Taylor of the

Sinclair Ferguson, ordained as a minister in Scotland in 1971 recalls how he came to Christ at the age of 14 and being called into the ministry to preach. He remembers how most other ministers, including his own at the time in Scotland, did not believe the full counsel of the Bible and therefore did not preach from the entire Bible. They were very wary of him as he preached the full authority of the entire Bible.

Mark Driscoll speaks about the criticism he has received and about the true friends who have mentored him (i.e. Piper, Mahaney) and whose constructive criticism has helped him. He talks about reading Billy Graham’s book „Leadership Secrets” and learning from Graham how to turn his critics into coaches by examining whether their criticism was warranted. He states that we live in a world where communication is 1)instant -out there immediately 2)constant -not like days of old where you could just write to a newspaper to complain, but you couldn’t harass someone like you can online today 3) global -the whole world will hear it and 4)permanent – it will be out there forever.

John Piper speaks on the work of the tongue and states that there will be tears one day when we meet God because we will be judged for all that we have spoken (the good-not enough, the bad-too much)in our earthly life. 

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Christians and Halloween via David Mathis Desiring God

You can read entire article here at
What if a crisp October wind blew through “the way we’ve always done things” at Halloween? What if the Spirit stirred in us a new perspective on October 31? What if dads led their households in a fresh approach to Halloween as Christians on mission?
What if spreading a passion for God’s supremacy in all things included Halloween—that amalgamation of wickedness now the second-largest commercial holiday in the West?
Loving Others and Extending Grace
What if we didn’t think of ourselves as “in the world, but not of it,” but rather, as Jesus says in John 17, “not of the world, but sent into it”?
And what if that led us to move beyond our squabbles about whether or not we’re free to celebrate All Hallows’ Eve, and the main issue became whether our enjoyment of Jesus and his victory over Satan and the powers of darkness might incline us to think less about our private enjoyments and more about how we might love others? What if we took Halloween captive—along with “every thought” (2 Corinthians 10:5)—as an opportunity for gospel advance and bringing true joy to the unbelieving?
And what if those of us taking this fresh approach to Halloween recognized that Christians hold a variety of views about Halloween, and we gave grace to those who see the day differently than we do?
Without Naiveté or Retreat
What if we didn’t merely go with the societal flow and unwittingly float with the cultural tide into and out of yet another Halloween? What if we didn’t observe the day with the same naïveté as our unbelieving neighbors and coworkers?
And what if we didn’t overreact to such nonchalance by simply withdrawing? What if Halloween wasn’t a night when Christians retreated in disapproval, but an occasion for storming the gates of hell?
The Gospel Trick
What if we ran Halloween through the grid of the gospel and pondered whether there might be a third path beyond naïveté and retreat? What if we took the perspective that all of life, Halloween included, is an opportunity for gospel advance? What if we saw Halloween not as a retreat but as a kind of gospel trick—an occasion to extend Christ’s cause on precisely the night when Satan may feel his strongest?
What if we took to the offensive on Halloween? Isn’t this how our God loves to show himself mighty? Just when the devil has a good head of steam, God, like a skilled ninja, uses the adversary’s body weight against him. It’s Satan’s own inertia that drives the stake into his heart. Just like the cross. It’s a kind of divine “trick”: Precisely when the demonic community thinks for sure they have Jesus cornered, he delivers the deathblow. Wasn’t it a Halloween-like gathering of darkness and demonic festival at Golgotha, the place of the Skull, when the God-man “disarmed the powers and authorities [and] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them” at the cross (Colossians 2:15)?

Ary Scheffer: The Temptation of Christ, 1854

Image via Wikipedia

Marching on Hell
What if we were reminded that Jesus, our invincible hero, will soon crush Satan under our feet (Romans 16:20)? What if we really believed deep down that our Jesus has promised with absolute certainty, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). What if we realized that the gates-of-hell thing isn’t a picture of a defensive church straining to hold back the progressing Satanic legions, but rather an offensive church, on the move, advancing against the cowering, cornered kingdom of darkness? What if the church is the side building the siegeworks? What if the church is marching forward, and Jesus is leading his church on an aggressive campaign against the stationary and soon-to-collapse gates of hell? What if we didn’t let Halloween convince us for a minute that it’s otherwise?
What if Ephesians 6:12 reminded us that “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic power over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places”? What if we remembered that it’s not our increasingly post-Christian society’s Halloween revelers who are our enemies, but that our real adversary is the one who has blinded them, and that we spite Satan as we rescue unbelievers with the word of the cross?
Resisting the Devil
What posture would Jesus have us take when we are told that our “adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8)? Naïveté? Retreat? Rather: “Resist him, firm in your faith” (verse 9). What if we had the gospel gall to trust Jesus for this promise: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)? And what if resistance meant not only holding our ground, but taking his?
What if we hallowed Jesus at Halloween by pursuing gospel advance and going lovingly on the attack? What if, like Martin Luther, we didn’t cower in fear, but saw October 31 as a chance to serve notice to the threshold of evil? What if we didn’t turn out our lights as if hiding, but went pumpkin-smashing on the very doorstep of the King of Darkness himself?
Orienting on Others
What if we saw October 31 not merely as an occasion for asking self-oriented questions about our participation (whether we should or shouldn’t dress the kids up or carve pumpkins), but for pursuing others-oriented acts of love? What if we capitalized on the opportunity to take a step forward in an ongoing process of witnessing to our neighbors, co-workers, and extended families about who Jesus is and what he accomplished at Calvary for the wicked like us?
What if we resolved not to join the darkness by keeping our porch lights off? What if we didn’t deadbolt our doors, but handed out the best treats in the neighborhood as a faint echo of the kind of grace our Father extends to us sinners?
Giving the Good Candy
What if thinking evangelistically about Halloween didn’t mean just dropping tracts into children’s bags, but the good candy—and seeing the evening as an opportunity to cultivate relationships with the unbelieving as part of an ongoing process in which we plainly identify with Jesus, get to know them well, and personally speak the good news of our Savior into their lives?
And what if we made sure to keep reminding ourselves that our supreme treasure isn’t our subjective zeal for the mission, but our Jesus and his objective accomplishment for us?
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
– Jesus in Matthew 9:37–38

Credinta in horoscop este demonica

Horoscopul săptămînii! În orice ziar cotidian, revistă sau prospect pe care măcelarul ţi le pune amabil în sacoşă împreună cu cîrnatul şi şunca, peste tot te loveşti de acelaşi lucru: de horoscop. De fapt ce este un „horoscop” şi de ce în zilele noastre se întrebuinţează atît de multă cerneală pentru aşa ceva?

Cuvîntul „horoscop” provine parţial din latină, parţial din greacă şi înseamnă „perspectiva orei” sau „vederea orei”. Se cerceta cum era poziţia stelelor, una faţă de cealaltă, în momentul naşterii unui om. De aici se credea că se pot primi lămuriri asupra destinului său. Grecii şi romanii au preluat aceste lucruri obscure de la babilonieni, ai căror preoţi păgîni se ocupau în mod deosebit cu prezicerea viitorului, pe baza studiului corpurilor cereşti -un neologism numit „astrologie”, în evul mediu această superstiţie era foarte larg răspîndită, însă, şi aceasta ar trebui să alarmeze cel mai mult, ea a fost în floare nu numai în întunecimea evului mediu, ci astăzi este cu mult mai mult răspîndită. Pare a fi doar o glumă, însă este cruda realitate, în epoca noastră luminată, progresistă, în care dezagregăm atomul şi trimitem în spaţiu nave cosmice, credinţa în horoscop este superstiţia cea mai larg răspîndită.

Cum este posibil acest lucru? Mulţi oameni nu mai cred în Dumnezeu; sau ceea ce este şi mai rău, ei trăiesc aşa ca şi cum n-ar exista Dumnezeu. Ei vor să fie independenţi, să facă sau să lase numai ce le convine lor. De aceea se îndreaptă spre o altă credinţă aproape obligatoriu, şi anume superstiţia. Aceasta este tot o credinţă, chiar dacă ea este îndreptată în sens opus, spre Satana. Cine este superstiţios, cade automat în vraja puterilor întunericului. Iar cine îi întinde Satanei degetul cel mic, aceluia el îi apucă toată mîna. Un astfel de deget mic este horoscopul.

În S.U.A. se cheltuiesc anual aproximativ 800 milioane de mărci pentru astrologie. Acolo există nu mai puţin de 30.000 de astrologi, care prin meseria aceasta îşi fac afacerile lor. În Anglia, potrivit statisticilor, două treimi din adulţi citesc sau răsfoiesc horoscoapele. Dar cum este situaţia în Germania Federală? Un institut de cercetări ale opiniilor a întrebat multe persoane asupra părerilor lor despre astrologie. Rezultatul obţinut: 28 % citesc zilnic horoscopul, 25 % citesc din cînd în cînd, 47 % nu-l citesc. Cu alte cuvinte, mai mult de jumătate din concetăţenii noştri citesc zilnic sau ocazional horoscopul.

Oare este adevărat ce stă scris în horoscop? Dacă horoscoapele din ziarele noastre ar spune adevărul, atunci n-ar exista, conform zodiacului, mai mult de 12 grupuri de oameni dintre care fiecare grupă ar trebui să experimenteze zi de zi aceleaşi lucruri. În afară de aceasta, horoscoapele din diferite ziare şi reviste se contrazic unul pe altul, sau sunt redactate într-un fel lipsit de precizie ca să poată fi interpretate în multe feluri cu multe înţelesuri, ca să se potrivească pentru oricine. De asemenea „regulile de joc” ale astrologiei sunt pe deplin arbitrare şi nu au de-a face cu ştiinţa cîtuşi de puţin. Aşa că nu trebuie să ne mirăm cînd adevăraţii oameni de ştiinţă ai astronomiei sunt adversari hotărîţi ai astrologiei cu totul neştiinţifice, într-o depoziţie a societăţii astronomice se spune: „Ceea ce astăzi se prezintă ca astrologie, cosmobiologie ş.a.m.d., nu este altceva decît un amestec de superstiţie, şarlatanie şi afacerism”.

Obiectiv deci, nu se poate da crezare horoscopului. Pentru aceasta însă să credem că poate fi doar o prostie, o glumă nevătămătoare? Nu, în nici un caz, nu. Cine îşi pune încrederea în horoscop se aşează cu aceasta în conflict direct cu Dumnezeu. El ajunge în sfera de extindere a puterii Satanei. După Biblie, superstiţia nu este numai un semn de prostie, credulitate şi lipsă de cunoştinţă, ci o punere la dispoziţia puterilor împotrivitoare lui Dumnezeu. „Să nu vă duceţi la cei ce cheamă duhurile morţilor, nici la vrăjitori; să nu-i întrebaţi, ca să nu vă spurcaţi cu ei. Eu sunt Domnul, Dumnezeul vostru” (Leviticul 19:31).

Credinţa în horoscop a fost, este şi va fi pînă la sfîrşit o credinţă demonică, drăcească. Urmările acestei credinţe ne înconjoară în tot locul: indiferenţă faţă de Cuvîntul lui Dumnezeu, deprimare, melancolie. Este un drum ce conduce la pierzare, într-o astfel de viaţă se poate zări adesea de aici înspăimîntatorul foc al gheenei. Nu în zadar spune Dumnezeu despre acela care face astfel de lucruri: „Îmi voi întoarce Faţa împotriva omului aceluia…” (Leviticul 20:6). De aceea nu trebuie să credem în horoscop. De aceea nu trebuie nici să-l citim. Ca şi toate lucrurile oculte, magia, ghicitul în cărţi, chiromanţia ş.a.m.d., horoscopul este viclenie perfidă ca o pînză de păianjen. Cine ajunge odată în ochiurile ei, fie chiar şi în glumă, se încurcă tot mai adînc în ele.

Cum poţi ieşi afară din această periculoasă pînză de păianjen? Unde se poate găsi eliberare? Mai întîi trebuie să-ţi dai seama că tu singur nu te poţi elibera. Nici un om nu este suficient de puternic ca să poată birui forţele întunericului din această lume. Singurul care este suficient de puternic, este biruitorul de la Golgota, Isus Cristos. El este Fiul lui Dumnezeu care l-a biruit pe cruce pe Satana. Această biruinţă trebuie s-o iei pentru tine în mod personal, ca un drept al tău. De aceea vino la El cu toate păcatele tale şi constrîngerile ce le ai! Mărturiseşte-I vina ta! El te iartă şi-ţi curăţeşte inima, după care Isus Cristos îţi dă şi putere să începi o viată nouă cu El, spunînd NU păcatului.

Atunci nu mai ai nevoie de horoscop. Talismanul poţi să-l arunci la coşul de gunoi. Coşarul privit în legătură cu norocul tău îţi va deveni indiferent. O pisică neagră ce-ţi va tăia drumul poate să-ţi pară frumoasă sau nu, dar norocul sau nenorocul nu depinde de ea. Vinerea în ziua de 13 a lunii îţi vei vedea de treburile tale tot aşa de voios ca şi în celelalte zile. Cuvintele precum „mult noroc” sau „a ţine pumnul strîns”, ce nu vin de la Dumnezeu, nu-ţi vor mai aluneca pe buze, iar tu nu vei mai trebui să baţi de trei ori în masă pentru a-ţi asigura viitorul. Cînd Isus Cristos este Domnul tău, atunci El îţi hotărăşte viitorul. Iar viitorul, orice om vrea să-l asigure. Noi nu lîncezim ca un mormoloc. Noi suntem înzestraţi cu daruri spirituale, putînd să cugetăm asupra noastră retrospectiv, în momentul de faţă şi să privim în viitor. Totuşi, despre viitor nu ştiu nimic; nici măcar ce-mi va aduce clipa următoare. Nimeni nu poate spune acest lucru, nici mie, nici ţie. Însă, dacă Isus Cristos este Domnul tău, atunci te ştii călăuzit de El în toate situaţiile din viaţă ajungînd în împrejurări gata pregătite. Atunci noi, tu şi eu, putem spune cu o încredere neclintită că nu ni se poate întîmpla nimica decît ceea ce El a ales pentru noi şi ceea ce nouă ne este de folos. Astfel, viitorul nostru nu se află în stele, ci în voia lui Dumnezeu plină de har şi de îndurare.

Friedhelm König





Targu Mures 4, 5 si 6 Noiembrie  2011

Iubiti frati si surori,
Va invitam cu drag la intalnirea de Post si Rugaciune pentru Trezire Spirituala si Transformare, in zilele de 4, 5 si 6 Noiembrie 2011. Intalnirea este organizata de Miscarea de Post si Rugaciune a Strajerilor va avea loc la Hotelul Business, Targu Mures, jud. Mures.
Intalnirea se va desfasura dupa urmatorul program:

Vineri: 10:00 – 21:00
Sambata: 10:00 – 21:00
Duminica: 10:00 – 16:00

Persoana de contact :
Fam Moldovan si Ersilia:
0751 125 916
0749 286 191

Inscrierile se fac pana in data de 1 Noiembrie 2011

Miscarea de Post si Rugaciune a Strajerilor are ca temelie legatura de dragoste a celor care se pregatesc pentru / si pregatesc venirea Domnului Isus. De aceea informarea celor interesati si a celor care credeti ca trebuie sa participe se va face de catre dumneavoastra, care ati primit aceasta invitatie. A lui Dumnezeu Tatal, Fiul si Duhul Sfant sa fie toata slava, cinstea si onoarea acum si in vesnicie!

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In awe of God’s creation – What an Astronaut’s Camera Sees

An intimate tour… in 1080p… of Earth’s most impressive landscapes… as captured by astronauts with their digital cameras. Dr. Justin Wilkinson from NASA’s astronaut team describes the special places that spacemen focus on whenever they get a moment.

We start with the coast of Namibia in southwestern Africa, the very dry desert coast of the Namib Desert. You can see a cloud band butting up against the shore and some straight sand dunes in the lower left of the picture. Yeah those are big red sand dunes that the astronauts say is one of the most beautiful sites that you can get when you’re flying.

Coming into the view on the left is an impact crater right in the middle of the picture, right about now and some wind streaks. We know where this area is because it’s a bit unique. We’ve got a major dune field coming into the picture on the left there: the Oriental Sand Sea, as it’s called in French, and on the top is the Isawan Sand Sea.

This is the island of Sicily with cloud over Mt. Etna, so you can’t quite tell there’s a big volcano in the middle of the picture right now. And there’s the toe of the boot of Italy coming into the picture from the left. See a good example of sun glint on the right with the sea reflecting the sun.

This is the smooth east coast of the Kamchatka peninsula again. As you move inland it gets even more striking as a picture because of all the volcanoes on this peninsula and the snowy mountains. There’s a volcano just coming into the picture from the top left there. You can see a knob-shaped feature.

Here is a smaller finger of land in China sticking into the Pacific Ocean. In winter you can see all the snow lower left. This is called the Qindoa P eninsula and we recognize it. And again, the sun glint point moving along the coast upper center.

In a very clear picture, the Zagros mountains with snow on them in Iran, in the country of Iran.

Here we have the north coast of Australia and the gulf of Carpenteria and some islands. The biggest island at the bottom of the screen there is Groote island, which means the big island in Dutch.

When you see a huge powerful feature like this and the astronauts do shoot them a lot and we have had some detailed views looking right down the eye, looking at the eyewall. In fact I seem to remember views of breaking waves on the sea surface at the bottom of the eye. Amazing detail.

Look at this neat picture of Great Salt Lake in Utah. And the variation in color? That’s due to an almost a complete blockage of the circulation of the lake by a trestle for a railroad that crosses from one side to the other. It stops the circulation and things get a little bit saltier and certainly saltier at the north end of the lake.

Here you see two circles coming in to the top of the view now. These are either volcanoes or effects from inside the earth producing circular features. We think this is the Big Bend area of Texas.

This is an interesting sideways view of the peninsula of Florida, with the Keys stretching out into the lowest part of the picture there. And the shallow seas around the Bahama Islands top right. And Cuba coming into the picture lower right.

And this I believe is the coast of Northern Chile in South America. It’s a very straight coast, except for that strange headland out to the right just disappearing. And so the desert is the first part of the inland zone, and then you see much blacker at the top of the picture the Andes Mountains with some many dozens of volcanoes.

Here is a thunderhead. The typical look of the thunderheads, the big rainstorms, that develop over the Amazon Basin. And another one coming in top right. Here’s an obviously a major river. There’s an even bigger one coming in on the right. That looks to me like it could well be the Amazon River, with one of its big tributaries on the left. And the flow would seem to be from the bottom of the picture to the top. Uploaded by
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What an Astronaut’s Camera Sees, posted with vodpod

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