Elijah by Leonard Ravenhill (full sermon)

Elijah by Leonard Ravenhill1:15 hrs.Ravenhill speaks on the prophet Elijah and about revival relating to Elijah as a type.

Leonard Ravenhill is a straightforward preacher who told it as the Spirit showed him. The sermon is about 1 1/4 hrs, so make time to listen to it. It is very worthwhile.

Other Leonard Ravenhill articles (in English):

  1. Biography
  2. Man of God
  3. Are we longing for repentance?
  4. Repentance
  5. Short video – Street preachers featuring Ravenhill, Tozer, Wilkerson
  6. Short video – Are we jealous for God’s glory?

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Elijah by Leonard Ravenhill, posted with vodpod


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