William Lane Craig on the Historical Jesus (Christian Apologetics for my atheist friends)

Jesus from the Deesis Mosaic

Image by jakebouma via Flickr

-As the recounting of Jesus’ birth takes place in many Christian homes I would like to offer this video as the rational reason why Christians believe in Christ. However, many Christians will tell you that their encounter with Christ on the day or week when they first realized that they are in need of a Savior and redemption from their unregenerate lifestyle, as good as we thought we were God opened up our eyes to understand that no matter how good we think we are, we truly are not for our hearts are desperately wicked and only through the power of Christ’s redemption can we hope to live a grace filled life to the glory of God.

But, I am very well aware that for someone who has not seen this redemptive change in their own personal life, they are in need of a more rational explanation as to why a Christian would believe in a historical Jesus who was born of a virgin, lived and taught and died and was risen from the dead and is the Savior of the world who reconciles us to God. This is a pretty long interview, but well worth listening to. You have nothing to lose by inquiring into the man called Jesus, but everything to gain if He opens up your eyes and gives you the gift of faith in order to be able to believe in Him. May he open up your eyes and your heart that you may feel His presence in your life this Christmas!

– An Interview done in 2001 as a response to ABC Anchor Peter Jennings’ special ‘The search of for Jesus’.

Uploaded by on Dec 13, 2011 http://reasonablefaith.org – John Ankerberg Show (2001) – John Ankerberg interviews philosopher, theologian, and historian Dr. William Lane Craig on the historical Jesus of Nazareth. This interview was a response to ABC’s Peter Jennings’ 2001 episode „The Search for Jesus.” (112 minutes) Originally from www.jashow.org

You can read many more articles and view videos and debates on my APOLOGETICS PAGE here.  Also read this interesting post about Philosopher Alvin Plantinga, who claims that Western science would not have happened without Christianity

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William Lane Craig on the Historical Jesus – In…, posted with vodpod

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