Anguish in the house of God – subtitrare in Limba Romana

Click sub video pentru transcriere in Limba Romana.

…And I look at the whole religious scene today and all I see are
inventions and ministries of man and flesh. It’s mostly powerless, it has no
impact on the world…And I see more of the world coming into church and
impacting the church, rather than the church impacting the world.

I see the music taking over the house of God. I see entertainment
taking over the house of God. The obsession with entertainment in God’s
house, a hatred of connection, a hatred of reproof. Nobody wants to hear it

Whatever happened to anguish in ministry? It’s a word you don’t hear in this
pampered age. You don’t hear it. Anguish means extreme pain & distress. The
emotion so stirred that it becomes painful, acute, deeply felt inner pain
because of conditions about you, in you, or around you.

We’ve held on to our religious rhetoric and our revival talk but we’ve
become so passive. All true passion is born out of anguish. All true passion for
Christ comes out of a baptism of anguish.

You search the Scriptures and you’ll find that when God determined to
recover a ruined situation, He would share His own anguish, for what God saw
happening to His church and His people. And, He would find a man and
literally baptize him in anguish.

You find it in the Book of Nehemiah. Jerusalem is in ruins. How is God
going to deal with this? How is God going to restore the ruin?
Folks, look at me… Nehemiah was not a preacher, he was a career man
who would not just have a flash of emotion, not just some great sudden burst
of concern and then let it die. He said, „No! I broke down and I wept and I
mourned and I fasted. Then I began to pray night and day. Why didn’t these
other men, why didn’t they have an answer? Why didn’t God use them in
restoration? Why didn’t they have a word? Because there was no sign of
anguish. NO WEEPING! NOT A WORD OF PRAYER! It’s all ruin.

Does it matter to you, does it matter to you at all that God’s spiritual
Jerusalem, the church, is now married to the world? That there is such a
coldness sweeping the land? Closer than that… does it matter about the
Jerusalem that is in our own hearts? The sign of ruin that is slowly draining spiritual power and passion? Blind to lukewarmness, blind to the mixture that is creeping in.

That’s all the devil wants to do is get the fight out of you. And kill it so
you won’t labor in prayer anymore. You won’t weep before God anymore. You
can sit and watch television or the internet and your family go to hell. Let me
ask you, „Is what I just said convicted you at all?”

There is a great difference between anguish and concern. Concern is
something that begins to interest you, you take an interest in a project or a
cause or a concern or a need. Let me tell you something I’ve learned after all
my years, my 50 years of preaching: „If it is not born in anguish, if it has not been born of the Holy Spirit where what you saw and heard of the ruin that drove you to your knees, took you down into a baptism of anguish where you began to pray and seek God.  I know now, oh my God do I know it! Until I am in agony, until I have been anguished over it and all our projects all our ministries, everything that we do…

Where are the Sunday school teachers that weep over kids they know
are not hearing and going to hell?

You see a true prayer life begins at the place of anguish. You see, if you set your heart to pray, God’s going to come and start sharng his heart with you. Your heart begins to cry out-Oh God, your name is being blasphemed, Holy
Spirit is being mocked. The enemy is out trying to destroy the testimony of the
Lord’s faithfulness and something has to be done.

There is going to be no renewal, no revival, no awakening, until we are
willing to let Him once again break us. Folks it’s getting late and it’s getting
serious. Please don’t tell me, don’t tell me that you’re getting concerned… when you’re spending hours on the internet and in front of the television! Come on! There’s some need to get to this altar and confess: „I am not . what I was, I am not where I am supposed to be. God I don’t have your heart or your burden! I’ve wanted it easy. I just wanted to be happy. But Lord, true joy comes, true joy comes out of anguish. There is nothing of the flesh that will give you joy. I don’t care how much money, I don’t care what kind of new house, there is absolutely nothing physical that can give
you tru joy. It is only what is acomplished by the Holy Spirit when you obey
Him and take on His heart.

Build the walls around your family! Build the walls around your
own heart. Make yourself strong and impregnable against the enemy.
God, that’s what we desire!

Excerpt of David Wilkerson from a sermon titled „A call to anguish”.

Ma uit astazi la intreaga scena religioasa si tot ceea ce vad sunt inventii si lucrari ale oamenilor si ale carnii (firii).

Fara putere si nu are nici un impact asupra lumii si vad mai mult lumea venind in Biserica si avind impact asupra ei decit Biserica avind impact in lume.

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Ma uit astazi la intreaga scena religioasa si tot ceea ce vad sunt inventii si lucrari ale oamenilor si ale carnii (firii).

Fara putere si nu are nici un impact asupra lumii si vad mai mult lumea venind in Biserica si avind impact asupra ei decit Biserica avind impact in lume. Vad muzica avind mai multa importanta decit Biserica. Vad spectacolul mutindu-se in Biserica, obsesia amuzamentului si ura sau indiferenta la mustrare si corectare. Nimeni nu mai vrea sa auda de asta.

Ce s-a intimplat cu suferinta, durerea(agonia) in Biserica? Ce s-a intimplat cu suferinta in slujire (slujitori) ? E un cuvint pe care nu-l mai auzi in aceste vremuri de toleranta. Nu-l auzi. Suferinta inseamna durere si epuizare. O emotie asa de tulburatoare incit devine dureroasa. O adinca durere interioara din cauza felului in care esti tu sau cei din jurul tau.

SUFERINTA. DURERE ADINCA. AMARACIUNE. SUFERINTA DIN INIMA LUI DUMNEZEU. Am tinut de retorica noastra religioasa despre trezire, dar am devenit asa pasivi. Adevarata pasiune este nascuta din suferinta. Adevarata pasiune pentru Hristos vine dintr-un botez al suferintei.

Cercetati Scripturile si veti gasi ca atunci cind Dumnezeu vrea sa restaureze o situatie ruinata El impartaseste propria Lui durere pentru a vede ce se intimpla Bisericii si poporului Sau si cauta un om al rugaciunii, il ia si il boteaza cu totul in suferinta.

Gasiti asta in cartea lui Neemia. Ierusalimul este in ruine. Cum se va ocupa Dumnezeu de asta? Cum va restaura Dumnezeu ruinele? Oameni buni… ascultati-ma! Neemia nu a fost un predicator, a fost un om de cariera, a fost un om al rugaciunii. Dumnezeu a gasit un om care nu a avut doar niste emotii, nu doar o izbucnire a ingrijorarii, pentru ca apoi sa lase sa moara. El spune: „Nu. Am cazut jos si am plins si am postit. Apoi m-am rugat zi si noapte”.

De ce alti oameni? De ce ceilalti oameni nu au avut nici un raspuns? De ce Dumnezeu nu i-a folosit in restaurare? De ce nu au avut nici un cuvint de spus? Pentru ca nu era nici un semn al suferintei. Nu au plins! Nici o rugaciune!  Totul este o ruina.

Conteaza asta pentru tine? Conteaza pentru tine ca Ierusalimul spiritual al lui Hristos, Biserica, este maritata cu lumea? Ca este asa o raceala ce cuprinde Biserica? Mai mult de atit…Conteaza pentru tine ca acest Ierusalim este in inimile noastre? Semnul ruinei   nici , al disparitiei treptate a puterii spirituale si a pasiunii? Orbiti de indiferenta, caldicei? Orbiti de lucrurile de umplutura ce ne atrag subtil?

Asta e ce vrea diacolul sa faca. Sa nu mai luptati. Sa omoare lupta asa incit sa nu va mai rugati. Sa nu mai plingeti inaintea Domnului. Poti sa stai sa te uiti la televizor sau internet si familia ta sa mearga in iad.

Lasa-ma sa te intreb. La ce am spus te-a convins macar? Ti-ai simtit vinovatia macar?

Este o mare diferenta intre suferinta si ingrijorare. Grija este ceva ce incepe sa te intereseze, gasesti interes intr-un proiect, o cauza sau o nevoie de a ta. Vreau sa-ti spun ceva: „Am invatat asta in cei 50 de ani de predicare. Daca nu este nascuta in suferinta, daca nu este nascuta in Duhul Sfint, unde ce ai vazut si ai auzit despre ruine ce te duc pe genunchi intr-un „botez” al suferintei in care incepi sa te rogi si sa-L cauti pe Dumnezeu: ‘Acum stiu, o Doamne, stiu asta’. Pina nu sunt in agonie, pina nu m-a durut pentru toate proiectele noastre, toate lucrarile noastre, tot ceea ce facem.”

Unde sunt invatatorii de scoala duminicala care pling pentru copii neascultatori, de care stiu ca nu-i asculta si merg inspre iad?

Vezi, o adevarata viata de rugaciune incepe intr-un loc al suferintei. Vezi, tu daca iti intorci inima spre rugaciune, Dumnezeu va veni si va impartasi inima Sa cu tine. Inima ta incepe sa plinga:”O Doamne, numele Tau este luat in desert! Duhul Sfint este batjocorit, luat in ris! Dusmanul este afara incercind sa distruga marturia credinciosiei lui Dumnezeu si ceva trebuie facut.

Va fi nici o reiinoire, nici-o redesteptare, nici o trezire pina cind nu vom vrea sa lasam pe Dumnezeu sa ne fringa inca odata. Oameni buni, se face tirziu si este foarte serios. Te rog, nu imi spune ca esti ingrijorat cind tu petreci ore in sir in fata internetului si al televizorului. Haide! Doamne, sunt citeva cereri de adus in fata altarului si marturisiri: „Nu sunt cine am fost, nu sunt unde ar trebui sa fiu. Doamne, nu am  inima Ta sau jugul Tau (povara Ta). Am vrut sa fie usor. Am vrut doar sa fiu fericit. Dar Doamne, adevarata fericire… adevarata fericire vine prin suferinta. NIMIC CE E TRUPESC (FIRESC) NU VA DA FERICIRE. Nu-mi pasa citi bani, ce casa noua…nu este nimic fizic care sa iti aduca fericirea. Doar ce e facut de Duhul Sfint cind il asculti si iti conduce inima.

CONSTRUIESTE-TI ZIDURI IN JURUL FAMILIEI TALE. CONSTRUIESTE-TI ZIDURI IN JURUL INIMII TALE. Fa-te puternic si de neinvins in fata intunericului. Doamne asta e ceea ce vrem.

DAVID WILKERSON – „A call to anguish” (O chemare la suferinta)

4 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: Propunere legislativă « La Grig
  2. Grig
    iul. 09, 2011 @ 06:06:44

    Interesant … aproape aceleaşi convingeri cu ale mele …

  3. rodi
    iul. 09, 2011 @ 11:00:05

    e o chemare mai neobisnuita in vremurile noastre cind toti cautam adevarata fericire (inclusiv crestinii) in lucrurile pamintesti. Dumnezeu sa ne ajute sa intelegem ca toate biruintele vin de pe genunchi in rugaciune si in post si sa aiba mila de familiile noastre,mai ales de copii nostri.

  4. Trackback: Propunere legislativă | @grig
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