La Multi Ani binecuvantati Pastorului Florin Ianovici !

Dumnezeu sa-l binecuvanteze pe fratele Ianovici si familia dansului! (Poza via Facebook Daniel – Tineret Betel)

de la Facebook, Florin Ianovici:

F. Ianovici tin betelDumnezeu nu foloseste punctul. E unul dintre secretele Sale. El foloseste doua puncte, virgula sau punctul si virgula, spunea Tozer.

La 44 de ani nu caut punctul ci cele doua puncte. Adica 44 de ani: mantuire, iubirea familiei, prietenia credinciosilor, frumusetea slujirii, nunta cea de sus!

Fiecare virgula marcheaza o binecuvantare pe care am primit-o de la Dumnezeu.

Dumnezeu nu folseste punctul pentru ca viata cu El este plina de surprize, cu repetate sanse de a fi mai bun si mai sfant.

Multumesc Domnul meu si Dumnezeul meu!

Va multumesc voua, celor ce mi-ati transmis un gand frumos!

Sa ne ajute Dumnezeu!

PAGINA Florin Ianovici PREDICI aici

The Messengers la Biserica Betel Bucuresti – Ai ales piroane si spini

Published on May 7, 2013 The Messengers & Florin şi Alin Jivan & Alex Taşcu – Biserica Betel Crângaşi Bucureşti (luni 6 mai 2013)

VIDEO by inventivstudio

Vladimir Pustan – Florii – Cand Isus intra in Templu

PAGINA Vladimir Pustan PREDICI aici

pustan 09

Matei 21:12-16 –  Isus a intrat în Templul lui Dumnezeu. A dat afară pe toţi cei ce vindeau şi cumpărau în Templu, a răsturnat mesele schimbătorilor de bani şi scaunele celor ce vindeau porumbei, 13 şi le -a zis: ,,Este scris: ,Casa Mea se va chema o casă de rugăciune.` Dar voi aţi făcut din ea o peşteră de tîlhari.„ 14 Nişte orbi şi şchiopi au venit la El în Templu, şi El i -a vindecat. 15 Dar preoţii cei mai de seamă şi cărturarii, cînd au văzut minunile pe cari le făcea, şi pe copii strigînd în Templu şi zicînd: ,,Osana, Fiul lui David!„ s’au umplut de mînie. 16 Şi I-au zis: ,,Auzi ce zic aceştia?„ ,,Da,„ le -a răspuns Isus. ,,Oare n’aţi citit niciodată cuvintele acestea: ,Tu ai scos laude din gura pruncilor şi din gura celor ce sug?

Avem o gramada de bucurii in bisericile noastre, dar pacat ca Domnul nu e si El prezent. Avem comitete, preoti, pastori, turle multe, biserici finantate cu banii statului. Nu stiu la cate minute se inchide cate o biserica si se inchide o scoala. Incet, incet vom fi o tara plina de biserici goale. Vom fi o tara plina de preoti, de pastori care o sa pastoreasca banci, ziduri, cate un clopot pentru ca incet cu incet Dumnezeu isi ia valiza si se muta din bisericile noastre, pentru ca bisericile, o mare parte dintre ele au uitat un lucru esential: ca nu zidurile compun o biserica, ci oamenii. Am reusit performanta negativa sa facem din biserica lui Hristos o pestera de talhari. Un loc in care ne expunem muschii, hainele, in care ne aratam cine suntem si in care consideram ca numai noi avem monopolul adevarat al mantuirii sau noi detinem adevarul suprem.

Nu stiu ce s-a intamplat in templul acela pana nu a intrat Isus. Oricum, Dumnezeu plecase de acolo. Pe vremea lui Ieremia le-a spus ca a plecat de aici. Deci era oricum cateva sute de ani de cand Hristos nu mai era in templu, numai lor li se parea ca este Dumnezeu acolo, este Duhul Sfant acolo. Isus Hristos a venit in locul in care nu se mai intampla nimic, decat afaceri. Spune ca erau acolo schimbatori de bani, schimbatori de idei probabil, oameni care-si dadeau cu presupusul, care aveau indemnuri, care vroiau sa cante acolo, Isus Hristos intra in templu si lucrurile, dintr-o data incep sa se schimbe. Se manie Domnul, incepe sa dea in stanga si in dreapta. Va dati seama ca daca L-am fi vazut am fi zis, „Omul acesta manios nu poate sa fie Mesia.” N-am fi crezut asta. Adica, nu era nici spiritual corest, nici politic corect. A facut totul in mod incorect in seara aceea, dar lucrurile au inceput sa se schimbe. Era ziua de Florii.

E o amorteala in sufletele noastre. Coabitam cu sarpele care sta in noi, firea veche si parca nu se intampla nimic. Stiti? Nici intr-un suflet nu se intampla nimic; Satana zice, „Dormi,” iti canta incet, are fluier, te adoarme complect si spune, „Totu-i bine.” Adica, fara nici o zdruncinatura te vei duce spre iad, anesteziat gata. In momentul cand intra Isus Hristos in templul vietii noastre, pentru ca noi suntem templul Duhului Sfant, suntem si noi un templu, plin cu vanzatori obraznici. In clipa in care intra Isus Hristos in templul vietii noastre lucrurile incep sa se schimbe dramatic in viata noastra. Pana atunci nu avem treaba. Dar in momentul acesta intervine ceva. Si atunci cand Isus Hristos intra in templul vietii noastre, El da afara raul. Intotdeauna, cand Hristos intra intr-o persoana, El da afara raul din persoana respectiva, din templul acesta care suntem noi, pentru ca raul nu poate sa stea in inima in care sta Isus. Cum poate coabita Dumnezeu si diavolul in aceeasi inima? Nu poate.

Dumnezeu a plecat pe vremea lui Ieremia. Si-a luat bagajul si a plecat. Cine a intrat in Templu? Diavolul, din moment ce faceau schimburi acolo, se minteau unul pe altul. Era diavolul prezent. Cand Dumnezeu pleaca nu exista vid. Locul acela se umple de Satan. Dar cand Hristos vine, Dumnezeu a venit dupa sute de ani si a intrat in Templu, unde era stapan diavolul. Raul, in momentul acela, Satana a trebuit sa plece afara.

(1) Cand Dumnezeu intra itr-un  templu da afara raul 

Luca 11:24-26 – Duhul necurat, cînd iese afară dintr’un om, umblă prin locuri fără apă, şi caută odihnă. Fiindcă n’o găseşte, zice: ,Mă voi întoarce în casa mea, de unde am ieşit.` 25 Şi cînd vine, o găseşte măturată şi împodobită. 26 Atunci se duce de mai ia cu el alte şapte duhuri, mai rele decît el; intră împreună în casă, se aşează în ea, şi starea de pe urmă a omului aceluia ajunge mai rea decît cea dintîi. A dat afara raul, dar raul a venit si s-a uitat pe usa, „Cum e casa?” „Goala.” Daca e goala, nici n-a intrat, a fluierat dupa altii. A-ti inteles ideea? Daca nu o umpleti cu Hristos- am avut ideea sa dam afara raul din viata noastra, uitand ca e periculoasa o casa goala, intotdeauna, daca nu ti-o umpli cu Hristos. Ori Dumnezeu, ori diavolul. Ori binele, ori raul. Ori adevarul, ori minciuna. Nu se poate vid. In Luca 4 spune ca in sinagoga din Capernaum era un om cu un duh necurat. Era liniste in sinagoga, diavolu statea linistit si asculta predici. Rezista 30 de ani Satana intr-un om, sa asculte predici, sa mearga in biserica, sa fie bisericos. Noi nu vorbim de Satana decat de locuri in care el se duce- cum ar fi discoteci, baruri, crasme… acolo noi stim ca sta diavolul.

Trebuie sa intelegeti un lucru: diavolul e atat de siret ca poate sa stea in biserica. El poate sa reziste enorm de mult in aceasta cultura spirituala slabuta. Sa germineze in locul acesta. Ce s-a intamplat in omul acela? Satana era in el linistit. Dar a venit intr-o zi Hristos si a predicat cum n-au predicat ei pana atunci. Ca unul care avea putere. Si Satana a inceput sa tipe din omul acela,” De ce ai venit sa ne prapadesti?” Spune cuvantul ca Isus a vorbit cu diavolul si l-a dat afara din sinagoga si a pastrat omul. Hristos dadea afara dracul si pastra omul. Noi ildam si pe om afara, ca sa fim siguri. Aici e marea naostra problema. Nu reusim performanta aceasta sa intelegem ca noi nu avem voie sa judecam un om, ci pacatul din el. Voi judecati omul la gramada, uitand cat de important este sa intelegeti ca Dumnezeu va vrea altfel. Vreau sa intelegeti. Nu psihologii, nu psihiatrii, nu psianalistii pot sa faca ceva. Nu exorcistii pot sa faca ceva pentru un om, ci Hristos, ci Dumnezeu.

„Linia de demarcatie intre Dumnezeu si Satana, intre rau si bine este in inima noastra,” zicea Soljeniten, „si care dintre voi a-ti vrea sa-si distruga o bucata de inima?” Extraordinar. Care dintre voi vrea sa-si faca praf jumatatea lor de inima in care e rau? Ce am inteles noi de aici? Aici in inima e raul. Nu-l mai cautati in afara. Nu-i Dumnezeu rau, nu-i Dumnezeu slab, dar El se confrunta cu o problema. Inima mea, inima ta e nespus de rea si inselatoare. De ce cantam noi in rugaciune si in cantare: Inima mea, inima mea, Tu s-o curatesti Isuse, sa intri-n ea ca este a Ta, daor Tu o cunosti Isuse. Aici e o problema. In momentul in care zici, „Doamne, vino-n inima mea,” tu chiar esti dispus ca Isus sa vina sa faca curatenie? Problema (cu raul) e aici in noi. Nu la Dumnezeu trebuie cautata vina, ci in noi. Cine vrea sa-si distruga o jumate de inima si sa o dea lui Isus Hristos? Eu si tu trebuie sa o facem ca sa fie toata a Lui. Dumnezeu nu are nevoie de procentele noastre. Cand Dumnezeu intra in viata cuiva- da afara raul. Nu mai exista rau acolo. Exista doar bine, seninatate, iarba verde, cer albastru.

(2) Cand Dumnezeu intra intr-un templu, El aduce dorinta rugaciunii

Vers. 13 ,,Este scris: ,Casa Mea se va chema o casă de rugăciune.` Asa trebuie sa fie casa noastra, viata noastra- o casa a rugaciunii. Pentru ca de multe ori suntem prea ocupati sa ne rugam, de aceea numaram falimentele in viata, unul dupa altul. Azi am cazut acolo, azi am dat cu capul de grinda aialalta… si Biblia ne spune noua: Rugati-va neincetat. Filipeni 4:6-7 – Nu vă îngrijoraţi de nimic; ci în orice lucru, aduceţi cererile voastre la cunoştinţa lui Dumnezeu, prin rugăciuni şi cereri, cu mulţămiri. Şi pacea lui Dumnezeu, care întrece orice pricepere, vă va păzi inimile şi gîndurile în Hristos Isus. Rugativa neincetat ca doar asa va veti putea pazi inimile si gandurile in Isus Hristos, asa vor fi biruitoare. In momentul cand un om se intalneste cu Dumnezeu, cu Isus Hristos, in clipa aceea dorinta lui este sa nu mai aiba rau in viata lui, sa dea Hristos afara raul si sa se poata ruga dupa aia. Rugaciunea nu-i o modalitate usoara de a obtine ce dorim. Ci este singura modalitate de a deveni ceea ce Dumnezeu vrea sa devenim. Adica, eu nu ma rog ca Dumnezeu sa-mi dea repede ceea ce eu doresc. Ci este singura modalitate rugaciunea de a fi ceea ce trebuie sa fiu. Adica un om sfant.

Rugaciunea nu e o datorie, ci un privilegiu. Stai de vorba cu Tata, stai de vorba cu Isus Hristos. Nu oricine poate sta de vorba cu El. Ca El nu asculta pe cei mandrii. Celor smeriti le da har. Cand omul lucreaza, omul lucreaza. Dar cand tu te rogi, omul se roaga, Dumnezeu lucreaza. Rugaciunea nu este doar atunci cand avem nevoie de Dumnezeu.

(3) Cand Dumnezeu intra intr-o casa, El aduce vindecare

Vers. 14 14 Nişte orbi şi şchiopi au venit la El în Templu, şi El i -a vindecat. N-aveau voie sa vina orbii si schiopii in templu, dar nu aveau voie nici vanzatorii sa vina, nici schimbatorii de bani, nici afaceristii. Cand au vazut orbii si schiopii ca s-au dat afara aia, au zis, „Inseamna ca a ramas loc liber, inseamna ca e loc pentru noi.” Si Hristos ce a facut in biserica? I-a vindecat, pentru ca aici (in biserica) este si un loc al vindecarii. Stiti cum e si cu vindecarea? Ne-o dorim atat de mult vindecarea asta fizica. De multe ori ne-o dorim mai mult ca pe cea sufleteasca si asta e o problema grava, pentru ca tinem mai mult la trupul acesta decat la sufletul nostru. Noi cerem de atatea ori, „Doamne, fa o minune cu trupul acesta.” Si face Dumnezeu. Pentru ce, apoi ca sa mergem in iad cu el sanatos? Nu vi se pare ciudat ca Dumnezeu zice, „Sufletul este important pentru voi.” Daca ne vindeca Dumnezeu, slavit sa fie El. Daca trebuie sa fac insulina, slavit sa fie El. Ca va garantez ca e mai bine sa faceti insulina in brat, decat in suflet. Cata vreme sufletul e bun, trupul sa fie bucati. Sufletul conteaza pentru ca sufletul este vesnic, nu trupul.  Hristos a venit in lumea noastra, in primul rand sa vindece sufletele si apoi trupurile. El face ce vrea El. Vindecarea finala a trupului nostru, acuma prins de boala, va fi acolo sus in cer cand vom primi trupuri de slava.

(4) Cand Dumnezeu intra intr-un templu, El aduce dorinta laudei

Vers. 15-16 – 15 Dar preoţii cei mai de seamă şi cărturarii, cînd au văzut minunile pe cari le făcea, şi pe copii strigînd în Templu şi zicînd: ,,Osana, Fiul lui David!„ s’au umplut de mînie. 16 Şi I-au zis: ,,Auzi ce zic aceştia?„ ,,Da,„ le -a răspuns Isus. ,,Oare n’aţi citit niciodată cuvintele acestea: ,Tu ai scos laude din gura pruncilor şi din gura celor ce sug? Un om, in care a intrat Dumnezeu si a dat afara raul, care se roaga, in care a produs Dumnezeu vindecare, omul acesta ce zice? „Te laud, ca sunt o faptura minunata, Doamne! Te laud ca esti un Dumnezeu mare! Te laud ca esti un Dumnezeu bun!” Mereu suntem nemultumiti. Mereu il facem pe Dumnezeu responsabil de tot ce ni se intampla in viata, de toate handicapurile noastre, de toate slabiciunile noastre.

Suntem ca si barbatul acela care 2 saptamani a stat in coma. Sotia tot langa el, zi si noapte. El in continu in coma, n-a mai zis nici un doctor ca se mai trezeste. Dupa doua saptamani de zile a deschis ochii. A vrut sa si manance. Se uita la nevasta si zice- asta e caz real. Se uita la nevasta si zice, „Ce sotie minunata am.” Mai sta putin, „Dar, stii la ce ma gandesc eu? Mi-aduc aminte ca atunci cand am ramas fara serviciu, tu ai fost langa mine. Extraordinar. Tu, cand am ramas fara serviciu ai fost acolo langa mine. Cand am fost bolnav prima data, cand mi-am taiat degetele cu firezul, tu ai fost langa mine. Atunci cand am ramas fara casa ca am facut eu nebunia aia in banca si am ramas fara casa, tu ai fost langa mine. Acuma, cand am fost in coma, doua saptamani de zile, tu ai fost langa mine. Stii ce concluzie trag eu,” zice sotul? „Ce,” zice sotia. „Ca tu imi aduci mie ghinion.” Astia-s oamenii in fond si la urma urmei. Mereu nemultumiti, mereu Dumnezeu a fost langa noi si parca ne aduce ghinion. Asa imi spunea o sora la o alta biserica, „Frate, de cand m-am pocait numai rau imi merge.” Parca Dumnezeu e de vina. Am zis, „Bucura-te ca la cei mai multi le merge bine.” Ca nu este mai mare necaz decat sa te lase Dumnezeu in voia mintii tale, ca sa poti dupa aceea sa mergi, sa fii talpa la iad. Este vremea sa intelegeti ca trebuie sa fim multumiti. Din toata inima noastra. Si apoi, dupa multumiri trebuie sa fie lauda si lauda trebuie sa fie inaintea multumirii pentru ca scrie: Intrati cu laude in curtile Lui si pe portile Lui sa intrati cu strigate de biruinta.

Unii oameni se schimba atunci cand vad lumina, adica cartea asta (Biblia). Altii oameni se schimba cand simt caldura. Dar sa fie Dumnezeu acolo. Evrei 13;15 Prin El, să aducem totdeauna lui Dumnezeu o jertfă de laudă, adică, rodul buzelor cari mărturisesc Numele Lui. Prin El, prin Isus Hristos pentru ca omul in care a intrat Hristos, omul acela il lauda pe Dumnezeu, omul acela se roaga, omul acela este vindecat, omul acela nu mai are rau pentru ca l-a dat Dumnezeu afara din el. In 1 Corinteni 10:31 scrie Deci, fie că mîncaţi, fie că beţi, fie că faceţi altceva: să faceţi totul pentru slava lui Dumnezeu. Aici e raspunsul la toate intrebarile noastre.

„Pastore, ma pot duce la discoteca?” „Sigur, linistit. Daca acolo poti sa strigi tare: Slava Domnului, uite ce oameni minunati.” „Pot sa vad filmul asta?” „Sigur. Nici o problema nu e daca poti sa zici: Slava lui Isus. O ce film bun.” Daca nu se bat cu sange peste tot ca la macelarie. Daca nu poti zice, taciNu te du ca nu e bine. Amin Orice faceti sa faceti spre slava lui Dumnezeu.

Born again Christians – David Platt


We live in a day when it means almost nothing to be a Christian. According to research almost 4 out of every 5 Americans identify themselves as Christians. 4 out of 5? But in this group of self proclaimed Christians, less than half of them are involved in church on a weekly basis, less than half of them actually believe the Bible is true. An overwhelming majority of them don’t have a biblical view of the world around them. So, researchers went even deeper then, to distinguish men and women who are born again Christians, as if there’s any other kind of ‘Christian’. But, these are people who say they’ve made a personal commitment to Jesus. They believe they will go to heaven because they’ve accepted Jesus as their Savior. And according to research, almost half of Americans, so half of Americans are born again Christians.

But, you look at this group of born again Christians and researchers have found that their beliefs and lifestyles are virtually indistinguishable from the world around them. Many born again Christians believe that their works will earn them a place in heaven. Others think that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Some believe that Jesus sinned while He was on earth. And an ever increasing number of born again Christians just describe themselves as marginally committed to Jesus.

So, people have used data like this to conclude that Christians are not really that different form the rest of the world. But I don’t think that interpretation of that research is accurate. I think that the one thing that’s abundantly clear from those statistics is there are a whole lot of people in our country who think that they are Christians, but they are not. There’s scores of people, here and around the world, who culturally identify themselves as Christians and biblically are not followers of Christ.

VIDEO by VergeNetwork

The Record of the Ascension of Jesus Part 2

A study by  J. Hampton Keathley, III at See part 1 here – An introduction to the Ascension of Jesus looking at Isaiah 6


The Record of the Ascension:
Its Confirmation and Significance

Prophet – Photo via

Prophets Anticipated the Ascension

It is important to realize the ascension of Christ has always been a part of the overall plan of God. The idea of the ascension was not some last minute idea thought up by hapless and hopeless disciples.

Isaiah 52:13 Behold, My servant will prosper, He will be high and lifted up, and greatly exalted.

Belief in the ascension and its accomplishments has it source in the expectations and promises of Old Testament prophecy.

Psalm 16:8-11 I have set the LORD continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will dwell securely. 10 For Thou wilt not abandon my soul to Sheol; Neither wilt Thou allow Thy Holy One to undergo decay. 11 Thou wilt make known to me the path of life; In Thy presence is fulness of joy; In Thy right hand there are pleasures forever. (emphasis mine)

This prophecy traces Christ from the cross through resurrection back into His glory at God’s right hand through the ascension (cf. Acts 2:24-36).

Psalm 110:1-5 A Psalm of David. The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand, Until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet.” . . .. The Lord is at Thy right hand; He will shatter kings in the day of His wrath.

Also compare:

Matthew 22:41-44 Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question, 42saying, “What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?” They said to Him, “The son of David.” 43 He said to them, “Then how does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying, 44 ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Until I put Thine enemies beneath Thy feet”’?

Christ used this Old Testament passage which anticipated the ascension of David’s son to God’s right hand to demonstrate just who Messiah was and what this should mean to mankind. Messiah would be David’s son but also David’s Lord–one who shared God’s throne as God Himself. The ascension is alluded to in the words “at my right hand.” This shows us an understanding of what the ascension means and teaches us about Jesus Christ is vital for right thinking and response to the person of Christ. (Cf. Psalm 68:18Eph. 4:8ff; Isa 52:13).

The Lord’s ascension was anticipated in the Old Testament and viewed as essential to a proper understanding of just who Messiah is and of His ministry to men. (Photo Jesus ascension.jpg)


Christ Anticipated the Ascension

The ascension was no surprise to the Lord. From the very beginning of His ministry, the Lord was not only aware that He had come to die for our sin, but anticipated both the resurrection and the ascension. Both were foretold in the Old Testament and Christ knew that like His death, the resurrection and ascension were essential for fulfilling God’s purposes and solving man’s dilemma. There must be both the DESCENT from heaven and theASCENT back into heaven.

There are some fifteen or more passages where the Lord speaks of the ascension or alludes to it in one way or another. That is not without significance. In each of the passages the Lord used the ascension much like the fact of the resurrection. He used it to authenticate His person and to give reasons for what He could and would do for man, and why the person and work of Christ demands a verdict–the verdict of faith and commitment.

The ascension is a vital link in the entire chain of events, all of which are essential. It is the link between His past finished work and His present and future work. It demonstrates Jesus Christ to be the final solution for man’s need of prophet, priest, and king (Cf. John 3:13John 6:62John 13:1John 14:1-2Luke 20:41-44).

New Testament Believers Witnessed the Ascension

The Time of the Ascension

There are some who contend that Christ ascended into heaven prior to the event recorded in Acts 1. A number of expositors teach that Christ ascended to heaven on the day of His resurrection based on the implications of John 20:17 and Hebrews 9:6-20. Let me suggest several reasons why this is unlikely:

(1) In Hebrews 9:11-12 the statement, “through His own blood” (or in the KJV, “with His blood”) has been taken to mean Christ took His actual blood into heaven. They say in John 20:17, Christ was telling Mary not to touch Him because this had not yet been done. But the Greek text here uses a construction which means “through the agency of” or “by means of.” It simply means that Christ was able to enter heaven once and for all by means of (or through) His death on the cross.

(2) The Lord did not actually say in John 20:17 He would ascend immediately, or at a time prior to the record in Luke 24 and Acts 1. “I ascend” is a prediction and illustrates what grammarians call a “futuristic use of the present tense.” This is a well established use in the New Testament (cf. A.T. Robertson, A Grammar Of The Greek New Testament In The Light of Historical Research, Broadman Press, p. 880).

(3) The only biblical record we have of His ascension is the one recorded 40 days after the resurrection (Acts 1:9-11Luke 24:50-53). Many able scholars have concluded that it is improbable that Christ ascended in a formal way to heaven until the event of Acts 1.

But that He did ascend and that we have the record is enormously instructive.

This record is a confirmation of the fact of the ascension by those who had access to this information and who very carefully examined the facts (Luke 1:3) And the record of the ascension is such that it gives us important information about its nature and meaning.

The Nature of the Ascension

For the purposes of our study, we are going to focus our attention on the account in Acts 1:6-11.

Acts 1:6-11 And so when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. “ And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10 And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was departing, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them; 11 and they also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”

First, we want to note the context in which the ascension occurs. This passage shows us there was concern and longing for the restoration of the kingdom of Israel, and so there was the question about when. This would mean the reign of righteousness with Jesus Christ on the throne, and an end to the times of the Gentiles and the turmoil we now know in the world.

The Lord tells the disciples this was all in the Father’s sovereign plan and timing (vs. 7). In the meantime, they had the responsibility of representing the Lord to the world, a responsibility for which they would be adequately supplied by the power of the Holy Spirit once He had come to indwell the church, the body of Christ (vs. 8).

Christ’s ascension is immediately followed by the promise of the Holy Spirit and instructions regarding the purpose and mission of the church. The ascension is designed to provide an incentive to faith, courage, and a motivation to ministry.

Immediately after this commission in verse 8, the ascension occurred. The Lord was lifted up by a cloud of glory out of their sight and taken into heaven. He was ascending to the right hand of the Father from whence He would send the Holy Spirit to empower them for ministry. There also He would sit to represent them providing access into God’s presence.

Let’s note the words used for Christ’s departure and what they teach us.

Verse 9a tells us “He was lifted up.” This is the passive form of the Greek epairo and means “to lift up” as in the hoisting of a sail (Acts 27:40). This stresses that the ascension is upward and shows the Father was taking His Son up into heaven. The ascension was an act of exaltation and an affirmation of Christ’s person.

Verse 9b tells us “a cloud received Him out of their sight.” The Greek word “received” is hupolambano, “to take or bear up by supporting from beneath.” Literally the cloud “took under him.” He appeared to be supported by the cloud.

It appears that once Christ was in the atmospheric heaven, He was received by a cloud. Though we are not told so, this may have been like the cloud connected with the transfiguration, and which descended on the tabernacle in the wilderness and filled Solomon’s temple. Many believe it was the shekinah cloud, a symbol of the glory of God. In other words, it was a supernatural cloud, a symbol of the glorification of the Son. He was resuming His preincarnate glory–the glory He had before the incarnation.

Verse 10 describes the ascent by the words, “while He was departing.” “Departing” is the Greek poreuomai. This was a common word that meant to “go on a journey.” This suggests to us the ascension was a journey, not merely a disappearance. The Son of Man who was the Son of God was passing through the heavens into the heaven of heavens, into the very presence of God to appear there for us (cf. Heb. 4:14; 7:20; 9:24).

Verse 11 describes the ascent by the words, “This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven.” “Taken up” is the Greek analambano, “to receive up.” This is probably best understood as culminative or climatic and describes His reception into heaven. It describes the final results of the ascension and declares the fact of Christ’s arrival in heaven. By the testimony of two angels from heaven we are told He had reached His destination.

Everywhere we turn in the New Testament we find the Lord Jesus declared to be in heaven at the right hand of the Father in the PLACE OF GLORY, POWER, AUTHORITY, AND PROVISION FOR US.

The Response of the Disciples

What happened next is also important. We find the disciples almost trance-like and bewildered, staring after the Lord into the sky. The Greek text indicates they continued to stare or gaze up into heaven. Partly, I am sure because they were amazed and perplexed, but partly because they didn’t want to see Him go. Perhaps also they were waiting to see if He would soon return.

Suddenly, two men in white clothing, angels, messengers from God, appear beside them and address the disciples first with a question and then with a statement of promise.

The Question: “Why do you stand looking into the sky?”

I believe this question shows us how the ascension should and should not affect us. It may have been a gentle rebuke, but I think it is clear that the angels were calling the disciples’ attention to several important principles:

  • We should not be bewildered by the ascension nor stand transfixed or immobile just looking into the heavens. They (and we) should have expected it based on the Old Testament and Christ’s own predictions.SEEING THE LORD AS ASCENDED SHOULD HAVE A DIFFERENT EFFECT ON US.
  • We must know and believe that the ascension and session of the Lord is an important and necessary part in the plan of God for the church and for the world. We must trust in God’s plan. The Lord must be absent from us for a time.
  • The Lord’s departure means Christ’s exalted position in heaven and the promise of His return. But it also means that we have important matters to attend to as His people whom He has left here to represent Him.

The question posed by the angels implies “do you not understand what all this means to you?” It means Christ is exalted, but it also means the promise of His abiding presence with each believer in a very new and special way. It also means His sure return as King of Kings. The promise of His return means the establishment of His kingdom and His sure reward for faithful service with all the glories of the future.

The Reasons for Witnessing the Ascension

No one saw the Lord rise from the dead, but He was seen ascending into heaven by the disciples.

Men saw the results of resurrection–the living, glorified and resurrected Christ. But the act was not seen, only the results. To confirm the resurrection it was not necessary that men see him rise out of the grave. Knowing He was surely dead, men only needed to see clear evidences for the resurrection such as the empty tomb, the grave clothes as they were lying in the tomb, and the risen Christ who appeared over and over again.

By contrast, the disciples saw Christ ascend into heaven–they saw the act of ascension, but not the result–Jesus Christ seated at the right hand of God. This they could not see except by prophetic vision (e.g., Stephen in Acts 7:55-56, John in the book of Revelation, or Paul on the Damascus road).

The act of ascension was necessary to confirm the result–Christ seated. One of the great doctrines of the epistles is Christ seated in heaven, exalted at God’s right hand and the historic act confirms that for us.

The Lord Jesus physically disappeared from off the face of the earth. Where did He go? Where was He? The ascension with the eye witness account of the disciples provides us with the answer and verifies this great doctrine of Scripture.

Christ’s ascension (the act seen) is the proof of the result (Christ seated as the victorious and exalted Savior).

What difference does all this make to us, to the church in the world? What are the consequences of the ascension? The consequences are so tremendous that the ascended and seated Lord becomes one of the great themes of the New Testament. Everywhere we turn we find references of the ascended and seated Christ, and this has all kinds of implications on the individual and corporate life of the church of Jesus

The Results of the Ascension:
Its Consequences

Culminations of the Ascension–what it ended

(1) It ended Christ’s humiliation and self-limitation (John 6:62Phil. 2:5-11).

Even during Christ’s appearances in His post-resurrection ministry, to some extent, He limited the manifestation of His glory. But through the ascension, though still possessing a glorified human body, the Lord assumed all of His former glory and authority.

(2) It ended His public ministry of words and works (John 17:4-11).

The ascension concluded His prophetic ministry and miracles accomplished by His bodily presence on earth (Walvoord, p. 224). His prophetic ministry and miracles would continue for a while, but only through the lives and ministry of the Apostles.

(3) It ended His redemptive work (Heb. 1:3; 10:12).

The ascension declared His work on the cross was finished. It demonstrated that there was nothing more that could be done for our sin and that He and He alone had accomplished our redemption (Note Heb. 9:11-12).

(4) It ended the Old Testament Covenant and declares the New Covenant to be better and in force (Heb. 8:7-13; 9:11-15, 23-10:1).

The ascension declared that the old Mosaic Covenant was no longer valid, that it was only a temporary covenant until Messiah-Savior could come.

Affirmations of the Ascension–what it says and teaches us about the Lord.

It Affirmed Christ’s Identification

It Affirmed Christ as the God-Man (John 6:62). In John 6 we have the great discourse on Christ as the Bread of Life. Because of His unique person, He is able to give eternal life. This is true because He is not mere man, but the God-Man, the one who came down from heaven. This was difficult to grasp and some grumbled over it. So what did the Lord do? He spoke of His ascension as proof of His origin. The ascension, like the resurrection, would prove His divine origin and that He had been sent of God to solve man’s sin problem.

It Affirmed Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King

(1) As Prophet

In John 3:2, the words “a teacher come from God” set the stage for this encounter. First, it shows his inadequate understanding of the person of Jesus. Christ sought to eliminate an incomplete grasp of His person because this is essential to faith and salvation. A teacher is a communicator of truth and Christ will show Nicodemus why He is able, above all teachers, to reveal God’s truth.

In John 3:13 our Lord shows Nicodemus He has the right and ability to explain and reveal heavenly truth because He is the true prophet, the one who came from heaven and who, following His finished work on the cross, would return–the proof that He had truly come from God. Note Peter’s grasp of this in Acts 3:19-26. (Cf. also John 3:13; 16:7, compare with 12f; 6:14)

As the great prophet and revealer of truth, He would continue this ministry through the apostles via the Holy Spirit (John 16:7, 12f).

(2) As Priest

Jesus’ ascension and return to the Father would demonstrate that He had successfully, as our great and righteous High Priest, offered the one sacrifice that effectively deals with man’s sin and provides justification–righteousness with God. (Cf. Heb. 8:1-2; 9:11-12; John 16:10)

In John 13:1-3 the ascension is mentioned twice because it is on the basis of His work as Priest (Christ in the presence of the Father) that He would be able to continue His ministry as our High Priest and provide continual cleansing. On the basis of His confidence in the ascension, He performed an act which symbolized His continuing ministry of cleansing us as our advocate in heaven at God’s right hand (John 13:4f, cf. 1 John 2:1-2).

(3) As King

In answer to who He was, Christ again made reference to His ascended and exalted position at God’s right hand, only now in connection with His second coming from that ascended and exalted position as King of kings. (Cf. Matt. 26:64.)

It Affirmed Christ’s Exaltation

As with the vision of Isaiah, it declared the Lord Jesus, the God-Man Savior, as high and lifted up. This included the following:

  • His Glorification (John 17:5Acts 7:55Rev. 1:12-16) It meant a return to His pre-incarnate glory, but it also constituted a glorification of His humanity where He is the Forerunner of all believers who will follow.
  • His Session (Eph. 1:20-23Phil. 2:9Heb. 1:31 Pet. 3:22) It declared that He was in heaven, at God’s right hand, the place of the highest honor and authority. It means the possession of the throne of God without dispossession of the father. It means all glory, authority and power is shared by the father with the Son.
  • His Intercession and Protection over His own (John 17:11f; Rom. 8:32f; Heb. 4:14-16) It affirms His continuing ministry for us at God’s right hand: kept by His presence with the Father and His work as High Priest. In this regard, it declares we have an advocate with the Father and a compassionate High Priest, one who cares for us with the greatest compassion and who both intercedes for us when we sin and prays for us in our need.
  • His Provision for spiritual power (John 14:25-26; 16:7-10: Luke 24:49f; Acts. 1:8-11) It provided the means of His gift of the Comforter. Without the ascension, there would be none of the ministries of the Holy Spirit as we know it today: no indwelling, no baptism into Christ, and no filling. This would mean the absence of power over sin and power for witnessing. We would be a helpless people.
  • His Distribution (Eph. 4:7-11) It affirmed His right to give gifts to His church.
  • His Preparation (John 14:3,4) It affirms His promise to prepare a home for His bride. When we lose a loved one who knows the Lord, one of the great comforts is the fact that our loved one has actually gone home and that we will someday be joining them.
  • Commission (Matt. 28:19f; Luke 24:44f; John 12:32; 14:12; 17:11-23; Mark 16:19-20). By His commission I am referring to His earthly ministry and that He intends to continue this through the church. Continue it through you and me as we make ourselves available to Him as the risen and ascended Lord through the Holy Spirit His gift for ministry. As with Isaiah, this vision of Christ and its consequences to us, should mean “here am I Lord, send me; do with me according to your purpose.”
It Affirms the Need of Celebration

It affirms our need to celebrate and respond in the worship of the Savior. Remember, worship is not just something we do in some special place. Worship may, as with Israel, be merely external and religious formalism. (Cf. Luke 24:51-53Col. 3:1)

True worship involves something we are, a people who count on the worth of God for the totality of our lives. Worship includes hearing God’s Word, confessing our sin, prayer, praise, singing and making melody in our hearts, but all of this can be mere religiosity.

What we must see is that true worship means we think, respond and act on the fact of our ascended Lord with obedience, with commitment, and availability to the plan of God for our lives.

It Affords Us With Motivation and Courage

The ascension provides every reason why we should endure and be bold in service for the Lord knowing that our labor is never in vain in the Lord. (Cf. Mat. 28:19Heb. 12:1,2).

It Affirms His Inauguration as King

The ascension anticipates the establishment of His kingdom and the fact that we will have the privilege of reigning with Him in the millennium and the eternal kingdom of the new heavens and earth. (Cf. John 14:28; 16:16;Acts. 1:11Ps. 110:1Heb. 1:13Rev. 5:1-11.)

It Demands a Response

Because of what the ascension means, it demands a response from us to the person and work of Christ. (John 6:62) Failing to assimilate the truth of Christ as the Bread of Life, as the source of our spiritual nourishment and life through feeding on Him by faith and study, the Lord challenged His audience (and challenges us) with these words: “What then if you should behold the Son of Man ascending where He was before?”

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