Happy 1st birthday Ezekiel Levy!


Happy 1st birthday Ezekiel Levy! May God bless you, your brothers, your sisters, and your parents. Your cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents LOVE you!

Today, by the grace of God, Ezekiel Levy is celebrating his first birthday. We, the family, would like to thank ALL those who prayed, fasted, and altogether supported the reunification of the Bodnariu family. By the grace of God, and as a result of all these efforts, baby Ezekiel can celebrate this birthday surrounded by his loved ones. Thank you, and may God bless you!

4 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. Estera Ciama
    aug. 06, 2016 @ 02:18:17

    La mulți ani și Isus să te binecuvinteze Ezekiel Levy, frumosule !!!

  2. Valeria Iancu
    aug. 06, 2016 @ 02:53:20

    Reblogged this on Dumnezeu e în control.

  3. Maria Lupulescu
    aug. 06, 2016 @ 06:32:35

    Happy birthday!!!MayGod bless you Ezekiel along with your family!We are so blessed to see what amazing God we have!

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