Pornography – the dangerous addiction (Romanian / English resources) ‘New’ Online Book

Biofizician Ortodox-Virgiliu Gheroghe

Pornografia – o realitate care ne priveste- conferinta Sibiu Bucuresti

Feriti-va ca de foc. E mai rau ca focul! (Virgiliu Gheorghe)

Este socant ce planuri se pun la cale de  UNESCO si Uniunea Europeana asupra subiectului de educatie sexuala pentru copii in scolile din UE. Citeaza niste statistice din Statele Unite, ingrozitoare. Media de virsta a copiilor care incep sa foloseasca pornografia este 11 ani. E bine sa fim informati de pericolul acesta care distruge familiile si societatea noastra. Virgiliu Gheroghe explica cum consumul pornografiei (excitare prin privire) timp de 5-10 ani, ii imbatrineste creierul cu 30 de ani din cauza leziunilor care sint produse dupa mai putin de un an de consum. Dupa numai sase luni de zile, acel om isi schimba total gindirea si nu isi mai doreste familia sau copii ci doar implinirea placerii chimice in consumul pornografiei. Virgiliu Gheorghe a scris inca o carte- ‘Efectele micului ecran asupra minţii copilului’ care apare sub sigla „Asociaţiei pentru Apărarea Familiei şi (a) Copilului”. Conferinta a fost tinuta la Sibiu de Virgiliu Gheorghe. Video 2 ore 40 minute,  Altermedia Romania.

(Pentru ca acest video nu mai este ‘available’ postez 3 fisiere video de la cea mai recenta conferinta cu Virgiliu Gheorghe.

Uploaded by on Feb 25, 2011 from 24 feb. 2011, Aula Facultatii de Drept Bucuresti; filmare: Aurel Duta pentru FoaieNationala

Partea 1

Partea 2

Partea 3

Inca un video care l-am mai postat- Despre pericolul pornografiei cu  Dr Albu v Eeden (cu translator). Conferinta a luat loc la Biserica Baptista Timisoara, Romania.

Conferinta la Biserica Baptista Timisoara, Romania.
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Mark Driscoll – What the Bible Really Says About Sex (on Fox News)

The Bible and Neuroscience on Promiscuity by J.P.Moreland

by rodi in J.P.Moreland, Marriage, Youth Tags: Bile and neuroscience, family series, following bible teachings, hooked, J.P.Moreland, promiscuity, sexual relations, traditional marriage

Dr. Moreland’s blog header Bible verse:

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and

whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

Matthew 16:25

J.P.Moreland is the Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University in La Mirada, California. I have four earned degrees: a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Missouri, a Th.M. in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, an M. A. in philosophy from the University of California-Riverside, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Southern California.

During the course of his life, he has co-planted three churches, spoken and debated on over 175 college campuses around the country, and served with Campus Crusade for Christ for 10 years. For eight years, he served as a bioethicist for PersonaCare Nursing Homes, Inc. headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland.

In his post Dr. Moreland quotes from , Hooked: New Science on How Casual Sex is Affecting our Children.and starts out by affirming what we, as Christians now and believe about the impact of the Bible (the Word of God):

The Bible is the greatest source of wisdom for life in all of humanity.  If followed, its teaching regularly and without rival leads to human flourishing.  It is important to keep this in mind, because, since the beginning of the twentieth century in the United States, current after current of alleged thought has told us to jettison scriptural teaching in favor of some recent, more updated findings.  This has especially been true in the sexual revolution, which tells us that traditional biblical morality is stifling and repressive.  However, if the Bible is true, one would predict that. In fact, following its teachings would lead to flourishing, and disobeying its teachings would have a deleterious effect on people.

Then he proceeds to discuss the surprising  findings in the book (surprising that is, if you are an unbeliever):

So far as I know, neither author is a believer, and if he or she is, neither’s religious views form a part of his/her arguments.  The thesis of the book is that, given current brain research, is it now beyond reasonable doubt that sexual promiscuity (basically, any intense sexual activity, including, but not limited to, intercourse) has a negative impact on one’s brain chemistry, one’s health, one’s ability to enjoy sex, and one’s ability to connect emotionally and relationally with someone.  They argue that only in the context of traditional marriage can sexual relations be life-giving.

Click here to read the rest of this article.

(VIA)Brett Kunkle Stand To Reason

2 helpful videos

1 – Live pure, free from pornography & lustful thoughts (Pastor Tim Conway) 28 min.

2 – Freedom from masturbation and pornography (James from ‘I’ll be honest’) 33 min.

This booklet was originally published at Mars Hill Church and is now being offered as a freely distributable online eBook and downloadable as a PDF which Mars Hill encourages everyone to distribute.

7 comentarii (+add yours?)

  1. GABi Bogdan
    apr. 01, 2011 @ 00:19:55

    I never heard anything like this. Amazing. I just wish this seminar could be heard by everybody. Interesant cum face diferenta intre omul duhovnicesc si cel firesc.(min 56)

    • rodi
      apr. 01, 2011 @ 08:55:30

      I agree that everyone should hear it-I think I am going to make an icon(picture) and permanently put it on the side of the blog for newer people to listen to. A lot of amazing things in this study this man cites, that if people would only know… not in the least, if the fact that this man is so adamant about how the church is negelecting this and many other issues – such as the legalization of prostitution and ‘withcraft’ as a religion in Romania. You hear another man while they wait for the question/answer session say that the church should have been more outspoken- that is another Orthodox priest talking in the background.
      In my web research on materials about the family in the Romanian language, most of what I am finding is coming from the Orthodox Church. They are the loud voices and campaigners of Pro Family and Pro Life issues in Romania. And their theology is pretty ‘Orthodox’in these matters. Like you, I was also surprised at the wisdom of some of the things he said and his interpretations. I also thought it would be hard to sit through 2 hours and 40 minutes of talk; I was wrong, precisely for the fact that he interspersed some (orthodox) theology through it, and because the man is passionate about people not destroying their lives and souls because of their ignorance.
      Whether one believes in God or not, Virgiliu Gheorghe gives a powerful impetus towards sexual purity for the health of the mind, but also of the body. The physical side effects he cited (some from the Chinese studies, and brain biopsies) are horrific. Our kids (especially) need to know this. I like what Mark Dever said – the church (that would be all of us) should work against this threat and understand that it is coming after us and our families.

  2. Trackback: Give up on self, Trust in Christ alone! (Freedom from Pornography) via Illbehonest « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
  3. Trackback: Pornografia – o realitate care ne priveste- conferintele din Sibiu si la Biserica Baptista din Timisoara (doua lecturi importante, mai ales pentru parinti) « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
  4. Trackback: Fighting lust « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
  5. Trackback: Nu urmări eliberarea de pornografie, urmăreşte-L pe Hristos – Don’t Pursue Freedom from Pornography, Pursue Christ (English/Romanian) « agnus dei – english + romanian blog
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    iun. 04, 2014 @ 00:19:12

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