July 26th – Bring JUSTIN, Eugene Lukjanenko’s son, home – PROTEST in CHATHAM, WAYFIELD – Great Britain


 Eugene Lukjanenko

Eugene Lukjanenko

 PROTEST in CHATHAM, WAYFIELD – Great Britain 26 July 12:30 – 17:00

Eugene’s son is a 13 year-old Dutch citizen. He was forcefully removed from the care of his loving father on the orders of the UK’s Medway Council Children Services on 9 April 2015 all because of false allegations which were later thrown out by a criminal court.

This family is known as they featured in the RT documentary „Forced Adoption UK”. Eugene Soifertis is a well-known international concert pianist.

Despite warnings from the child’s GP about the detrimental impact that removing this child from his father’s care would have on the child, Eugene’s son is still being held in foster care against his wishes and in violation of his human rights as a child to live with his father. The child has been told that he cannot go home again until he is 18 and that he can only see his father for 6 hours a year.

This boy is not permitted to either phone his father or to communicate with him by letter and is under 24 hours supervision to prevent his reunion with his father.

In court, Circuit Judge Veronica Hammerton supported the view of Medway Council’s Children Services and of a court appointed psychologist, Melanie Gill, that Eugene is an inadequate father because his own father is a Holocaust survivor and was in a ghetto during the Second World War; and also because Eugene had experienced anti-Semitism as a child when he lived in the former Soviet Union.

Eugene and his son are being punished for contacting the media about their predicament, for taking part in the RT documentary „Forced Adoption UK” and for submitting a petition to the Petition Committee of the European Parliament regarding discrimination on the grounds of religion, race and language by Medway Council’s Children Services. The judge imposed an injunction on Eugene so that he is now prevented from discussing his case in public under threat of 2 years in prison and confiscation of his assets.

His son is not even allowed to read UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

The Court will not allow Eugene to name the Medway Council Children Services employees who terrorize his son. Father and son hardly see each other, they are not allowed to contact each other by phone or letter, they are not allowed to discuss the court case, or to name any Medway Council Children Services employees who are ruining their lives. The child is not allowed to see a solicitor of his choice. The father and son are not allowed even to attend synagogue together. The Child is losing his ability to speak Russian and is losing his cultural heritage!


The child is suffering from depression. His mental health is deteriorating.

Please sign this petition and help Eugene and his son to be re united by appealing to Theresa May, to  Medway Council, to the Conservative Leader of Medway Council, to the Chief executive of Medway Council (Neil Davies), to the Child Portfolio Holder (Mike O’Brian) and to the Director of Adult and Children Services (Barbara Peacock) to ask them to stop cruelty, to revise their care plans for the child, so that the father and son are re-united in their own home with the support of Medway Council Children’s Services, if necessary.

We request this in accordance with the Children’s Act 1989, the European Convention of Human Rights Articles 3, 6, 8 and the UN Convention on the Right of the Child.

We request this on humanitarian grounds!

Please save a child who is suffering through being forced to live in foster care!
Watch and share Eugene’s Video!

Why was Eugene’s 1 3 year old son taken from him? Eugene says:


You can sign a petition here, on behalf of Eugene – at change.org


Eugene on hunger strike in Strasbourg two weeks ago

You can also write a letter to  Eugene’s country of origin (a sample letter is provided below the addresses:

(Dutch MEP) Mrs. Sargentini: judith.sargentini@europarl.europa.eu

Send a nice postcard of the big ben to:
De MInister-President
Dhr. Mark RUTTE
PB 20001
NL 2500 EA Den Haag

why not the minister of foreign affairs:
Ministerie Buitenlandse Zaken
NL 2500 EB Den Haag PHONE 0031 70 348 6486

Bring Eugene’s son back home!

Eugene’s son is a 13 year-old Dutch citizen. He was forcefully removed from the care of his loving father on the orders of the UK’s Medway Council Children Services on 9 April 2015 all because of false allegations which were later thrown out by a criminal court.

This family is known as they featured in the RT documentary „Forced Adoption UK”. Eugene Soifertis is a well-known international concert pianist.

Despite warnings from the child’s GP about the detrimental impact that removing this child from his father’s care would have on the child, Eugene’s son is still being held in foster care against his wishes and in violation of his human rights as a child to live with his father. The child has been told that he cannot go home again until he is 18 and that he can only see his father for 6 hours a year.

This boy is not permitted to either phone his father or to communicate with him by letter and is under 24 hours supervision to prevent his reunion with his father.

In court, Circuit Judge Veronica Hammerton supported the view of Medway Council’s Children Services and of a court appointed psychologist, Melanie Gill, that Eugene is an inadequate father because his own father is a Holocaust survivor and was in a ghetto during the Second World War; and also because Eugene had experienced anti-Semitism as a child when he lived in the former Soviet Union.

Eugene and his son are being punished for contacting the media about their predicament, for taking part in the RT documentary „Forced Adoption UK” and for submitting a petition to the Petition Committee of the European Parliament regarding discrimination on the grounds of religion, race and language by Medway Council’s Children Services. The judge imposed an injunction on Eugene so that he is now prevented from discussing his case in public under threat of 2 years in prison and confiscation of his assets.

His son is not even allowed to read UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

The Court will not allow Eugene to name the Medway Council Children Services employees who terrorize his son. Father and son hardly see each other, they are not allowed to contact each other by phone or letter, they are not allowed to discuss the court case, or to name any Medway Council Children Services employees who are ruining their lives. The child is not allowed to see a solicitor of his choice. The father and son are not allowed even to attend synagogue together. The Child is losing his ability to speak Russian and is losing his cultural heritage!


The child is suffering from depression. His mental health is deteriorating.

We request to take urgent steps towards reuniting of Eugene and his son! We demand to stop this groundless cruelty against the child without delay, to revise the care plans for the child, so that the father and son are reunited in their own home with the support of Medway Council Children’s Services, if necessary!

We request this in accordance with the Children’s Act 1989, the European Convention of Human Rights Articles 3, 6, 8 and the UN Convention on the Right of the Child.

We request this on humanitarian grounds!

Please save a child who is suffering through being forced to live in foster care!

[Your Name]

10 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: Justin’s poetry | agnus dei - english + romanian blog
  2. Chris
    iul. 16, 2016 @ 10:18:36

    Nicely done, rodi. This is the best general report on Eugene’s situation that I have read. I’m going to link to this from my blog. 🙂

    • rodi
      iul. 16, 2016 @ 10:45:30

      Chris, please copy all of it, and if Eugene gives me more info, which I have solicited from him, such as maybe email adresses of the english officials, then I will send them on to you , to be added in article. Thanks!

      • Chris
        iul. 16, 2016 @ 11:07:06

        Great! Thank you, rodi.

        I’m thankful that you are covering Eugene’s situation. It is a David and Goliath story surely.

        Also, I would welcome email addresses in any form. They could be attached to this post or sent via email or sent in any manner you think is easiest.

        May God bless you as you continue to help the world understand the plight of people like Eugene who have been unjustly treated.

        • rodi
          iul. 16, 2016 @ 11:25:50

          mat God bless us all and work through us, may we be His ahnds and His feet and at times the voice for the voiceless…and may He show His glory through it all, ALWAYS!

  3. le
    iul. 16, 2016 @ 11:41:02

    Mi se pare chiar urat, sa venim noi romani, la alti romani sa citim; si sa vedem ca exista textul numai in engleza; asa facea Domnul Isus?
    Dati mai bine linkurile sa le citim direct; si nu ne mai duceam de la Ana la Caiafa.
    Cum sa l ajutam?

    • rodi
      iul. 16, 2016 @ 23:43:59

      de data asta ajutorul e bine venit de la cei care vorbesc limba engleza si de la cei care pot merge la protest. Daca ne va da si adrese de email atunci vom pune instructiuni si in limba romana, ca ce vedeti aici este un exemplu de scrisoare care sa trimita oficialitatilor din Olanda si asteptam sa primim si alte adrese de email la care pot participa mai multi, chiar oricine doreste… prin copy/paste si trimitere. Cand le primim, le vom furniza.

  4. le
    iul. 16, 2016 @ 11:47:04

    Oare de ce nu mai vorbim nimic de acei copii care sufera cumplit, la fel ca si Naomi, Ezechiel Ioan, Matei, si Eliana?
    Nu ne mai doare pe nici care .
    pantru ca ai nsostri slava Domnului cred ca au scapat „definitiv” !
    Am PROMIS c, de fapt in numele nostru cred si al dvstra ati promis;
    ca deocamdata iesim numai penru o familie si va urma, pentruu ceilalti,
    ca nu vom mai sta inchisi in biserici.
    Ne am inchis la locsorul nostru caldut?
    Nu ne pasa ca sunt atatea familii expuse durerii, nu trebuie s aiesim afara sa ne aparam familia , credinta in valorile crestine, credinta in Dumnezeu?
    Ce se intampla daca NU nE tinem promisiunilie? Stim? sau nu?
    Va rog sa publicati comentariulla dvstra, ca sa nu l mai pun si pe FB;
    ca nu o fac cu palcere, si va rog frumos sa si raspundeti.
    Asa mi se pare corect.
    Multi se itreaba daca chiar ne/a pasat de restul, si au dreptate sa creada .
    Ce crestini suntem noi si UNDE se mai vad faptele noastre bune, roada Duhuli Sfant?
    Stam si scriem despre alte lucruri….cata linsite paote avea cineva care promite dar nu se tine de cuvant?
    Este momentul sa ne impunem principiile crestine; aratand lumii si celor grabiti sa incalce legea familiei lasate de Dumnezeu.

  5. Valeria Iancu
    iul. 16, 2016 @ 13:18:49

    Reblogged this on Dumnezeu e în control.

  6. Trackback: July 27th – Bring JUSTIN, Eugene Lukjanenko’s son, home – PROTEST in GILLINGHAM KENT, Great Britain | Pastor Ciprian Barsan
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