Florin Ianovici – Cum te face Satana iubitor de bani

Vreau sa spun  un lucru, cum e treaba asta cu banii. La discovery am vazut si noi o emisiune. Si acolo arata un vultur. Vulturul nu prea da din aripi. Stiati? Vulturul merge pe curenti. El mai mult planeaza. Si are o privire panoramica, fantastica. Si el, cand se uita in apa si vede pestele, el il urmeaza si vaneaza pestele dupa luciu, dupa culoarea aceea. Dar el nu-si da seama cum si ce e pestele acela.

Si are niste ghiare care sunt intoarse. Si a aratat cum vultrul acela, cu ghiarele intoarse  s-a dus si a bagat ghiarele in peste. Dar el ce n-a relizat… cand pestele e in apa nu-ti dai seama de dimensiune ca vezi numai luciul pestelui. Si l-a scos. Dar era un peste mare. Si n-a putut sa-l ridice, pentru ca intrase foarte adanc ghiarele. Si la un moment dat, pestele il tragea in jos.

Vulturul dadea puternic din aripi si s-a intamplat ca prada si pradatorul au ajuns in ocean. Zice diavolul, ascute-ti ghiarele si bagale adanc in prada. Dumnezeu spune, „Nu asa. Traieste dupa cum iti spun Eu. Eu iti pun painea pe masa.” Si cand ai ghiarele ascutite si le bagi adanc in prada, in momentul acela te scufunzi si devii victima.

M-a chemat cineva odata si imi spune, „Hai pana la mine, ca vreau sa-ti arat ceva.” Avea o casa…. si m-a dus la subsol, avea o camera plina de aparate de forta. Ma duce sus si sus avea piscina. Imi arata tablourile, pictate de nu stiu cine. Cand am intrat nu-mi era foame, cand am dat turul casei, la sfarsit, mi se facuse foame deja, cat era casa aia de mare.

La un moment dat, se aseaza el, ca noi vorbeam. Era un client caruia ii vorbisem despre Dumnezeu. Si statea cu mainile incrucisate si a zis, „Vezi, ti-am aratat tot ce este in casa. Ce-mi lipseste?”
Eu m-am rugat lui Dumnezeu si am zis, „Doamne, sa nu plec de aici cu capul in jos.”
I-am zis, „Prietene, mai ai un loc care nu mi l-ai aratat.”
„Tot ti-am aratat,” zice el.
„Nu,” zic eu, „mai este un loc, nu mi l-ai aratat.”
„Ba, da, tot ti-am aratat.”
„Nu-i adevarat.”
Zice, „Ce nu ti-am aratat?”
„Sertarul cu medicamente. Cate medicamente iei?”
A pus capul in jos. De doi ani, acuma vine la biserica, bolnav de cancer in ultima faza. Acuma il cauta pe Dumnezeu cu un cancer la stomac. Atunci nu-l cauta. Vine Satana si spune, „Nu pot sa smulg din ei dragostea, dar pot sa o ticalosesc. In loc sa se increada in Domnul Dumnezeu si in puterea Lui, sa se increada in puterea lor si in banii lor. Iubitori de bani, asta face Satana.

Va urma predica integrala….

PAGINA Florin Ianovici PREDICI

Pasaje Biblice care dau Viata

B I B L I A , este un balsam pentru suflet,trup si duh !

  1. Cand vrei pace: Romani 5:1,2; Ioan 14
  2. Cand totul merge dupa dorinta ta: Psalmul 33; 1 Timotei 6; Iacov 2:1-17.
  3. Cand incepi un lucru nou: Psalm 1; Proverbe 12; Matei 5:13-16; Romani 12:1-2; Galateni 5:13-26; Efeseni 1:3-14;
  4. Cand esti ingrijorat despre membrii familiei tale: Psalm 121; Isaia 40;
  5. Cand esti descujarat: Psalmul 23; 42; 43
  6. Cand ti se maresc greutatile: 2 Timotei 3; Evrei 13
  7. Cand prietenii te parasesc: Matei 5; 1 Corinteni 13
  8. Cand vin ispitele: Psalmul 15; 19; 139; Matei 4; Iacov 1.
  9. Cand totul ti se pare coplesitor: Psalmul 34; 71.
  10. Cand nu poti dormi: Psalmul 4; 56; 130.
  11. Cand ai avut o cearta de cuvinte cu cineva: Matei 18; Efeseni 4; Iacov 4.
  12. Cand esti impovarat: Psalmul 75:1-7; Matei 11:28-30.
  13. Cand vrei iertare: Luca 15; Filimon.
  14. Cand esti bolnav sau in dureri: Psalmul 6; 39; 41; 67; Isaia 26.
  15. Cand ti se pare ca Dumnezeu este prea departe: Psalmul 25; 125; 138; Luca 10.
  16. Cand te simti singur si nesigur: Psalmul 27; 91; Luca 8.
  17. Cand iti este frica de moarte: Ioan 11; 17; 20; 2 Corinteni 5.
  18. Cand ai pacatuit: Psalmul 51; Isaia 53; Ioan 3; 1 Ioan 1.
  19. Viitorul ti se pare fara nici o nadejde: 1 Corinteni 15:20-28; 1 Petru 1:1-9; 1 Petru 5:10-11; Apocalipsa 11:15-19;
  20. Cauti sa intelegi voia lui Dumnezeu: Romani 12:1-3; Efeseni 5:15-17; Coloseni 1:9-14; Iacov 1:5-8;
  21. Ai nevoie de mangaiere: 2 Corinteni 1:3-7; 2 Corinteni 7:6-13;
  22. Altii nu gandesc la fel ca tine: Matei 7:1-5; Romani 12:9-21; Romani 14:1-15: 7; 2 Corinteni 5:11-21;
  23. Te simti ademenit de lume: 2 Corinteni 6:14-7:1; Iacov 1:26-27; Iacov 4:4-10; 1 Ioan 2:15-17;
  24. Ai nevoie de siguranta mantuirii: Ioan 3:14-21; Ioan 11:25-26; Fapte 16:31-34; 1 Ioan 5:9-13
  25. Altii au pacatuit impotriva ta: Matei 6:14-15; Matei 18:21-35; Coloseni 3:12-14; Iacov 2:12-13;
  26. Esti ispitit de amaraciune: 1 Corinteni 13; Efeseni 4:29-5:2; Evrei 12:14-15;
  27. Esti ispitit sa neglijezi inchinarea in biserica: Fapte 2:42-47; Evrei 10:19-25;
  28. Ai nevoie sa fii intarit in credinta: Romani 5:1-11; 1 Corinteni 9:24-27; Evrei 10:19-25; 35-39; Evrei 11:1-12:13;
  29. Ai nevoie sa-ti stapanesti limba: Matei 15:1-20; Iacov 3:1-12;
  30. Esti inclinat sa-i judeci pe altii: Matei 7:1-5; 1 Corinteni 4:1-5; Iacov 2:1-13; Iacov 4:11-13;
  31. Ai fost inselat: Matei 18:15-17; 1 Corinteni 6:1-8; Iacov 5:1-8;
  32. Lucrurile merg bine: Luca 12:13-21; 1 Timotei 6:3-19; Evrei 13:5; Iacov 2:1-17;
  33. Nu-ti cunosti darurile duhovnicesti: Romani 8; 1 Corinteni 1:4-9; 1 Corinteni 11:1-14; 25; 1 Petru 4:7-11;
  34. Ai o functie de raspundere: Marcu 10:35-45; Luca 7:1-10; 1 Corinteni 16:13-14; Galateni 6:9-10;
  35. Cand iti intemeiezi o familie: Efeseni 5:22-6:4; Coloseni 3:18-21; 1 Petru 3:1-7;
  36. Te-ai certat cu cineva: 1 Corinteni 3; Efeseni 4:1-6, 4; 15-5: 2; 2 Timotei 2:14-26; Iacov 4:1-12;
  37. Te simti atacat de fortele intunericului: Romani 8:38-39; 2 Corinteni 4:7-18; Efeseni 6:10-18; 2 Timotei 4:6-7;
  38. Esti invidios: Galateni 5:13-15; 19-21; Iacov 3:13-18;
  39. Te lupti cu trandavia: Efesni 5:15-16; Filipeni 2:12-13; 1 Tesaloniceni 4:1-12; 2 Tesaloniceni 3:6-15;
  40. Te lupti cu poftele: Matei 5:27-30; Romani 7:7-25; Romani 13:8-14; Iacov 1:13-18;
  41. Esti manios: Matei 21:22; Matei 18:21-35; Efeseni 4:25-5:2; Iacov 1:13-18;
  42. Esti dornic de razbunare: Matei 5:38-42; Romani 12:17-21; 1 Tesaloniceni 5:12-15; 1 Petru 3:8-14;
  43. Esti mandru: Matei 25:34-40; Marcu 10:35-45; Romani 12:3; Filipeni 2:1-11;
  44. Te lupti sa scapi de robia vreunui viciu: Romani 6:1-23; Romani 12:1-2; 1 Corinteni 6:13-20; Filipeni 3:17-4:1;
  45. Esti lacom: Luca 12:13-21; 2 Corinteni 9:6-15; Efeseni 5:3-7; 1 Ioan 3:16-18;
  46. Vrei sa inveti sa te rogi: Matei 6:5-15; Marcu 11:22-25; Luca 18:9-14; Filipeni 4:4-7;
  47. Te lupti cu nepasarea: Matei 25:1-13; Luca 12:35-48; 1 Tesaloniceni 5:1-11; Apocalipsa 3:1-6; 14-22;

„…Cuvintele pe care vi le-am spus Eu sunt duh si viata !”.


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Vladimir Pustan povesteste … veneam de la evanghelizare

Pustan 2 chisinau 2013

Vladimir Pustan (Transcriere Blogul Agnus Dei) :Iubitilor, intr-o seara, vin de la evanghelizare, de undeva, tarziu si eram cu microbuzul mic verde.

Nu stiu pe ce buton am apasat si s-a deschis un geam din spate, dar numai putin. Era un frig afara. Ce sa mai gasesc butonul ca sa imi inchid geamul. Inghetam de frig, cu hainele pe mine. Pusesem caldura la maxim, de afara, sa-mi zboare palaria din cap.

Ma gandesc, opresc si-i trag un pumn la geamul acela, lipesc eu.. si tot nu mai gaseam butonul pe intuneric. Opresc afara si incep sa imping de geamul ala. In clipa in care eram in parcarea aia, sa zic pe la 1 noaptea, vine o masina. Zic, „Salut, pana aici mi-a fost.” M-am vazut batut, banutii luati, masina luata, singur…

Apare un tip zgribulit, intr-o geaca din asta, mai mult asa de fite, decat de frig si zice catre mine,

Photo via foxalotwill.blogspot.com

Cand am vazut ca-i singur, am zis, „Ceva.”
M-am bucurat. Am venit, mi-am bagat capul in masina, a apasat pe niste butoane si a mers.
Zic, „De ce ai oprit?”
Zice, „Pai, am vazut ce scrie pe masina.”
Zice, „Esti ala, Pustan?”
Zice, „Si eu am fost de-al vost, dar am plecat.
De aia am oprit. Indiferent pe langa cati trec si vad peste, ma apuca plansul.
Roaga-te pentru mine, ca vin eu inapoi.”

S-a urcat in masina si a plecat. N-avea mai mult de 25 de ani. Ati inteles ce a zis? „Si eu am fost, dar am plecat. De cate ori vad un  peste pe masina, ma apuca plansul. Sunt fratii mei. Nu-i uiti niciodata. N-ai cum sa-i uiti.” Atunci sa-i uitam noi pe ei? (pe cei plecati de la credinta) Transcrierea Blogul Agnus Dei

Citeste mai mult aici…

Ce e nou la PAGINA Vladimir Pustan

Am cautat iubirea – Costache Ioanid

poza de la fanpop.com

romantic love

Costache Ioanid – Am cautat iubirea

Am cautat iubirea ca pe-o cetate sfînta
ca pe un cer de cîntec în lumea de dureri.
Am dat navala-n lume spre tot ce ochiu-ncînta.
Si-am întîlnit durerea. Dar cerul nicaieri.

Am cautat iubirea ca patrie voioasa
ca pe-un pamînt edenic de pace troienit,
sa spun odata clipei: “Ramîi, esti prea frumoasa!”
Si-am strabatut pamîntul, dar pace n-am gasit.

Am cautat iubirea ca pe un cer al firii.
Si-am vrut sa-i ies în cale cu ramuri de finic,
sa sorb din cupa lumii nectarul fericirii.
Si-am spart în tandari cupa, caci n-am gasit nimic.

Am cautat zadarnic. Dar într-o primavara,
am întîlnit în cale deodata un drumet.
Pe umerii Lui trudnici purta o grea povara,
o sarcina de zdrente si cioburi fara pret.

Trecea pe-o cararuie întîmpinînd batjocuri,
lasînd sa-i rupa cîinii din haina cîte-un fald.
Urca pe colti de stînca. Si-n urma Lui, pe-alocuri,
vedeai pe piatra rece sclipiri de sînge cald.

Si totusi în privire avea un cer de taina
cum n-am vazut în lume în ochii nimanui.
Si-am vrut sa-i smulg povara. Dar am cazut cu spaima,
caci mult prea grea era povara Lui.

M-am ridicat degraba si L-am ajuns din urma
sa aflu ce comoara în sarcina a strîns.
Dar am simtit ca viata ca de-un prapad se curma,
cînd am privit prin zdrente cutremurat de plîns.

Caci se vedea-n comoara un clocot ca de cloaca,
un clocotit de drojdii, un spumeg de scursuri.
Tot ce-i murdar si putred în lumea asta-ntreaga
vuia strivind grumazul sarmanei Lui fapturi.

-Dar unde duci straine povara Ta ciudata,
povara de osînda sub care-atît Te-apleci?
am întrebat, drumetul. Si El mi-a spus în soapta:
-Spre apele uitarii, ca s-o arunc pe veci…

-Dar tu, vorbi strainul, urcînd încet privirea,
dar tu pe cine cauti înnourat si crunt?
-Eu… am soptit în sila, eu… cautam iubirea…
-Iubirea? … fu raspunsul strainului. Eu sunt…

Coplesit de Creatia lui Dumnezeu – Yosemite Timelapse – In Awe of God’s Creation

Yosemite Range of Light from Shawn Reeder on Vimeo.

Heath Lambert – It has never, ever, in the history of the universe been more convenient to destroy your soul, to ruin your family , and to bring reproach on Jesus Christ and His church

You can use the TRANSLATER in the right handed sidebar to translate this page into a different language.

Heath Lambert – The Power of Purity

Romans 6:1-14

Dr. Heath Lambert, author of „Finally Free” at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

There’s all kinds of difficulties with sexual immorality in the church. Pornography is just one. But, I am convinced that it is the most significant in the church. And the reason I think that is because in the old days, if you wanted to commit adultery, you had to do it with someone who could tell on you. Pornography solves that problem. It makes it possible for you to commit adultery with a woman whose lips are as silent as the grave. With the onslaught of internet pornography, it’s possible for anybody that wants to, to run around with hundreds and thousands of women. „And nobody has to know” is the lie.

In the past, being vigilant to be pure, meant being vigilant against a physical woman. Today, the people in our churches have to be vigilant against a phantom. Al Cooper, a sociologist, he was commenting in the late 90’s about the problem of pornography, and he said, „The problem with internet pornography in particular is 3 things: (1) Affordability (2) Accesability (3) Anonimity

You can get it cheap and nobody has to know.” For someone who is trying to get away with sexual immorality, it’s a deadly combination. For somebody who likes drinking that kind of poison, the internet is so handy, it’s so tidy. And so deadly. It has never, ever, in the history of the universe been more convenient to destroy your soul, to ruin your family , and to bring reproach on Jesus Christ and His church. This is not an abstract problem. It’s not a problem with the people out there. This is your problem. (READ THE FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW THE VIDEO)

The Power of Purity – Romans 6:1-14 from Southern Seminary on Vimeo.

I speak to you today with a great deal of urgency and I am aware that I speak to you today in a time of crisis. These are dangerous days in our culture, these are dangerous days in our church. The specific thing I want to talk about with regard to that danger today, right now is the danger that the church faces with the epidemic problem of pornography. Pornography is not the only problem that the church faces, it’s not even the only problem with sexual immorality that the church faces. There’s all kinds of difficulties with sexual immorality in the church. Pornography is just one. But, I am convinced that it is the most significant in the church. And the reason I think that is because in the old days, if you wanted to commit adultery, you had to do it with someone who could tell on you. Pornography solves that problem. It makes it possible for you to commit adultery with a woman whose lips are as silent as the grave. With the onslaught of internet pornography, it’s possible for anybody that wants to, to run around with hundreds and thousands of women. „And nobody has to know” is the lie.

In the past, being vigilant to be pure, meant being vigilant against a physical woman. Today, the people in our churches have to be vigilant against a phantom. Al Cooper, a sociologist, he was commenting in the late 90’s about the problem of pornography, and he said, „The problem with internet pornography in particular is 3 things:

  1. Affordability
  2. Accesability
  3. Anonimity

You can get it cheap and nobody has to know.” For someone who is trying to get away with sexual immorality, it’s a deadly combination. For somebody who likes drinking that kind of poison, the internet is so handy, it’s so tidy. And so deadly. It has never, ever, in the history of the universe been more convenient to destroy your soul, to ruin your family , and to bring reproach on Jesus Christ and His church. This is not an abstract problem. It’s not a problem with the people out there. This is your problem.

At the risk of making this a little too uncomfortable, I know that there are people in this room who are struggling with pornography. It is absolutely impossible that this room is clear of people who don’t have an issue here. I don’t know who, I don’t want to make you suspicious, and I don’t want you creeped out looking at the person next to you. The goal is not suspicion, but, the goal is vigilance. And if we’re going to have to be vigilant, we’re gonna have to face facts. So, I want to speak, not about porn in general, not about culture in general. I want to speak to YOU. If you’re here, I take it that God wants you to be here and this is something God would have you hear. And so, I want to speak specifically to men. It’s not because there aren’t women in the room. It’s not that women do not struggle with porn, because they most certainly do. But, I want to speak to the men in the room who struggle with pornography, because God has raised you up to be leaders in your home. God has raised you up to be leaders in your church. And here’s the hard and fast reality.

If our homes and our churches are to be pure, then they’re going to be led by men who are pure. And if they are not, then they won’t be. And I’m so concerned when I pray for you. And I pray for you all the time. I don’t even know most of you, but when I pray for you, as I do all of the time, I am praying that you will stop doing what you are doing, if you’re in here and you’ve got a problem with porn. And here’s what you’re doing: Every time you do it, you sip, sip, sip on poison and you are storing consequences. Maybe nobody knows right now. But they will. It is the nature of sin to ooze out of the boundaries that we create for it. My concern for you is: You’re here because you wanna be a Godly man. You wanna be a Godly husband, you wanna be a Godly father, you wanna be a Godly minister of Jesus in the church. And what you’re doing is destroying all of it. And you don’t even see it yet.

Now, if you’re here, I take it you know it. I don’t need to persuade you that this is wrong. You know it’s wrong. You know you’re living a lie. You know you need to quit. But you just don’t know how. And what you need is not a lecture about how it’s wrong, but you need somebody to give you some resources to be different. And this is what it’s about. This is me, talking to you, trying to give you some resources, because if we tell you, if anybody says, „Be pure. It’s a pornographic culture and you need to get pure!” Good luck with that. The reality is that being pure requires power. You have to have resources and energy if you are to be vigilant against the pornographic onslaught in which we are living. And, Romans 6 is about that power. And this is what the apostle Paul says (8:00):

Romans 6:1-14

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Do you not know that all of uswho have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We wereburied therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.

For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin.Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. 10 For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. 11 So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.

12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions.13 Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, butpresent yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness. 14 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.

Here’s what Romans 6 is about. When you read commentators and you listen to preachers talk about Romans 5 and Romans 6, they regularly highlight the flow that exists between those 2 chapters. Though, pay attention, especially to Romans 5:20-21 – Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And what commentators regularly do, rightly, is they show how the connection between Romans 5 and Romans 6 does not lead to a lawless Gospel.

The hypothetical argument that the apostle Paul responds to is, „Ok, if I want grace, if I need grace, I can’t outsin my need for it. Grace always superabounds above my sins. So, whenever I sin, I get more grace. And so, hey, if I wanna experience God’s grace, I’ve got it. I’ll just keep sinning. And then, I’ll get more grace. So the ticket to more grace is more sin.” And the apostle Paul says, „No. Grace does not lead to more sin.” The argument is that grace ought to lead to obedience. That’s the argument of Romans 5-6. But, here’s what I’m eager for you to see this afternoon. I am eager for you to see that this is not just about rhetoric. I’m eager for you to see that what Paul is doing is more than building a strong argument. He’s doing more than unfolding logical progression.

In Romans 6, the apostle Paul is communicating power, for you to overcome, by the grace of Jesus, the sin that is in your life. And today, I specifically wanna apply it to the power that you have from Jesus to live a pure life, in the midst of porn everywhere. So, 3 things about Romans 6 that communicate power for purity:

1. The facts of Romans 6

I want you to see the power for purity in the facts of Romans 6. This passage communicates powerful information for you. Paul wants to provide facts that will fuel your vigilance to be pure. And he gives 2 facts for us to consider in the first 10 verses of Romans 6.

  1. First fact: You are dead. The whole point of the first 10 verses is that you’re dead to sin and you cannot live in it anymore. And your baptism is your signification of your reality. He says, „How can we, who died to sin, still live in it? Do you not know that all of uswho have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We wereburied therefore with him by baptism into death, Baptism is the point of reference because Paul doesn’t know any unbaptized believers. And so, he used the baptism as the point of reference to talk about our conversion. And he says, „If you’ve been baptized, you’re a Christian, and you’re dead. The death that you’ve died, what is that? Seems like I’m alive. Seems like my heart is beating. What is the death that I’ve died? Well, verse 6 says the death is the death of the old self being crucified.  We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. The death that we died in Christ is the death of our old self. Romans 5 sets up 2 heads for the human race. There is Adam, as a head. And, there is Christ as a head. And all of humanity is under one of those 2 heads. For believers, Adam signifies the old self, who they were before they came to know Christ. And, Jesus signifies the new self, stands for the new person, who they have become in Christ. The old self is who we were in Adam, so old person is a redemptive historical category, it’s a redemptive historical designation and it refers to the fact that our representative head used to be Adam. And he’s no longer our head. Jesus Christ is our head. Our old self was crucified to make something happen, in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing (verse 6).(16:56) Notes from the first half hour.

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