Open Doors World Persecution Watch List 2014 (new – VIDEO)

The World Watch List (WWL) is a ranking of 50 countries where persecution of Christians for religious reasons is worst. First of all, the list covers persecution of Christians of all denominations in the entire country. The focus is on persecution for their faith, not persecution for political, economic, social, ethnic or accidental reasons.

The 5 countries in which Christians are persecuted the most are:

  1. As in the last 12 years, North Korea is #1 as the state where Christians are persecuted the most. Tens of thousands of Christians are imprisoned, gruesomely tortured and have to do forced labor.Being discovered as a Christian in Kim Jung Un’s  North Korea is virtually the same  as a death sentence.
  2. Somalia – Christians do not have the right to live in Somalia. Islamic extremists are insisting that  the country remain a Moslem country, with not room for Christians and Christian churches. A believer in Christ who is discovered has to fear for his life.
  3. Syria – Before the civil war, the country was  regarded as a place of peace for Christians in the middle east. But with the war, many militant islamic  groups have come from abroad and joined the so called free syrian army. Christians are being targeted, attacked, threatened, abducted and killed.
  4. Iraq – Hundreds of thousands of Christians have fled the country and attacks on churches and their people continue. Even in the Kurdish regions, in the north, once a refuge for Christians, aggression towards Christians is on the rise.
  5. Afghanistan – There is not a single ‘official’ church building in the country. Moslems who become christians face massive persecution by relatives and government officials. The goal of islamic extremists is to expel or kill all Christians.

You can find more info. on the persecuted Christians  at

World Watch List 2014

World Watch List 2013

Created by Open Doors, the World Watch List (WWL) is a ranking of 50 countries where persecution of Christians for religious reasons is worst. The list covers persecution of Christians of all denominations in an entire country and focuses on persecution for their faith, not persecution for political, economic, social, ethnic or accidental reasons. VIDEO by Open Doors USA

World Watch List 2012

The top 10 countries where the persecution of Christians is most severe… The church around the world is facing times which are unprecedented in many ways. For the tenth year in succession, the Open Doors World Watch List is topped by North Korea, and in places as diverse as Libya, North Korea, Pakistan and Burma, significant events are shaping society. But despite the many hardships, the body of Christ continues to grow.

Find out more about our World Watch List by visiting the Open Doors website: VIDEO by Open Doors UK & Ireland

Afghan Christians fleeing to India – Muslims in Afghanistan calling for their death

English: Cross

Afghanistan (MNN) ―According to a report originally published by Mohabat News, Afghanistan’s leaders are calling for the death of Christian converts.

„Numerous Afghans have become Christians in India. This is an offence to Islamic Laws and, according to the Quran, they need to be executed,” stated the Afghanistan Member of Parliment, Nazir Ahmad Hanafi, in a published report.

The number of people coming to Christ from Muslim backgrounds is reportedly increasing. Most Muslim-background believers have fled to India for safety; a growing church established in Delhi reportedly has around 250 members.

Afghanistan’s Parliament has addressed this issue on separate occasions over the past few months. Voice of the Martyrs Canada says authorities view Gospel growth as a threat.

One MP, Abdul Latif Pedram, said that „conversions to Christianity are the result of the presence of the United States in Afghanistan.” He feels the conversion of Afghans in India is part of the U.S.’s longer-term plan to alter the country’s culture and religion.

According to The Barnabas Fund, Parliamentary speaker Abdul Rauf Rahimi „ordered the country’s national security services to take serious steps to stop the spread of Christianity.”

Reportedly, some Afghan Islamic clerics have warned their government against the influence of Christianity. The Islamic Council of Afghanistan told President Karzai about more Christian aid workers and missionaries possibly coming to Afghanistan, and the likelihood of more conversions taking place as a result.

Ask the Lord to intervene in this situation and save His followers. Pray for the continued growth of His Church in India among Afghans.

Afganistan: „Ar trebui omorâţi toţi cei care s-au convertit la creştinism!”

Un membru al parlamentului afgan a declarat că potrivit Legii Sharia, toţi cei care s-au convertit la creştinism ar trebui omorâţi, pentru a evita propagarea creştinismului în întreaga ţară şi în afara ei.


Foto:mapsof.netNazir Ahmad Hanafi, un membru al parlamentului afgan, ofensat de ultimele rapoarte care indică o creştere a numărului de creştini în Afganistan, a declarat că acest lucru încalcă legea islamică, iar potrivit Coranului, cei convertiţi ar trebui omorâţi. Nu este singurul membru al parlamentului care şi-a manifestat ura către cei convertiţi şi către cei care fac evanghelizare. Abdul Latif Pedram, reprezentant al provinciei Badakhshan în Parlament, declara că prezenţa SUA în Afganistan produce o convertire masivă a musulmanilor, lucru care face parte din planul americanilor de a ataca cultura afgană, notează


În ciuda presiunilor şi greutăţilor pe care le întâmpină creştinii în Afganistan, există câţiva parlamentari care s-au convertit la creştinism. Autorităţile islamice, în general, consideră creşterea numărului de creştini o ameninţare, iar pe misionarii care sosesc în Afganistan, un adevărat pericol.


Afganul Said Musa eliberat cu ajutorul lui John Piper, Rick Warren – Said Musa released with help from two Pastors

From, the Voice of the Martyrs website that our own Romanian brother Richard Wurmbrand founded. You will find the English version of the announcement below this Romanian translation.

Said Musa a fost eliberat dupa interventii din partea Pastorilor John Piper, Rick Warren si citiva Congressmen. Detaliile eliberarii sint confidentiale si   pentru ca el si sotia lui sa nu ajunga din nou in pericol nu se stie nimic, public despre ei. Am scris despre condamnarea lui la moarte aici. Va veti aduce aminte ca el si-a pierdut piciorul intr-o explozie de mina cu multi ani in urma, si a fost arestat dupa ce cineva a filmat botezul lui si al altora si la difuzat la televiziunea Afgana. Dumnezeu are alte planuri pentru el (decit moartea lui) si va ramine pentru noi un exemplu demn de urmat. Prima data cind a fost fortat sa renunte la credinta, a facut-o, dar imediat s-a schimbat si si’a cerut iertare lui Dumnezeu pentru frica care la cuprins si apoi au urmat torturile si condamnarea la moarte. Nu avem detalii de ce a fost eliberat, dar organizatia Persecution care face parte din Vocea Martirilor (organizatia lui Richard Wurmbrand) raporteaza ca Pastorii John Piper si Rick Warren impreuna cu un numar de Congressmen Americani sint responsabili pentru eliberarea sa.

Un alt Crestin Afghan, numit Shoaib Assadullah care a fost arestat in acelas timp si acuzat de aceeasi infractiune de lege ca si Said Musa, ramine inchis si condamnat la moarte. Crima lui Assadullah a fost ca a dat un Nou Testament unui om, care mai tirziu la raportat la autoritati. Sa ne rugam mai departe si pentru acest intemnitat si condamnat la moarte ca Dumnezeu sa il intareasca, si sa lucreze prin aceste marturisiri publice in tari cu credinte Islamice si la tara si poporul nostru ca sa renuntam la lucrurile trecatoare si nefolositoare si sa lucram pentru Hristos .

Afghanistan: Afghan Prisoner Released (click on

title to read from website)

Imprisoned Afghan Christian Said Musa has recently been released from prison. Compass Direct News reported that Said left the country Feb. 21, 2011, after being released days earlier. Said was arrested May 31, 2010, after a TV station broadcast video showing Afghan Christians being baptized and worshiping. Turning from Islam is a capital offense in Afghanistan.

Early in his imprisonment, Said was forced to publicly deny Jesus on TV, an act of which he later repented. He wrote, “I acknowledge my sin before [the] Lord Jesus Christ.… I am a very, very weak and [sinful] man.”

In prison, Said was beaten, sleep deprived and physically and sexually abused. He wrote a series of letters to the international community detailing his treatment and discussing his faith. In a final letter, dated Feb. 13, Said wrote that three Afghan officials tried to convince him to recant his faith. He wrote, “I laughed and replied, ‘I can’t deny my Savior’s name. Because my life is just service to Jesus Christ and my death is going to heaven [where] Jesus Christ is. I am a hundred percent ready to die.’”

Said converted to Christianity eight years ago. He worked for the Red Cross for more than 15 years, fitting amputees for prosthetic limbs.

Said’s wife and six children are safely out of the country, but details concerning his release are being kept confidential in order to protect him and his family. Said’s release was secured with the help of international attention from John Piper, Rick Warren and several U.S. congressmen. A source in Afghanistan told Compass Direct News, “When local churches and international bodies advocate for the persecuted in faith, they have the power to change things.”

Another Afghan Christian, Shoaib Assadullah, remains in prison, charged with the same apostasy charge that Said faced. Shoaib was arrested in northern Afghanistan after giving a New Testament to a man who later reported him to authorities. In December, he was told he had one week to recant his faith or he would be sentenced to death. A January court hearing was postponed due to international pressure. In a Feb. 17 letter, he wrote, “The court’s decision is most definitely going to be the death penalty for me.”

Diplomatic efforts are underway to free Shoaib.

Said Musa – exemplu viu (nu pentru mult timp)

Martiri in secolul nostru zilele noastre

Cu adinca durere in suflet urmaresc evenimentele in Afganistan unde Said Musa, un barbat la virsta de 45 de ani este condamnat la moarte de un judecator pentru ca refuza sa se reconverteasca la Islam. Musa, un tata la 6 copii refuza sa renunte la credinta sa in Hristos. El a fost arestat in luna Mai, 2010 dupa ce o statie de televiziune  a difuzat filmarea grupului de persoane care au primit botezul in apa, in ascuns. Daca vreti sa cititi mai multe detalii le gasiti aici la Christian Post. In weekend-ul trecut, zeci de Pastori Baptisti Americani au trimis mesaje Presedintelui Barack Obama la Casa Alba, solocitind ajutor si cerindu-i Presedintelui sa condamne aceasta condamnare la moarte pentru credinta, dar pina in prezent, Presedintele nostru nu a spus nici un cuvint. Rugati-va pentru Said Musa ca Dumnezeu sa il intareasca si sa isi faca voia Sa, Said Musa a declarat ca el e gata sa moara, si calaii lui pot sa faca ce vor cu trupul sau (deja a fost si este torturat, desi a pierdut un picior intr-o explozie in anul 1990) dar Duhul lui e in mina lui Dumnezeu. Se asteapta ca Said Musa sa fie executat in urmatoarele zile.

Dumnezeu ni l-a plasat  pe acest barbat ca o oglinda in fata noastra. Noi cit de mult il iubim pe Hristos  si cum demonstram dragostea noastra fata de El in lucruri mult mai mici si neinsemnate?   … Rugati-va pentru Said Musa, si sa ne rugam si pentru noi.

Sursa – Christian Post

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