Vladimir Pustan – Rămîn mereu fermecat de dragostea lui Dumnezeu


Pustan 2012

Ioan 3:16 Fiindcă atît de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, că a dat pe singurul Lui Fiu, pentruca oricine crede în El, să nu piară, ci să aibă viaţa vecinică.

  • Raman mereu fermecat de dragostea lui Dumnezeu pentru ca nu o inteleg.
  • Sunt mai multe intrebari decat raspunsuri.
  • Niciodata nu o sa putem pricepe dragostea lui Dumnezeu. Nici odata nu o vom putea bate in cuie teologice sa spunem: „Dragostea lui Dumnezeu este…,” ca o formula de matematica.

Exista astazi doua tendinte ciudate in bisericile noastre crestine. Exista doua extreme puternice si amandoua fac foarte mult rau in biserica astazi.

  1. Biserica este singura institutie, singura armata care isi impusca ranitii. Din cele mai multe ori, in momentul cand cineva a pacatuit, preotii dau canoane ca castanele,  ai nostri exclude si merg direct in iad pentru ca li s-a pus un Evrei 6:4, din care cu nici un chip n-o sa mai poti sa iesi afara. Traim intotdeauna cu spaima asta, a pacatului care nu mai are nici o iertare, a unui Dumnezeu drept al Vechiului Testament ce omoara femei, copii si barbati si cetati arse.
  2. In partea cealalta traieste biserica plenara, intr-un sentiment al unei dragoste ieftina a lui Dumnezeu. O dragoste in care nu conteaza cum traiesti, nu conteaza cum vorbesti, nu conteaza cum umbli si ce faci. De partea asta sta bunul si simpaticul Dumnezeu, care n-are alta treaba in universul acesta decat sa ne astepte infrigurat ca noi sa pacatuim ca apoi El sa ne ierte.

Vreau sa va spun ca dragostea lui Dumnezeu nu s-a pus pe cruce cu leocoplast, ci cu cuie. Vreau sa intelegeti, ca daca pe noi mantuirea nu ne-a costat nimic decat un „da”, printr-o ridicare de mana si putina apa intr-un baptistier, pe Dumnezeu L-a costat mult. SI cand zic totul, ma refer la Hristos si e suficient atata. Video uploaded by StudioPorumbelul1

N-ai cum sa o intelegi dragostea lui Hristos. N-am cum sa o pricep (nici eu). Sunt tributar al acestei dragoste a lui Dumnezeu. Ma uit in ochii sotiei, a copiilor si vad dragostea Lui. Ma uit in ochii vostri, vad dragostea Lui. Nu am cum sa va explic dragostea Lui. Numai cine a trait-o poate sa stie asta.

  1. Dragostea lui Dumnezeu nu se schimba nici cand eu sunt manios pe El. Dragostea adevarata nu se manie. Dar noi ne maniem chiar si pe Dumnezeu. Zicem, „De ce Dumnezeu ingaduie asta?” Nu stiu, nu avem raspunsuri. Tot timpul tipam la Dumnezeu. Stiti ce am realizat acuma? Cum sotiile intreaba sotii, „Ma iubesti?” asa intrebam si noi strigand la cer, „E acolo cineva? Ma iubesti?” Si auzim din cer, „Te iubesc- cu o iubire vesnica.” De fapt, El este singurul care iubeste asa. 
  2. Dragostea lui Dumnezeu nu se schimba nici cand sunt egoist si cer pentru mine tot. Ce vrem noi astazi pentru copiii nostri- scaune, fotolii, directori, ambasadori, senatori… ce a avut Hristos? Cruce. Noi zicem, „Doamne da-mi si Doamne fa-mi.” Dumnezeu zice, „De-atatea ori mi-ai cerut lucruri si n-ai stiut ce ceri. Dumnezeu sa ne faca darnici in Hristos, darnici in post si rugaciune pentru cei pierduti, darnici in paine pe care trebuie sa o impartim, in vorba buna care trebuie sa o spunem. (25)
  3. Dragostea lui Dumnezeu nu se schimba nici cand noi nu mai comunicam cu El.  A-ti auzit de lipsa de comunicare, cand nu mai vorbim? Cand nu mai vorbim cu Dumnezeu inseamna ca nu ne mai rugam. Venim la biserica si ne rugam in comun si bine facem. Dar, de ce vrem sa se intample intr-o ora ce nu s-a intamplat intr-o saptamana intreaga, seara de seara si zi de zi? Pentru a face o familie puternica e suficient de doi. Pentru a o distruge e suficient unul.  Hristos a murit ca sa ne impace. Tu fa cat atarna de tine, nu totul de Satana sau de Hristos atarna. Traiti in pace unii cu altii. Care e pozitia in care trebuie sa te rogi, in picioare sau in genunchi? Pozitia adevarata nu e pozitia trupului ci pozitia inimii. Daca trupul nu poate sa stea decat in picioare sau pe pat, inima trebuie sa fie pe genunchi cand se roaga. Sa ne rugam, sa cautam fata Lui.
  4. Dragostea lui Dumnezeu nu se schimba nici cand dragostea noastra este cand sus si cand jos. Avem clipe cand suntem puternici si ne rugam si cantam lui Dumnezeu si apoi trece o luna si nu mai vorbim cu Dumnezeu. Si nu ne mai bucuram, nu mai cantam si nu mai plangem. Duminica seara suntem in al noualea cer si luni suntem talpa, in fundul iadului. Nimeni nu poate contesta ca Petru a facut cativa pasi pe apa, iar cu cateva zile mai tarziu a zis, „Nu-L cunosc.” Dragostea Sa nu se muta de la voi, dar nu suporta tot timpul sa fie in vai, caderea spirituala se poate intampla, dar nu va obisnuiti cu tarana niciodata. (33)
  5. Dragostea lui Dumnezeu ramane valabila peste viata mea si cand eu nu vreau sa ma schimb. Nu stiu de cata vreme asculti, dar poate ca aceasta seara e ultima, pentru ca dragostea lui Isus te cheama intr-un fel sau intr-altul si iti spune, „Te iubesc.” Si dragostea aceasta ti-a mai dat o seara.

Credeti ca dragostea lui Dumnezeu este vesnica? Daca da, atunci ce-i cu iadul. Stiti ca cei mai multi vor merge in iad. Stiti ce a spus Hristos despre cei ce merg in rai? „Nu te teme turma MICA.”

A Pastor speaks about modern worship-
We now have a one-dimensional and almost exclusively emotional connection with God reflected in only in our public worship and prayer; and it is far too shallow. Worship must involve the heart and the head, as should prayer. Worship is not a matter of our feelings; it rises out of Scripture, and lays hold of God’s action in history. What is happening now in the praise and worship movement is promoting a less than reverent view of God. It is promulgating cheap grace. Few take off their shoes and tip-toe. We lift up unclean hands. We sing through unsanctified lips. We rush into a house of worship without the preparation of hearts and minds, as if we running by Grandpas house on the way to the lake, with little or no lifestyle impact. We kiss God, tell Him we love Him, thank Him for still being around, and rush off to the important matters in our life. Church services assure us by songs and sermons that all is well – God loves us, no matter how unfaithful and naughty we have been. Truth is dead; love has smothered it.

ENCOURAGE by cornelilioi

Write by Douglas Small on February 20, 2013

Recently, in a meeting of prayer leaders, I began to share regarding our ‘familiarity’ with God, the use of intimate language without any reference to God’s ‘otherness’ – and I will never forget the look of shock that registered on faces. It was as if I was saying something they had never heard before. In fact, as I persisted with the idea of approaching a God who was ‘past finding out’ it became clear that I was taking some of them into new territory.

Frankly, we have become too familiar with God. Intimacy is in; reverence is out. Listen to the praise music. It is almost completely devoid terms that describe God’s transcendence. The wonderful and rich theology of the old hymns is rarely heard, at least in Pentecostal churches. It is forty-minutes of ‘everybody on your feet, and put your hands…

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Doug Wilson – Hardened by the Deceitfulness of Sin

In James 3, verses 12-13, it says that we should exhort one another daily, lest any of us be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. James thought that this was a more common problem among Christians than we tend to think. We say, „Oh yeah, yeah, we gossip too much and that’s a common problem, let’s move on to study something else.

(We tend to say)”But, I don’t think it is that big a problem. But, I do think ambition, self serving, and quarrels and tension in families, quarrels and tensions between husbands and wives, quarrels and tensions between coworkers, quarrels and tensions between people who profess the name of Christ, are common.” James says they’re common, and the author of Hebrews tells us to exhort one another DAILY. Exhort one another every day, lest they be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Christians get hardened by the deceitfulness of sin, and to guard against that they’ve got to do something every day. It’s not, „Oh, I’ve been converted 27 years ago, I learned a few valuable lessons, I’ve made a mental note of them, and I have been living normally ever since. That’s not how it works.

How does sin deceive you? Sin deceives you by making you think you’re wise in one sense, but you’re not wise in that sense at all. When you’re being deceived, you think you’re easily entreated, you think you’re peace loving, you think you’re pure, you think you’re doing that. But, it’s actually earthly, sensual, and devilish.

The deceitfulness of sin will totally skew your understanding of how God sees you, and it will totally skew your understanding of how your neighbor sees you. The deceitfulness of sin will withhold critical feedback information from you. You need to know. What would happen to you, if you all of a sudden lost all of your nerve endings? You couldn’t feel anything. Or, you might think, „This is great, I’ll never experience pain.” Well, you won’t experience pain, but, you will experience damage. And that’s because you’ll run into things, bump into things, cut yourself and not know. And after awhile you’re just gonna start falling apart. Because you are damaged, even though you are not feeling it.

When you’re hardened by sin’s deceitfulness, that’s what it’s like. Your hardening yourself to the nerve endings. When someone comes and tells you something that’s uncomfortable- whether it’s true or not- our reaction sometimes tells us: I’m gonna react because I don’t care if it’s true, I just care if it’s going to adversely affect me. If you’re doing that, you’re deadening your nerve endings. You’re hardening yourself. And that means you will feel no pain, you will not experience the pain, but you do experience the damage.

Because God wants you to understand yourself the way He understands you. He wants you to think His thoughts after Him, with regards to your story. He wants you to see your story, your relationships, your marriage, your relationships to your kids, your relationship to your neighbors, He wants you to see yourself accurately, the way it is. And, the only way you can see yourself that way is if the wisdom from above, if Jesus comes down and tells you the way it is. This is what you’re doing. This is how you talk to your wife and that’s not fruitful. This is how you snap at your kids, and that’s not fruitful. Wisdom from above can give you a lot of information, if you’re willing to hear it. But, if you’re not exhorted every day, if you’re being hardened by sin’s deceitfulness, it’s not happening.

Hardened by the Deceitfulness of Sin from Canon Wired on Vimeo.

Sermon: Wisdom From Above #3 Text: Jam. 3:1-18 Sermon Date: 2.3.2013 #1709 Source Link: http://www.canonwired.com/featured/1709/ Sermon Clip

Voddie Baucham – When to leave a church


This is a short clip uploaded by wretchedtv. Watch the message Voddie Baucham preached at this same G3 conference (including full transcript) here- Voddie Baucham – What the Gospel Is, and What it is Not

Voddie Baucham on when and if one should leave a church. Some points from Baucham:

  • When you leave a church, there’s a way that you leave a church. We leave a church when we are in a right relationship with that church. There can be a variety of reasons to leave a church, but, it’s always to go to a church- if God’s called you to another place, you’ve had to move, or you found a church that better suits you or fits you. It’s not (because) ‘I don’t like you, or you don’t sing the songs that I like

If the church plays contemporary music and I like hymns, is that a reason to leave?

  • It could be, but can you stay there and not be divisive? If you could stay there and not be divisive, and be a source of encouragement, and live your life with these brothers and sisters, love covers a multitude of sins. 

Is a good rule of thumb, that if I’m getting bitter, maybe it’s time for me to rethink?

  • I think it’s time for you to repent. Because, when you get to that place, there’s a number of reasons you could be at that place, and they’re not all somebody else’s fault. So, if you’re at a place where you’re gossiping, and you’re becoming bitter; sometimes when we get to that place, things aren’t nearly as bad as we’ve made them out to be, because we’ve rehearsed them over and over again. And, often times, what’s needed at that point is really repentance and to go to our brother and say, „I’m sorry, I’ve been talking against you, instead of praying for you. I’m sorry.” 

Mez McConnell’s Testimony

Via the GospelCoalition.org from Once an abused, addicted, homeless, Christian-despising criminal, Mez now serves as senior pastor of Niddrie Community Church in Edinburgh, Scotland, and founder of 20 Schemes, a ministry dedicated to building gospel-centered churches for Scotland’s poorest communities („schemes”). Here’s their vision:

Our long-term desire is to see Scotland’s housing schemes transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ through the planting of gospel-preaching churches, ultimately led by a future generation of indigenous church leaders. . . . We believe building healthy, gospel-preaching churches in Scotland’s poorest communities will bring true, sustainable, and long-term renewal to Scotland’s schemes.

Mez McConnell’s Testimony from 20 Schemes on Vimeo.

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