Rodica Volintiru – Conferinta Femeilor 2012 Biserica Elim Chicago

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Canalul Youtube Rodica Volintiru – hearthofprayer

Rodica VolintiruPhoto din video

Vezi inca un articol (din alta zi) tot de la Conferinta Femeilor 2012 la Biserica Elim Chicago aici (include si notite transcrise din mesaje). Spre exemplu:

…sa avem grija ce spunem copiilor nostri, sotilor nostri, in Proverbe 18:21 spune ca “moartea si viata stau in puterea limbii.” Cum adica? Nu e Dumnezeu implicat acolo. Dumnezeu a stiut, pentru ca El a creat totul prin Cuvant, El ne-a dat noua acelasi lucru, aceiasi putere si aceiasi autoritate – prin ceea ce spunem, noi atragem viata sau moarte. Atragem binecuvantare sau blestem. Mai de vreme sau mai tarziu te vei intalni cu ceea ce ai vorbit. Daca cititi in proverbe, de cate ori este amintit cuvantul limba si gura si buze, ceea ce noi vorbim. In Matei 12, Domnul spune, “Din prisosul inimii vorbeste gura. Deci ce ai in inima, aia vorbesti. Va veni vremea judecatii cand vei da socoteala de orice cuvant nefolositor- nu neaparat blesteme, pacate, injuraturi. Vom da socoteala de orice cuvant nefolositor care ne-a iesit din gura. Ce vrea Domnul sa ne spuna prin asta? Vezi conferinta aici – Conferinta Femeilor 2012 la Biserica Elim Chicago

VIDEO by hearthofprayer

Partea 1-a

Partea 2-a

Presedintele tarii Camerun vrea sa inchida toate Bisericile Penticostale

Church service in Cameroon. Photo credit Elin B Flickr Creative Commons

Guvernul din Camerun a inchis aprox. 50 de biserici Penticostale, ale unei denominatii care nu este recunoscuta de guvernul din Camerun, dar intentia lor este sa inchida toate bisericile Penticostale (majoritatea populatiei este crestina in Camerun si se estimeaza aprox. 100 de biserici din cele 500 vor fi inchise in curand). Guvernul acuza bisericile Penticostale de a mima minuni si a-si omora cetateni din bisericile lor, de a fi galagiosi, si in acelasi timp. guvernul cere ca toate bisericile sa se inregistreze . Guvernul da autorizatie doar  bisericilor Catolice, Presbyteriene, Baptiste, Musulmane si cateva alte biserici.

Unele dintre cazuri pentru care se ia o decizie atat de dura e faptul ca unii enoriasi refuza tratament pentru anumite boli din cauza credintei lor, iar un caz citat a fost o fetita de 9 ani care a murit in timp ce pastorul se ruga pentru ea, zicand ca era demonizata. O femeie citata se plange ca toti copii ei au fugit de la Biserica Catolica la biserica Penticostala. Mai jos, raportul de la Christian Post:

Zeci de biserici penticostale au fost închise în Camerun, după ce autoritățile guvernamentale s-au sesizat privind presupuse „practici criminale” care ar avea loc în cadrul lăcașurilor de închinare. Photo on right )

Președintele Paul Biya, aflat la putere din anul 1982, a ordonat luna trecută închiderea mai multor biserici penticostale, invocând motive de securitate publică.

„Vom elimina toți acei așa-ziși pastori creștini penticostali care se folosesc de numele lui Isus Christos pentru a mima miracole și a omorî cetățeni în bisericile lor. Și-au întins libertățile la maximum”, a spus Mbu Anthony Lang, un oficial guvernamental din Camerun, citat de BosNewsLife, în Christian Post.

Acuzațiile aduse la adresa celor câteva zeci de biserici (între care zece aflate chiar în capitala Yaounde) au inclus „șantaj”, „gălăgia nocturnă repetată” și „prozelitism”, a adăugat Ministrul Comunicațiilor Issa Tchiroma Bakary.

„Autoritățile administrative responsabile de păstrarea ordinii publice au fost nevoite să își asume responsabilitatea”, a mai spus Bakary într-o conferință de presă care a avut loc săptămâna trecută.


Pornography – What’s at risk when people think they can maintain a life of Christian discipleship while continuing to view pornography?

Dr. Heath Lambert, author of „Finally Free” at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I’d answer that (question) like this:

The men I’m doing ministry with, who are coming to me and saying, „I have this incredible struggle with pornography, I’ve been stuck for a long time and I don’t know how to get out of it.” By the time I’m having this conversation with someone, I’m actually encouraged. That doesn’t freak me out at all, I’m really encouraged when you’ve got a guy who says, „Let me open up my life and tell you what’s going on.” The people that concern me are the people that I’m not talking to. People that aren’t talking to the pastor, that aren’t talking to somebody else, because those are the people who are destroying their ministry, or their future ministry. They’re destroying their marriage and family, or their future marriage and family.

Because the way sin works, is it destroys. The lie of internet pornography is ‘, I’ll do this little thing over here, and it’s nasty, and it’s ugly, but I get finished with it and I cover it up, and I’ll go back to the rest of my life.” And the problem is that sin doesn’t stay covered up. You think you can control it, and you cannot control it. And it will break out, it will ruin your life.

And the tragedy of that is that the worst consequences are actually the ones that are stored up over a long amount of time. And so, these men who are doing this are sipping on poison that is eventually going to kill their ministry efforts and their efforts at marriage and family. They’re literally destroying their lives and their effectiveness for Christ, and they don’t even understand it. (Photos via Amazon)

See the 2 min video here –


(2) For those seeking to overcome pornography, 

what practical measures are commonly missing from their strategy?

See the 2 min video here –

See Parts 3 & 4 also which answer the following questions:

Part 3 – How can people identify whether their sorrow over sin is godly sorrow or worldly sorrow?

See the 2 min video here –

That’s a great question, and where so much of the action is. Because you can have 2 people that are both sobbing, that are begging to be different, that are both begging you to help them and they swear they’re gonna change from now on. And you don’t know if either of them, or any of them, if they’re serious about it, if that’s the kind of change that will last. And so, this is why Paul’s language in 2 Corinthian 7 is so helpful, because he makes a distinction between these 2 kinds of sorrow. There’s Godly sorrow that leads to life and peace and there is worldly sorrow that leads to death and despair. And the difference is fundamentally, whether the sorrow is about you and your kingdom, or about Jesus and His kingdom. If you’re sad because you got found out, if you’re sad because of the consequences, that is the kind of sorrow that will kill you. The Bible is very clear on this. But if you’re sad over your sin because God’s law has been broken, because you’ve grieved the Holy Spirit, then that is the kind of sorrow that indicates that you’re turning the corner because it indicates that you’re moving from yourself, in your own lust, which is why you looked at the porn to begin with, towards God and His kingdom. And the markers between those are a number that I mention in the book. But, just a few that I’d mention here that are most significant are:

  1. Do you have the willingness to reach out to others for help? Do you have the willingness to expose yourself and bring the darkness into the light?
  2. Do you have the willingness to accept the consequences? Are you willing to have your wife be upset?
  3. Are you willing to tell your parents and have them cut off your internet privileges?
  4. Are you willing to lose your job at your church because of being sexually immoral?

People who are willing to face the consequences are people who are demonstrating that their sorrow is the Godly kind that leads to life.

Part 4 – How are pastors particularly vulnerable to pornography, and what are the dangers?

See the 2 min video here –

There is a recent statistic out that says that 75% of pastors do nothing to make themselves accountable to anyone with regard to pornography. That’s terrible. I don’t think I wanna make a law here, where the Bible leaves people free, but I think I wanna say that in this pornographic age, it is reckless and irresponsible for a minister of the Gospel to take no measures to insulate themselves from pornography, for this reason: Pornography is looking for you. You don’t even have to think, „Oh, I might struggle with this.” Pornography is looking for you. There’s all this research that the porn industry is engaging in marketing , and in paying all kinds of things to attract people that aren’t currently looking at it. They’re spending millions and billions of dollars to get you in. And pastors that are really concerned to protect themselves and their families, and their flock from this real silent killer, need to be serious about putting some kind of accountability measures in their life, whether it’s just an accountability partner to say, „Hey, here’s where I’m struggling. Here’s some areas where you can pray with me.” Certainly, internet filters and protection on tablet devices and phones. That’s something that everybody can do, but I say that particularly for pastors since that recent statistic is so high.

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