Why Jesus Christ Died – D. A. Carson, PhD

Village Church of Barrington (April 2015) – Lecture by New Testament scholar D. A. Carson on Luke 22:14-23 47-71; 23:26-34,44-49

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Do Miracles Violate the Laws of Nature?

Do Miracles Violate the Laws of Nature?

 RE: David Hume – Stephen C. Meyer, PhD

Stephen C. Meyer refutes David Hume’s contention that miracles are a violation of the law of nature.

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Can We Take the Resurrection Seriously? John Dickson, PhD


Christian scholar and historian John Dickson explains why the resurrection of Jesus is still taken seriously and hotly debated among historians. Related:

Why Historians Take the Resurrection Seriously (with John Dickson):

Why Trust the Gospels (with John Dickson):

Proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus (with Mike Licona):

Can We Take the Resurrection Seriously?  

John Dickson, PhD

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Ficiton? William Lane Craig, PhD

Resurrection of Jesus Fact or Fiction WLC

Christian scholar, philosopher and historian William Lane Craig speaks on the historical credibility of the resurrection of Jesus.

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Gospel Contradictions on the Resurrection of Jesus? Gary Habermas, PhD

Gary Habermas answers various questions about the historical Jesus of Nazareth. Q&A Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

Watch – Historical Authors on the Resurrection of Jesus ~ Gary Habermas, PhD

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Historical Authors on the Resurrection of Jesus ~ Gary Habermas, PhD

Gary Habermas answers various questions about the historical Jesus of Nazareth. Q&A Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

Watch – Gospel Contradictions on the Resurrection of Jesus? Gary Habermas, PhD

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Communicating Jesus In Pluralistic Culture – Paul Chamberlain, PhD

Christian Life Community Church (2015) – Lecture by Paul Chamberlain

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Does Science Show That Miracles Can’t Happen? – Alvin Plantinga, PhD

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Pluralism: Is Jesus the Only Way to God? | Norman Geisler, PhD

Science and Faith – Jeff Zweerink, PhD


St. James Clerkenwell (August 2014) – Lecture by scientist Jeff Zweerink.


VIDEO by Christianity Reason and Science

Does the Soul Exist? – J. P. Moreland, PhD

Greg Koukl interviews JP Moreland. Does man have a soul? Is he just his brain? Does man have free-will? Moreland gives arguments and evidences for the existence of the soul. Buy Moreland’s book The Soul: How We Know It’s Real and Why It Matters: http://www.amazon.com/The-Soul-Know-R…

VIDEO by Christianity Reason and Science

Evidence for the Existence of the Soul – JP Moreland, PhD

Other books by J. P. Moreland’s on the Body and Soul:

The Soul: How We Know It’s Real and Why It Matters:
Consciousness and the Existence of God: A Theistic Argument:
Body & Soul: Human Nature & the Crisis in Ethics:
Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence for Immortality:
2012 – JP Moreland speaks on the case for the existence of the soul. Is man just matter and motion? Is man just his brain and physical body? Is there a soul? VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science


Atheist Scientist Becomes Christian After Researching Evidence – Hugh Ross, PhD

Photo credit trutb.wordpress.com

Astronomer and physicist Hugh Ross gives his testimony of his scientific journey from atheist to Christianity. This is part of the „Ex-Atheists Who Converted to Christianity” playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… VIDEO by Christianity Reason and Science

Biblical Hermeneutics: Introduction and History – Phil Fernandes, PhD

Photo credit www.alwaysbeready.com

Biblical hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpretation concerning the books of the Bible. It is part of the broader field of hermeneutics which involves the study of principles for the text and includes all forms of communication: verbal and nonverbal.While Jewish and Christian Biblical hermeneutics have some overlap and dialogue, they have distinctly separate interpretative traditions

Christian biblical hermeneutics

Until the Enlightenment, Biblical hermeneutics was usually seen as a form of special hermeneutics (like legal hermeneutics); the status of scripture was thought to necessitate a particular form of understanding and interpretation.

In the nineteenth century it became increasingly common to read Scripture just like any other writing, although the different interpretations were often disputed. Friedrich Schleiermacher argued against a distinction between „general” and „special” hermeneutics, and for a general theory of hermeneutics applicable to all texts, including the Bible. Various methods of higher criticism sought to understand the Bible purely as a human, historical document.

The concept of hermeneutics has acquired at least two different but related meanings which are in use today. Firstly, in the older sense, Biblical hermeneutics may be understood as the theological principles of exegesis which is often virtually synonymous with ‘principles of biblical interpretation’ or methodology ofBiblical exegesis. Secondly, the more recent development is to understand the term ‘Biblical hermeneutics’ as the broader philosophy and linguisticunderpinnings of interpretation. The question is posed: „How is understanding possible?” The rationale of this approach is that, while Scripture is „more than just an ordinary text,” it is in the first analysis „text” which human beings try to understand; in this sense, the principles of understanding any text apply to the Bible as well (regardless of whatever other additional, specifically theological principles are considered).

In this second sense, all aspects of philosophical and linguistic hermeneutics are considered to be applicable to the Biblical texts, as well. There are obvious examples of this in the links between 20th century philosophy and Christian theology. For example, Rudolf Bultmann’s hermeneutical approach was strongly influenced by existentialism, and in particular by the philosophy of Martin Heidegger; and since the 1970s, the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer have had a wide-ranging influence on Biblical hermeneutics as developed by a wide range of Christian theologians. The French-American philosopher René Girard follows a similar trail.

Read more here – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_hermeneutics

VIDEO: March 24, 2014 – Phil Fernandes speaks on the proper usage of biblical hermeneutics.

Biblical Hermeneutics COURSE:

Introduction – Part 1

March 31, 2014 – Phil Fernandes speaks on the proper usage of biblical hermeneutics. VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Biblical Hermeneutics COURSE:

History – Part 2

Skepticism and Epistemology – J. P. Moreland, PhD

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Photo credit amazon.com

„What is epistemology?”

Answer:Epistemology deals with the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge. It addresses the questions, „What is knowledge?” „How is knowledge acquired?” „What do people know?” „How do we know what we know?” „Why do we know what we know?”

Epistemology is typically divided into two categories. The first, propositional knowledge, can be thought of „knowledge that” as opposed to „knowledge how.” In mathematics, for instance, it is knowledge that 1 + 1 = 2, but there is also knowledge ofhowto perform mathematics. The second is personal knowledge. Personal knowledge is gained experientially. For example, the theoretical knowledge of the physics involved in maintaining a state of balance when riding a bicycle cannot be substituted for the practical (personal) knowledge gained when practicing cycling.

Epistemology also deals with statements of belief. Knowledge entails belief, and so one’s statement of belief cannot conflict with one’s knowledge. Conversely, knowledge about a belief does not necessarily entail an endorsement of its truth. For example, „I know about the religion of Islam, but I do not believe in it,” is a coherent statement.

Belief is regarded as subjective, while truth is regarded as an objective reality, independent of the individual’s beliefs or experience. While one might well „believe” that atheism is true, such an inclination has no bearing upon whether atheism is really true. The truth stands as independent and transcendent of one’s beliefs and opinions concerning reality.

What is the foundation for epistemology? Science and deductive reason, by which means one may acquire knowledge, presupposes that the universe be logical and orderly and that it obeys mathematical laws consistent over time and space. Even though conditions in different regions of space can be radically diverse, there nonetheless exists an underlying uniformity.

Photo credit www.amazon.com

The Christian—who believes in a transcendent causal reality—expects there to be order in the universe. Since the Bible teaches that God upholds all things by His power (Hebrews 1:3), the Christian expects the universe to behave in an orderly and rational fashion. Since God is omnipresent and consistent within Himself, the Christian expects that all regions of the universe will obey the same laws, even though the physical conditions of different regions of the universe may be different.

God transcends time (2 Peter 3:8). Thus, even though conditions in the past may have been different from those now, the laws of nature are not subject to arbitrary change. The Christian has a foundation upon which to base his assumption that the universe is upheld in a consistent manner, and therefore has a basis upon which to gain knowledge.

Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/epistemology.html#ixzz2yKn7IqdC

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

About the book, from Amazon.com-(Click on book photo for more…)

IVP: At well over six hundred pages, this is a monumental book. What led you to take on such a task?

J. P. Moreland: There are two reasons. First, the ascendancy of Christian philosophy in the last fifteen years is nothing short of miraculous. As Mark Noll notes, Christians in other academic disciplines would do well to note how philosophers have made strides to recapture their field for Christ. Bill and I wanted to make the fruits of this resurgence available to others. Second, philosophy is so crucial to developing and defending a Christian worldview that we believed it was essential to make available to the evangelical community solid Christian philosophy in a wide variety of philosophical disciplines. IVP: What do you see as the role of philosophy in shaping a Christian worldview?

Moreland: Combined with biblical exegesis and biblical theology, philosophy is the most important field–historically and conceptually–for developing a Christian worldview. As we make clear in the text, systematic theology itself, as well as attempts to integrate one’s field with biblical teaching, essentially depends on philosophy being done with excellence. Our book seeks to remain faithful to central figures in the history of philosophy, especially those consistent with the faith, while at the same time drawing insights from the explosion of Christian philosophy in the last fifteen years to make a genuine synthesis available to a broad readership.

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