Atac brutal cu acid in faţă: Preţul convertirii de la Islam – Marturia lui Umar Mulinde, Pastor in Uganda

Traducere: Blogul Agnus Dei de la Charisma News

Umar Mulinde, nascut la un tata musulman cu zece neveste, a fost copilul nr. 52. Niciodata nu s-a gandit ca va parasi Islamul, pana a avut o intalnire speciala in anul 1992. A intalnit un barbat care il predica pe Hristos din Koran si din Biblie. Predicile despre Isus l-au atins profund pe Umar. Dar parasirea Islamului a fost una dificila. A inteles adevarul, dar i-a fost frica de persecutiile care l-ar fi asteptat, pentru ca legea Islamului este ca persoana care paraseste Islamul trebuie sa fie omorata. Intr-un vis de noapte s-a vazut legat de maini si de picioare intr-un foc mare si s-a vazut plangand cu prietenii lui musulmani care erau in acel foc cu el. In timp ce el plangea, cineva statea la dreapta lui si ii spunea: Islamul te duce in acea tortura. Pocaieste-te si trebuie sa te nasti din nou ca sa traiesti. Visul s-a repetat de mai multe ori si l-a terorizat pe Umar.

Intr-o noapte, Mulinde si-a adus aminte de acel predicator care a spus: Daca te vei ruga in numele lui Isus, ceva se va intampla. In acea noapte s-a rugat: Doamne Dumnezeule, daca tu esti Domnul care vrei ca eu sa fiu nascut din nou, nu mai lasa acest vis groaznic (in mijlocul unui foc mare)  sa se reintoarca. In noaptea acea nu a mai visat focul ca din iad. Dimineata aceea era Pastele si Umar a mers la biserica pentru prima data. Zice Umar, „In acea zi am fost nascut din nou. Dar imediat ce am iesit din biserica, persecutia a inceput.”

Umar a fost persecutat de musulmani si chiar de familia lui, dar in ciuda lor, el a fost ucenicizat si a devenit un evanghelist plin de putere. Dumnezeu l-a folosit in toata tara, in Uganda. A deschis o biserica care a crescut la 1000 de membri, si 30% din ei au fost fosti musulmani. A mers la o Scoala Biblica si a continuat sa predice evanghelia cu putere chiar si in afara Ugandei.

In 24 Decembrie, ajunul Craciunului in anul 2011, Pastorul Umar Mulinde (38 de ani)  a fost atacat de 2 musulmani care au aruncat galeti de acid pe el. Acidul i-a ars fata, un ochi si o ureche. El poarta acum o masca speciala care ajuta in procesul de vindecare.

Mulinde povesteste: Convertirea mea de la Islam, dragostea pentru natiunea Israel si promovarea acesteia in comunitatea mea i-a facut pe musulmani sa ma vaneze si sa-si doreasca sa ma ucida.” Mulinde a fost musulman si nu putea suporta Israelul. El stia ca daca paraseste Islamul va fi ucis. Dar a avut un vis care i-a schimbat viata. Mulinde, „A fost un vis de noapte. Eram in mijlocul unui foc si plangeam. Dar am vazut multi oameni care erau impreuna cu mine in foc; erau musulmani cu care mergeam la moschee. Dar in timp ce plangeam, cineva stralucitor a venit la dreapta mea si mi-a spus ca Islamul imi provoaca aceasta tortura. ‘Pocaieste-te; naste-te din nou si vei supravietui,’  mi-a spus.”

In loc sa creada in Isus, Mulinde a rostit rugaciuni musulmane pentru alungarea cosmarurilor. Dar nu au avut efect. „Cand am adormit din nou, din nou acelasi lucru. A doua zi m-am dus la biserica si mi-am predat viata lui Isus. Mulinde a devenit un evanghelist care castiga alti musulmani pentru Domnul. Ulterior a infiintat biserica Gospel Life din Kampala, Uganda. 30% dintre cei 1000 de membrii sunt fosti musulmani. „Fostii prieteni m-au urat. In 24 Decembrie  2011, cand ieseam din biserica, cineva a pretins ca e credincios si m-a intrebat, ‘Pastore, ma poti ajuta?’ I-a trebuit atentia mea totala in fata mea pentru ca avea o galeata cu acid in mana dreapta. Cand sa ma intorc, Duhul lui Dumnezeu mi-a spus ca este o persoana rea, asa ca m-am intors ca sa intru in masina si sa plec rapid. Cand m-am apropiat de masina, el a turnat acidul din galeata pe capul meu. Am simtit ca sunt aruncat in iad. Am simtit cum ma arde din cap pana in picioare, parca cineva ma gatea. Iar ei au strigat ‘Allah Akhbar’ de trei ori. Mi-am dat seama ca sunt prins intr-o ambuscada a teroristilor islamici.

Pastorul Ugandan la spitalul Sheba din Israel, unde au urmat 5 operatii majore la cap, cu chirurgul sau, Dr. Josef Haik. Photo credit

Mulinde a fost mutat de la un spital la altul. Intai a fost spitalizat in Uganda, apoi in India, iar in final, in Israel. Doctorul  Josef Haik,”Fata, ochiul si ureche au suferit niste arsuri foarte grave. Pentru ca arsurile aveau 2 saptamani vechime a trebuit sa asteptam ca sa vedem daca procesul de curatire a fost suficient. Apoi, in a doua etapa am comandat piele artificiala. I-am reconstruit fata si din pielea lui. Transplantul a reusit in proportie de 100% , dar din pacate este nevoie de interventii ulterioare.”

Mulinde a spus ca este nevoie ca oamenii sa inteleaga ca este nevoie de puterea lui Dumnezeu pentru a vesti Evanghelia. Si aceasta vine cu pretul persecutiei. Zice Mulinde, „Nu sunt suparat pe Dumnezeu. Am fost incurajat sa-l slujesc pe Dumnezeu mai mult si sa dau pe fata minciunile Islamului. Oamenii spun ca Islamul este o religie a pacii. Dar, daca afirmam aceasta, uitati-va la mine. Eu sunt o dovada vie a ce inseamna Islamul.”

Ei spun ca Islamul are elemente bune si pasnice. „Dar nu sunt puse in aplicare, pentru ca aceste persoane radicale citesc ce vor din Koran. Cand unui musulman nu-i convine ceva, undeva, oamenii stiu ca ei vor iesi in strada. Daca nu ucide ambasadori, vor arde case sau orice altceva.” Mulinde spune ca Islamul doreste sa guverneze lumea si ca teroristii se inspira din versete din Koran. „Un verset spune: Ucide-ti, luptati si ucideti pe toti cei care nu sunt musulmani. Ucide-ti pana nu va ramane decat religia lui Allah.

Cum ne putem apara? Mulinde, „Islamul cucereste occidentul pentru ca lumea occidentala s-a compromis si vorbeste frumos despre situatia actuala. Ei cred ca tacand, vor rezolva situatia. Dar trebuie sa stim ca tacerea nu iti va alunga dusmanul care te urmareste, ca sa te ucida.

Cum sa-mi iubesc dusmanul? „In acest caz (cazul cu acidul aruncat pe fata pastorului Melinde), ati iubi dusmanul, sa iubesti pe musulmani este sa le predici evanghelia lui Hristos. Noi le ducem evanghelia cu orice pret si asa le aratam dragostea.”

VIDEO by maozisrael

Muslims attack Pastor with Acid:
The Umar Mulinde Story

UPDATE: Pastorului Mulinde i-au trebuit aproape 10 luni de zile ca sa poata iarasi sa manance in mod normal. Chirurgul i-a facut 5 operatii grave la cap. El multumeste lui Dumnezeu pentru tot ajutorul care l-a primit sa treaca prin aceasta incercare.

Egypt: Christians Still Threatened by Islamic Insurgency

An Islamic-led insurgency threatens one of the world’s oldest Christian communities. Even though it’s been several months after Egypt’s president has been ousted out of office, militant Muslims are still blaming neighbouring Christians for the uprising. Now believers are facing almost daily attacks against them, like the one that claimed the life of a 10-year-old girl by the name of Jessi. Length 5:45 From Christian World News.


Christian man in central Asia prays for the men stoning him

Photo credit

This report is from Global Advance via Mission News Network

In a country that stresses religious freedom, it is often difficult for Americans to understand what it means to live and die for faith. Global Advance reports about pastor Ibrahím, a man who knows first-hand the dangers of pursuing God.

Ibrahím lives in a community of radical Muslims. His country, unnamed for security reasons, is one of the „Stan-Nations,” all of which are Islamic countries in which the persecution of Christians is not uncommon. The region, in general, is charged with violence.

When Ibrahím converted to Christianity, his Muslim friends decided that it was necessary to kill him. It was their „sacred duty” to stop the spread of Christianity, and this was the way to do it.

His friends informed him that he could say goodbye to his wife before they stoned him. Ibrahím chose to keep the situation from his wife, and told her he would be right back. He did not want to risk her life or alarm her.

The friends took the new Christian to the local dump. There they began beating him. One man picked up a large rock to complete the act of murder by hitting Ibrahím in the head. At this, Ibrahím launched aloud into prayer for his abusers and their children. His prayer was not in vain.

The man holding the rock dropped it and yelled, „I cannot kill the man that is proclaiming blessing over my children!” God was watching over His faithful child.

Many Christians around the world experience similar situations every day. Unfortunately, their stories don’t always end the way Ibrahím’s did.According to one of Global Advance’s sources, February 2012 saw a 309% growth in Christian-targeted terrorist attacks in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

Pray for continued strength for Christians who are persecuted, and for the increase of their faith. Pray for the success of the gospel in these countries so resistant to it.

Source: Central Asia (MNN)article/19072

When Muslims meet Jesus

English: The Muslim population of the world ma...

English: The Muslim population of the world map by percentage of each country, according to the Pew Forum 2009 report on world Muslim populations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Click to see photo in – Full resolution

John Ankerberg interviews three tops experts to discover what happens „When Muslims Meet Jesus.” In this series you will hear about Kamal Saleem’s miraculous conversion from radical Islam to Christianity. Bestselling author Tom Doyle shares the many documented accounts of Muslims who have come to faith in Jesus through dreams and visions. Retired three-star General William Boykin also explains the dangers of radical Islam in the U.S. and why Islam’s teachings are incompatible with biblical Christianity. VIDEO by John Ankerberg This is just the 7 min. promo of the DVD which can be obtained here for interested readers – website

Islamists tell Egyptian Christians ‘Convert, go broke, or die’

Photo credit

South of Cairo, Fear and Tension After Violence Toward Christians: Two months after the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi, the Egyptian government is struggling to contain his supporters in some parts of the country.

Also read this story in the New York times Sept. 16,2013 –  In Islamist Bastions of Egypt, the Army Treads Carefully, and Christians Do, Too

Egypt (MNN) ― Egypt is still upside-down and sideways.

Nearly a month after a state of emergency was declared, the interim government extended the order by two months.

This action gives security forces greater powers of arrest. In mid-August, authorities and protestors clashed violently over the ouster of President, Mohamed Morsi. That led to a backlash of violence that claimed nearly 1,000 lives in the days that followed, with Christians targeted as the scapegoat. Open Doors CEO David Curry says, „Some of these extremist groups think that Christianity itself, the very existence of it, is problematic, so they’re trying to snuff it out. So there’s a confluence of events which is making it very, very dangerous to be a follower of Jesus in Egypt.”

Ever since, a night-time curfew has also been in effect in much of the country. With that in place, how did Islamists managed the takeover of a Christian village in the south? Police can’t be everywhere and can’t protect everyone, Curry says. The lack of protection is especially dangerous for the residents in Dalga, which was taken over by hardliners a couple of weeks ago. „There are about 20,000 believers that have an enclave there (in Dalga), and they gather together and they go to church. They want to worship in freedom.”

What’s more, since the siege began, word has leaked out that the Muslim Brotherhood has demanded that the Christians recant, pay a „jizya,” or suffer the consequences. Curry explains, „They’re literally being taxed until and unless they convert to Islam. So there’s a tax levied. If you don’t pay the tax, you’re going to be attacked, you’re going to be punished, and your property is going to be attacked.”

The „jizya” is a kind of tax that Islamic law requires religious minorities to pay Muslims. The amounts demanded are ruinous. „We’re talking about real money in terms of the Egyptian lifestyle. It may be that a person is made to choose between holding on to their faith and being martyred for their faith.”

Already, Muslims in southern Egypt have killed two Christian men for failing to pay it. The Voice of the Martyrs reports that a Muslim man demanded a Christian in a village in Assiut pay him nearly $1,500. They’ve also forced at least 140 Coptic Christians to pay 200 Egyptian pounds daily (US $30). When you consider that roughly 40% of Egyptians live on less than $2 USD a day, there aren’t many who can remain in their hometown safely. Forty Coptic Christian families have left as a result of the tax.

Still, Curry says there have been reports of people coming to Christ. He explains, „The Christian faith is vibrant, and it’s going to find its fruition because people are seeking answers, and they’re not looking for political answers.” Additionally, the followers of Christ have something that piques curiosity in times like these. „When people are introduced to Jesus, there’s peace. There’s life there. That’s what we want for them. Certainly, there are still great things happening even in the midst of this difficulty and in this persecution.”

Darrell Bock – How to Build Relationships with Muslims and Life as a Woman in the Context of Islam

Middle-East-mapVIDEOS by dallasseminary

Dr. Darrell Bock and „Miriam” discuss life in the context of Islam, focusing on her spiritual journey from Islam to Christianity. Miriam’s voice is digitally rearranged in order to protect her identity.

Growing up in the Middle East

01:56 Miriam shares what it was like growing up in the Middle East
07:55 How Muslims view the days of the week
12:55 American stereotypes of Muslims
14:28 The kinds of Muslims around the world
16:30 Life in the United States vs. life in the Middle East
19:16 Contrasting religious Muslims and secular Muslims

How to Build Relationships with Muslims

00:12 Identity and religion in the Middle East
02:30 Different branches of Islam
04:32 Honesty and terrorism in Islam
11:05 Miriam’s spiritual journey from Islam to Christianity
16:39 Miriam’s ministry to Muslims in the United States
17:18 Advice on interacting with Muslim people

Life as a Woman in the Context of Islam


Russia: Sharing the Gospel in the Dangerous Islamic South

Islam in Russia – Islam is the second most widely professed religion in the Russian Federation. Islam is considered as one of Russia’s traditional religions, legally a part of Russian historical heritage. According to a poll by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 6% of respondents considered themselves Muslims. According to Reuters, Muslim minorities make up a seventh (14%) of Russia’s population. Muslims constitute the nationalities in the North Caucasus residing between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea: Adyghe,Balkars, Chechens, Ingush, Kabardin, Karachay, and numerous Dagestani peoples. Also, in the middle of the Volga Basin reside populations of Tatars and Bashkirs, the vast majority of whom are Muslims. There are over 5,000 registered religious Muslim organizations (divided into Sunni, Shia and Sufi groups), which is over one sixth of the number of registered Russian Orthodox religious organizations of about 29,268 (As of December 2006) (Wikipedia)

Chechnya, Dagestan, and North Caucasus are places most people have probably never heard of before April’s Boston Marathon bombings. The two brothers suspected of carrying out the attacks lived in this violent area of Russia before moving to the United States. It’s in these dangerous places where a handful of Christians are sharing the Gospel at great risk to themselves and their families and bringing the hope of Christ to these violent regions.

From Christian World News VIDEO by VOM C

Living and ministering in the Middle East – Conversion and Persecution and Westerner’s most common misconceptions about Islam

Photo via

From DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY – In the first video, Dr. Darrell Bock interviews Rev. Fikret Bocek and „Anna” about their experiences living and ministering in the Middle East, including their experiences with coming to Christ out of a Muslim context, religious persecution and cultural engagement.

All 3 VIDEOS by dallasseminary

Conversion and Persecution in a Muslim Setting

In this second video: Dr. Darrell Bock interviews Rev. Fikret Bocek and „Anna” about their experiences living and ministering in the Middle East, focusing on religious persecution, their personal conversions from Islam to Christianity, and features of Islamic faith to understand.…

01:36 Rev. Bocek explains his ministry and how he came to Christ

11:28 Anna explains how she came to Christ in a mixed family…

18:10 Comparing the Gnostic and Muslim views of Jesus’ crucifixion…

19:34 Rev. Bocek describes his experience with religious persecution…

27:62 Anna describes her experience with religious persecution…

Westerners’ Most Common Misconceptions about Islam

Dr. Darrell Bock interviews Rev. Fikret Bocek and „Anna” about their experiences living and ministering in an Islamic environment, address common misconceptions about Islam, and offer suggestions for cultural engagement with the Muslim world.…

00:00 Anna explains her brothers’ faith journey

05:05 Missionaries martyred in eastern Turkey

11:12 Comparing Sunni and Shiite beliefs…

15:31 Westerners’ misconceptions about Islam…

22:27 Differences between Islamic doctrine, interpretations, and practice

28:15 Permissible lying in jihad

30:45 Advice on engaging Muslims in spiritual conversations……

Tanzania: Islamic Persecutors Target Christian Pastors

Martyred- Pastor Matheo Kachila

In February, a Muslim mob, brandishing machetes murdered Pastor Matheo Kachila, who was also a father of 12 children.

For many years Christians in Tanzania have felt safe worshipping, given the country’s Christian majorities. Now, their security is quickly evaporating following a wave of persecution threatening churches and targeting pastors. Tanzanian churches are growing and witnessing a new unity, but Christians have paid a painful price.

From Christian World News – VIDEO  by Voice Of the Martyrs See links below for the most recent attack on Christians in Tanzania:

Pray for Tanzanian Christians

Muslim Europe: Opportunities for Evangelism

photo via

Dr. Darrell Bock at Dallas Theological Seminary

In Part 1 of this series, Dr. Bock and Dr. Ekholm discuss Dr. Ekholm’s work with refugees in Europe and the opportunities for ministering to Muslims in a Western, secular context.…
00:00 Dr. Ekholm’s Ministry in Greece
9:05 European Concerns Regarding Open Borders, Immigrants and Refugees
13:57 Dr. Ekholm’s Ministry in the Middle East
18:59 What Draws Muslims to the Gospel?…
22:11 Issues in Ministering to People From Islamic Backgrounds…
27:09 Teaching New Believers How to Study the Bible
30:13 Is There a Particular Gospel that Draws Muslims the Most?…

„We are committed to you as a brother in Christ and we’re not just doing this because this is our job.”

Tanzania targets Christian leaders

tanzania 1tanzania 2

Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, is a country in East Africa. It is bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north; Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west; and Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique to the south.

Pray for the Christian leaders and men and women of Tanzania. Two leaders, one a Catholic priest, and another from the Assemblies of God have been killed, and another priest was also shot at, but is recovering. These three incidents of violence against Christian ministers in Tanzania have left believers in the Eastern African nation concerned over the future of religious freedom. The following is a report from Open Doors USA:

Tanzania is ranked No. 24 on the Open Doors World Watch List of the worst persecutors of Christians. The 2013 ranking was released in early January. Previously Tanzania was unranked. Islamic extremism is the main persecution dynamic for the country. Tanzania is a Christian majority country with a very substantial Muslim population. But Zanzibar is 97% Muslim.

According to Open Doors USA, on Sunday Feb. 17 gunmen shot and killed a Catholic priest on the island of Zanzibar. The gunman waited for Father Evaristus Mushi as he parked his car outside the St Joseph’s parish, surrounded the car, and killed him while he was still in the vehicle. He was about to celebrate the first Sunday mass of Lent. The attackers fled on a motorcycle. Islanders knew Fr. Mushi as a philanthropist and advocate of interfaith dialogue. Police say they have arrested three suspects in connection with the murder, but their motive remains unknown.

On Feb. 2, on mainland Tanzania, an Assemblies of God minister, Pastor Mathayo Kachili, was hacked to death in the Geita region when he intervened in an altercation between villagers over the slaughter of an animal.

and more on this from Charisma magazine:

Mathayo Kachili, pastor of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God church in Buseresere, Tanzania—which is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada—was beheaded when a group of religious extremists attacked Christians at the church on Monday, February 11. – See more at:

According to sources, there was a group of Muslims who had demanded immediate closure of butcheries owned by Christians. As far as Open Doors could determine, the demand is based on a longstanding tradition, together with a local government directive, that gave Muslims the sole right to act as butchers. In this incident the church had a non-Muslim butcher prepare meat to be served at a funeral. When the Muslims heard about this, they went on a rampage against the church in which Pastor Kachili was killed.

On Dec. 26, Catholic priest Father Ambrose Mkenda sustained serious injuries when unknown gunmen shot at him. He says he was followed by two men on a motorcycle as he was returning to his parish in Tomondo after work. The attackers shot him as he left his car. He sustained two bullet wounds: one to the cheek and one to the back. The gunmen then ransacked the rectory. Father Mkenda was rushed to a nearby hospital but was later transferred to Dar es Salaam where he underwent surgery to extract the

Father Anthony Makunde, secretary general of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference, told a local newspaper, The Guardian, that the situation signaled a plot to destroy peace in the country.

The situations in Zanzibar and in the northwestern town of Geita remain tense.

Russia: Dagestan’s Secret Christian Believers Fight a Spiritual War

Map of DagestanFrom Voice of the Martyrs –

While radical Russian Muslims are fighting to take over Dagestan for Islam there are secret Christians engaging in a different type of war, a spiritual one. They are risking their own lives to capture Muslim souls one at a time. In southern Russia, on the Eastern shore of the Caspian sea, sits Dagestan, the most dangerous province in the country. Muslims fight Russian forces almost daily to take over the province for Islam.

uploaded by VOM C

Flag of the Republic of Dagestan

25 year old christian man decapitated in broad day light in Somalia for his faith – Crestin decapitat in strada in Somalia

Vocea martirilor raporteaza: despre un tanar de 25 de ani l-a primit pe Hristos in 2010. Farhan Haji Mose avea un business in Somalia si mergea des in Kenya. Intr-una din vizitele lui in Kenya, Mose a intalnit niste crestini care i-au predicat evanghelia si El a crezut in Isus Hristos. Intors in Somalia, Mose a fost urmarit timp de 6 luni de zile si s-a confirmat ca el s-a convertit de la Islam la crestinism. Vineri, in orasul Barawa l-au prins si l-au tras pe Mose  in piata unde l-au acuzat de spionaj si de convertire de la Islam la crestinism si a fost decapitat pe loc, dupa care i-au desecrat corpul. Violenta este intentionata sa sperie misionarii crestini si sa-i opreasca de a mai propovadui evanghelia lui Isus Hristos cetatenilor din Somalia. Acesti teroristi care sunt extremisti Islamici au o lista de oameni care sunt raportati cu suspiciune ca ei s-ar fi convertit de la Islam la Hristos. Rugati-va pentru Somalia si pentru credinciosii de acolo care sunt intr-un astfel de pericol si care se poate ca vor avea aceiasi soarta ca si Farhan Haji Mose.

ENGLISH version

from Mission News Network and Voice of the Martyrs.

Somalia (MNN) ― As if in answer to the capture of 300 Al-Shabaab members last month in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, the attacks on civilians have gotten more extreme and more public.

The latest attack came last Friday when Islamic extremists brutally murdered a Christian in the city of Barawa, in broad daylight. Voice of the Martyrs USA spokesman Todd Nettleton explains, „In this case, it is a 25-year-old man named Farhan Haji Mose. He apparently became a Christian in 2010, out of a Muslim background.”

Nettleton goes on to say that Mose „had a business in Somalia which required him to travel to Kenya. It’s thought that he met Christians while he was in Kenya, received the Gospel, and received Christ.” Muslim extremists then tracked Mose for six months, to confirm his Christian activity before catching him and accusing him of being a spy and leaving Islam, Christian and Muslim witnesses said.

Al Shabaab members caught up with Mose in the coastal city of Barawa in Somalia. He was accused, and convicted by the impromptu „court,” while a crowd assembled to witness the sentence that comes with an apostasy conviction. Nettleton clarifies that „in the minds of a radical Islamic militant, these people are apostates. They’ve left to follow another religion. The just punishment is execution.”

Mose was summarily beheaded, and then his body was desecrated as a warning for others. „Their goal is to rid Somalia of Christianity,” notes Nettleton. The number of Christians who have been tracked down and murdered has been growing over the last couple of years. What’s more, he adds, is ominous news that the religicide isn’t held to Somalia’s borders. „We’ve heard reports that Al Shabaab literally has a list of people they are looking for who are suspected of having left Islam and being Christians.”

Islamic group forbids tomatoes because when cut a certain way, they display a cross

from the Christian Post: Read it here in Romanian (Click pt. Limba Romana)

A Salafist group from Egypt appears to be trying to retract a post on Facebook that warned that eating tomatoes are „forbidden because they are Christian.”

However, the Muslim traditionalist group, calling themselves the Popular Egyptian Islamic Association, apparently still finds tomatoes offensive if they are cut in such a way that reveals the shape of a cross, according to the Now Lebanon website.

Along with a photo of a tomato cut in half to reveal what could be viewed as a cross, the group originally posted on Facebook: „Eating tomatoes is forbidden because they are Christian. [The tomato] praises the cross instead of Allah and says that Allah is three (a reference to the Trinity).

„[God help us]. I implore you to spread this photo because there is a sister from Palestine who saw the prophet of Allah [Mohammad] in a vision and he was crying, warning his nation against eating them [tomatoes]. If you don’t spread this [message], know that it is the devil who stopped you,” according to a translation by Now Lebanon.

More than 2,700 comments were left under the warning posted 10 days ago, perhaps prompting the association to give this response:

„We didn’t say you can’t eat tomatoes. We said don’t cut it in [such a way that reveals] the cross shape.”

Although many of the comments made on the Facebook post were not suitable for re-publishing, one blogger posting on his blog joked, „Warning! Your salad could be making you into an Infidel!”

There is an estimated 5-6 million Salafis in Egypt. The Salafis are generally considered to be more traditional than other Muslim sects. Last year, a group of hardline Muslims, including Salafis, were responsible for the burning of several Christian churches and businesses in Egypt that later resulted in hundreds of deaths during demonstrations against the destruction.

According to a German domestic intelligence report done in 2010, Salafism is the fastest growing Islamic movement in the world.

A writer for The Blaze categorized most news coming out of the Middle East as „intriguing, bizarre and unceasingly concerning,” but said the forbidden tomatoes story „actually crosses into a comical sphere.”

Hebrews 11:38…the world was not worthy of them (2) Nigeria Pastor, James Musa Rike, loses family in attack

Nigeria - 30% Evangelical primary language - English

In 2009 Nigeria’s President Umaru Yar’Adua  became ill and died after the brief illness. He was replaced with Christian Southerner Goodluck Jonathan in February of 2010, who was sworn in as head of state.

On April 13, suspected Islamic extremists abducted and killed Church of Christ in Nigeria pastor Ishaku Kadah and his wife, Selina, in a village in Bauchi state in northern Nigeria, according to Compass Direct News. They were forced from their church headquarters home and killed.

The remains of a church in Kafanchan, Kaduna state. (Compass Direct photo)

In early March, ethnic Fulani Muslims attacked three villages near Jos which resulted in the deaths of up to 500 Christians and the burning of about 75 homes. Eyewitnesses say the attackers used knives and cutlasses while shouting „Allah Akbar” (God is great) during their assaults which were carried out not only against men, but against many women and children. Christians contacted the military for assistance, but it took over two hours for the military to arrive.

Less than two weeks later, Fulani Muslims attacked two more villages in Plateau state, resulting in the deaths of 13 more Christians, including a pregnant woman and children.

The violence against Christians is increasing every day in Africa’s most populous country, including the murder of seven Christians (of whom two were journalists) by Muslim youth gangs April 24-25.

In recent weeks, post-election violence has cost the lives of 300 Nigerian believers.

When Christian candidate Goodluck Jonathan defeated his Muslim opponent Muhammudu Buhari for presidency, rioting broke out across the country. Many Muslim voters claimed that the elections had been fraught with fraud.

International onlookers disagreed. „By all reports, it was the cleanest election since 1999,” confirms Paul Estabrooks with Open Doors, USA.

Nonetheless, Muslim extremists stormed churches and Christian homes in what Christian Nigerians called premeditated attacks.

Pastor James Musa Rike lost his wife, Dune James Rike, and 13-year-old daughter, Sum James Rike (in back), in an Islamic attack in Kurum village, Bauchi state. (Photo: Compass Direct)

Compass Direct News (CDN) has described the moving scene that took place recently in the home of a Nigerian pastor whose wife lay dying after a savage attack on his family (and their village), in which their children were also killed.

A CDN reporter said that as she lay on the ground after being shot and then slashed with a machete, Dune James Rike looked into her husband’s tear-filled eyes and asked, „Is this the end between us, so we shall not be together again?”

Pastor James Musa Rike told Compass that he held the hands of his dying, 35-year-old wife and told her, „Hold on to your faith in Jesus, and we shall meet and never part again.”

The story went on to say that Muslim extremists who attacked Kurum village–in the Bogoro local government area of Nigeria’s Bauchi state–had already killed two of their children in a rampage that began Wednesday (May 4, 2011) at midnight.

The reporter said that Rike, the pastor of a Church of Christ in Nigeria congregation in Kurum, next heard the cries of his 13-year-old daughter, Sum James Rike, who lay mortally wounded a few yards away.

„She told me that the Muslim militants told her they would kill her and ‘see how your Jesus will save you,'” he said. The girl told her father that she responded by telling them that Jesus had already saved her, and that by killing her they would only be making it possible for her to be with Him.

„Pastor Rike prayed for her as she died. Shooting and setting homes on fire, the Muslim extremists killed 12 other Christians in the attack. Bauchi police reported 16 dead – one man, three women and 12 children,” said CDN. „Pastor Rike and his son survived the attack, and his adopted daughter, Whulham James Rike, was injured and receiving treatment at the General Hospital in Bogoro, along with five others. The assailants set more than 20 houses ablaze before leaving the village, police said.”

Northern Nigeria climbed to 23rd place in 2010 from 27th in 2009 on Christian support organization Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations with the worst persecution.

Those killed were members of the three churches in the village – the COCIN church, St. John’s Catholic Church and an Evangelical Church of West Africa congregation,” said CDN and added that Pastor Rike said the incident has strengthened his faith in Jesus.

„Whatever is the situation, I will never forsake Christ,” he said. „All human beings are created by God, and our attackers must know that they need to abandon anything that will lead them to destroy creations of God.”

While persecution is creating a culture of fear, Moeller doesn’t expect it to affect church growth long-term. „First, over the course of time in a given country, as persecution increases, it really serves to spread the Gospel, as we saw in the New Testament. Secondly, in dozens of countries over the years where persecution has increased dramatically, the church has also grown dramatically.”

An estimated 100 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for their faith in Christ, with millions more facing discrimination and alienation. Open Doors supports and strengthens believers in the world’s most difficult areas through Bible and Christian literature distribution, leadership training and assistance, Christian community development, prayer and presence ministry and advocacy on behalf of suffering believers. To partner with Open Doors USA, call toll free at 888-5-BIBLE-5 (888-524-2535) or go to the Open Doors Web site at

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