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Calatorim si….

postam si aprobam comentarii in locurile unde avem conectie de internet.

Am observat ca toate comentariile din 19 aprilie nu au aparut pana acum la noi pe WordPress. Ciudat.

Am vrut sa va informam ca din acest motiv, nu ajungem la toate comentariile, mai ales acelea care au nevoie si de un raspuns. Daca conectia ar merge repede pe unde ne calatorim, nu am avea aceasta problema, dar din nefericire, abia reusim sa postam articole, dar sa mai ajungem sa aprobam comentarii care foarte greu intra, dupa multe clikuri…

Va multumim de intelegere.

Ne facem timp in fiecare zi ca sa culegem stiri, sa traducem unde e necesar si sa postam ca sa fim la curent cu evenimentele zilei. Dumnezeu sa va binecuvanteze!


As we are traveling, we are still working on our blog posts. Yet, we are having difficulties with internet connection (mostly just with the WordPress site, since the others seem to load quickly enough). So, we wanted to inform you that we are not always able to approve comments. For some reason, clicking that APProVE button is easier said than done, because it takes several or many clicks and then just when we thing a comment was approved, we check it on our phone app and we see that the approval did not go through. Also, today, there appeared a bunch of comments from april 19th that we have not seen until now. We will continue to try and work on the posts and comments, probably by finding a hotspot daily in which to work.

Thank you for your understanding and God bless you!

Blogosfera Evanghelică

Vizite unicate din Martie 6,2011

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