Some misused verses of the Bible

Brian Orme gives 5 verses that he thinks are misused over at Brian is the Editor of Outreach Magazine, and He makes a great assessment in picking verses that we tend to use in support of our earthly endeavors and to protect our personal security and comforts, when in fact, looking carefully at these verses, that is not exactly their context. Here’s a couple of them. Click here to read the rest- Top 5 Most Misused Verses in the Bible (Photos via and

  • Orme’s second example is Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 
    This verse is often quoted during a trial to encourage or inspire — pointing us to the promise that God has specific plans to help us prosper so don’t worry!However, in context, this verse is dealing with a particular promise given to Israel from God; the promise points to the end of their Babylonian exile in specific terms — 70 years (verse 10). So, the word prosper doesn’t refer to money or material blessings, but physical and spiritual salvation.But, someone might say, God still wants us to prosper, right? Well, in terms of salvation, yes. In fact, this passage is a great reminder of the fulfilled prophecy and the perfect Word of God. This is an amazing story that points us to a greater release and redemption for all of God’s people.So, taking away our specific, individually focused application doesn’t subtract the awesomeness from this passage. In fact, it enhances it and reminds us of the collective salvation of God’s people in history and in the future, still to come. Photo artwork to the right by
  •  Romans 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.This passage is often used to encourage another believer who’s going through a tough time — reminding them that it will eventually work out for something good in their life. In other words, don’t worry about getting fired — God has something better in store for you … all things work out for good, remember?There are two major issues in this passage to deal with to keep it in context.First, the passage deals with those who love him. That’s an important distinction. It’s not for everyone, but specifically for believers.Second, the “good” that’s described in context is our ultimate conformity to Christ, not our comfort. So, the good here leads us to sanctification and our ultimate glorification and not the turnaround of our circumstances from bad to good. Things might get better after the job loss, they might not. Ultimately, we have redemption to hope for — and that’s the ultimate good.

Randy Alcorn – Difficult Truths: Sovereignty, Suffering, and the Promise of Heaven

From Randy Alcorns website Eternal Perspective Ministries

Randy Alcorn is an author and the founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM), a nonprofit ministry dedicated to teaching principles of God’s Word and assisting the church in ministering to the unreached, unfed, unborn, uneducated, unreconciled, and unsupported people around the world. His ministry focus is communicating the strategic importance of using our earthly time, money, possessions and opportunities to invest in need-meeting ministries that count for eternity. He accomplishes this by analyzing, teaching, and applying the biblical truth.

Before starting EPM in 1990, Randy served as a pastor for fourteen years. He holds degrees in theology and biblical studies and has taught on the adjunct faculties of Multnomah University and Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.

Randy has written more than forty books, including the bestsellers Heaven, The Treasure Principle, and the Gold Medallion winner Safely Home. His books in print exceed five million and have been translated into over thirty languages. Randy has written for many magazines including EPM’s quarterly issues-oriented magazine Eternal Perspectives. He is active daily on Facebook and Twitter, has been a guest on more than 700 radio, television and online programs including Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Today, Revive Our Hearts, The Bible Answer Man, and The Resurgence.

From the video below:

Do not throw Romans 8:28 at people after a tragedy. Grieve with them. Don’t try to minimize their suffering by quoting this verse right away.
Look at Jesus. Jesus wept even though He knew He would be raising Lazarus from the dead.. He wept for Mary and Martha. He wept for the ugliness of death, and, knowing that even though raised from the dead, Lazarus would have to die again.
And, so Scripture as it looks forward to the resurrection does not minimize pain and suffering. Never the less Romans 8:28 says, „And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Read entire chapter 8 in Romans here.
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