Ravi Zacharias at ‘A summit on Islam’ January 10 and 12, 2013 in Orlando, Florida

photo – Ravi Zacharias at Lee University Fall 2012

Ravi Zacharias at Lee University


Islam is currently the world’s second fastest growing religion and is gaining influence across North America. In light of this, there is a clear need for the church to be both informed and engaged. But how do we respond to this challenge?  How do we plan to reach Muslims in our own communities?

With this in mind, RZIM is hosting an event called A Summit on Islam in January 2013.

We hope to present an overview of Islamic beliefs, Muslim agendas in various areas, and what the church is doing, or not doing, to address some serious needs.

A team of well-qualified speakers will address issues on the Bible and the Qur’an, on the treatment and role of women, and on the relationship of the gospel to Muslims and other vital topics. Sessions will be both plenary and in breakout format, and will allow room for questions.

We are seeking church leaders or those whose life and experience brings them into regular interactions with Islam or Muslims. If you are a civic leader or in an academic context, then this is also for you.

It is our intent to listen, to learn, and to seek ways and means for a more shared and broader response. We don’t want this to be merely about education or about ideas, but about an appropriate response.

If you are interested or can recommend a key leader who would be, we’d love for you to join us in Orlando.

First Presbyterian Church of Orlando
(407) 423-3441
106 East Church Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
United States

For information or to sign up click here- http://www.regonline.com/

4 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. tiva82
    dec. 03, 2012 @ 08:50:22

    This will be indeed a summit not to be missed And i’m praying that believers will surely attend

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