Deschiderea Bisericii Gloria Arad-Bujac in poze

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Saptamina de Evanghelizare din 11-18 Septembrie,2011

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In acest video, vizionati prima ora de la Deschiderea Bisericii Gloria Bujac 11 Septembrie, 2011-include istoricul Bisericii.

6 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. Gabi Bogdan
    sept. 30, 2011 @ 00:20:07

    Finally, we arrived, we have our own cathedrals now!

    • rodi
      sept. 30, 2011 @ 00:29:34

      To their defense, the church is one a few that is growing by leaps and bounds and people are coming to Christ. Considering that there are so many old-established churches in Arad that came into being not because they split but because of geography and the lack of transportation, and yet they are all growing (at different paces) it is considered good news when they can’t fit in their sanctuaries and have to enlarge their present facilities.

      There is only one church model for Romanian churches right now, so there is only the one solution-build bigger. That is why I see nothing wrong with American churches having multiple services and I respect a Pastor who preaches 3-5 times in a weekend to different crowds; kind of like the evangelists of old who traveled.

  2. Gabi Bogdan
    sept. 30, 2011 @ 00:38:43

    Yea, you are probably right!

  3. Trackback: Vladimir Pustan la Biserica Gloria, Arad – Evanghelizare Luni 12 septembrie « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
  4. Trackback: Iosif Berce la Biserica Gloria,Arad – Evanghelizare Marti 13 Septembrie « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
  5. Trackback: Paul Negrut Predica – Biserica Gloria Arad Bujac 18 Sept. 2011 « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
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