Who is David’s “Lord” in Psalm 110:1? Who was Melchizedek? How can Jesus be David’s “son,” but also his “Lord”?

The Lord says to my lord:

“Sit at my right hand
    until I make your enemies
    a footstool for your feet.”

Who is David’s “Lord” in Psalm 110:1?

VIDEO by John Ankerberg

Who was Melchizedek?

How can Jesus be David’s “son,”
but also his “Lord”?


Patriarchal society and descendent honor

Who is David’s “Lord” in Psalm 110:1? And: Who was Melchizedek?

Who is David’s “Lord” in Psalm 110:1?

From the Series „16 Prophecies that Prove Jesus is the Messiah – Series 1”. Please go to JAshow.org for more information.

VIDEO by John Ankerberg

Who was Melchizedek?

Who was Melchizedek? What can his story tell us about the Messiah?
From Our Series „16 Prophecies that Prove Jesus is the Messiah – Series 1”. Please go to JAshow.org for more information

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