Newspapers in Norway are reporting about the April 16 worldwide protests against Barnevernet

Norwegian newspapers on protests against BarnevernetFoto via Spune Mihai Dragoman: Zana maseluta din Norvegia s-a trezit, in sfarsit! Dagebladet, al doilea ziar ca importanta din Norvegia scrie despre mega protestul din 16 aprilie! The second most important newspaper in Norway is reporting on the April 16 protests.

The LOCAL an Oslo newspaper in the english language writes about the protests on the eve of what may become the biggest worldwide protest against any one country in the world:

Global protests to condemn ‘legal kidnapping’ in Norway

Activists in nearly 30 countries plan to protest the Norwegian Child Welfare Service on Saturday for what they say is the agency’s practice of „kidnapping” children from their families.

After a wave of demonstrations over the past several months, the Norwegian Child Welfare Service (Barnevernet) will be the subject of a coordinated ‘day of action’ that could draw as many as 300,000 people, organizers told The Local.
Spurred by a high-profile case in which five children were removed from their Norwegian/Romanian parents’ care by Barnevernet in November, Norway’s child welfare service will be the subject of protests by those who say the agency “kidnaps” children.
On Saturday, coordinated demonstrations will be held worldwide, including at five locations in Norway.
„Protests will be held in 70 cities in 29 countries and more than 300,000 people worldwide are expected,” said Czech MEP Tomáš Zdechovský, a leading voice in the Barnevernet protests.
The protests will be broadcast live by Romanian media outlets and organizers say they are aiming to set a world record as the „largest protest against human rights abuse towards children and family”.
Child removals on the rise
According to the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality, the overall number of children and young people removed increased by roughly 50 percent between 2008 and 2013.
TV2 reported this week that child removals are now increasingly happening immediately after birth. In 2008, Barnevernet took over the care of 16 children immediately following their birth. By 2014, that number had tripled to 44.
With the increase in cases, there has also been a rise of voices critical of Norway’s child protection practices.
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