Francis Chan – from Passion Conference 2010…if this is not where you thought you’d be today…(Essential sermon) and an update (4/12/2011) from his ministry.

Francis Chan…meeting here today, some of you say’ „Wow, I am not the only one who’s crazy, wanting to wake up every morning fired up wanting to follow Jesus. Yet some of you are going to walk away from here and hold on to your sin. All I want to do is stir up your mind by way as a reminder-I can’t change your heart, (only) the Holy Spirit can.” Francis gives an outstanding analogy of a GPS unit and the Holy Spirit. (video via Jacob Marlowe)

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Francis Chan Talk – Passion 2010, posted with vodpod

Other sermons by Francis Chan-(email this page to yourself if you haven’t heard these sermons yet-I have placed Francis Chan’s sermons on the right sidebar of the blog to be accessed easily when you click on his picture)

  1. When God Doesn’t Listen by Francis Chan
  2. Francis Chan – Falling madly in love with God…some of us (only) kind of know God, so therefore we (only) kind of follow Him
  3. Francis Chan: The Joy of Suffering – Biola University Chapel
  4. Why We All Need the Gospel – Francis Chan – Desiring God Conference 2011
  5. Think Hard, Stay Humble: The Life of the Mind and the Peril of Pride – Francis Chan at Desiring God 2010 National Conference Video
  6. Radical Christianity Is Normal by Francis Chan – 2011
  7. Francis Chan: Prayer as a Way of Walking in Love
  8. Meet Francis Chan – the Pastor who stepped down to serve like Christ TWO SERMONS – Lukewarm and loving it and When sin looks more enjoyable than God

Francis Chan April 12 update message


Do Not Forget Them
I woke up today at 3am, burdened for our brothers and sisters imprisoned in Iran.  Please continue praying for them.  If you go to, there are good thoughts on what to pray.  Let’s pray for them the way we would want others to pray for us if the tables were turned.

God’s Prompting
I don’t know how to explain it, but I believe strongly that the Lord wants me to get more aggressive about ministry in the San Francisco area.  I have been meeting with people in the area to pray and dream about how His church could look.  I want to spend ample time praying.  This seems like something God is stirring.  I want to be led by His Spirit and not my own desires.  So for now, there are very few plans but many prayers.  Pray that God would bring more glory to His name in San Francisco.

Things continue to go well for my family and me.  We look forward to the arrival of our baby girl next month.  We recently purchased a house in Daly City.  It is halfway between downtown San Francisco and the airport.  Unfortunately, we can’t move in yet because the city inspector came by and imposed some pretty crazy regulations on us.  (ie:  refusing to let us rebuild a deck that rotted out- concluding that it would be better to have a sliding glass door off the second story that leads to a free fall.)  Believe it or not, I’m actually thankful for the problems.  God has used different trials to humble me and reveal the impatience and anger that is still in me.  I’m praying that I would put it all to death.  (My sin, not the city inspector…)

A passage that has been helpful for me is Colossians 3.  It is a great chapter reminding us to lose ourselves in Christ.  In verse 2, it says “set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth.”  I have a tendency to get distracted by earthly things and take my mind off things that are above.  We have to fight for our minds.  We cannot allow ourselves to lose sight of our mission here on earth!  How are you doing?  Have you been focused on eternal things?

The End is Near?
I’m sure we have all looked at the current events and wondered if this is it.  Whatever your thoughts on the matter, let’s just make sure we don’t panic or worry like the rest of the world.  I’ll end with one of my favorite passages.

25 “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26 people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”  Luke 21:25-28

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