25 year old christian man decapitated in broad day light in Somalia for his faith – Crestin decapitat in strada in Somalia

Vocea martirilor raporteaza: despre un tanar de 25 de ani l-a primit pe Hristos in 2010. Farhan Haji Mose avea un business in Somalia si mergea des in Kenya. Intr-una din vizitele lui in Kenya, Mose a intalnit niste crestini care i-au predicat evanghelia si El a crezut in Isus Hristos. Intors in Somalia, Mose a fost urmarit timp de 6 luni de zile si s-a confirmat ca el s-a convertit de la Islam la crestinism. Vineri, in orasul Barawa l-au prins si l-au tras pe Mose  in piata unde l-au acuzat de spionaj si de convertire de la Islam la crestinism si a fost decapitat pe loc, dupa care i-au desecrat corpul. Violenta este intentionata sa sperie misionarii crestini si sa-i opreasca de a mai propovadui evanghelia lui Isus Hristos cetatenilor din Somalia. Acesti teroristi care sunt extremisti Islamici au o lista de oameni care sunt raportati cu suspiciune ca ei s-ar fi convertit de la Islam la Hristos. Rugati-va pentru Somalia si pentru credinciosii de acolo care sunt intr-un astfel de pericol si care se poate ca vor avea aceiasi soarta ca si Farhan Haji Mose.

ENGLISH version

from Mission News Network and Voice of the Martyrs.

Somalia (MNN) ― As if in answer to the capture of 300 Al-Shabaab members last month in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, the attacks on civilians have gotten more extreme and more public.

The latest attack came last Friday when Islamic extremists brutally murdered a Christian in the city of Barawa, in broad daylight. Voice of the Martyrs USA spokesman Todd Nettleton explains, „In this case, it is a 25-year-old man named Farhan Haji Mose. He apparently became a Christian in 2010, out of a Muslim background.”

Nettleton goes on to say that Mose „had a business in Somalia which required him to travel to Kenya. It’s thought that he met Christians while he was in Kenya, received the Gospel, and received Christ.” Muslim extremists then tracked Mose for six months, to confirm his Christian activity before catching him and accusing him of being a spy and leaving Islam, Christian and Muslim witnesses said.

Al Shabaab members caught up with Mose in the coastal city of Barawa in Somalia. He was accused, and convicted by the impromptu „court,” while a crowd assembled to witness the sentence that comes with an apostasy conviction. Nettleton clarifies that „in the minds of a radical Islamic militant, these people are apostates. They’ve left to follow another religion. The just punishment is execution.”

Mose was summarily beheaded, and then his body was desecrated as a warning for others. „Their goal is to rid Somalia of Christianity,” notes Nettleton. The number of Christians who have been tracked down and murdered has been growing over the last couple of years. What’s more, he adds, is ominous news that the religicide isn’t held to Somalia’s borders. „We’ve heard reports that Al Shabaab literally has a list of people they are looking for who are suspected of having left Islam and being Christians.”

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