Prezentarea cartii Iacov : Emil Bartos


Trebuie sa-ti dovedesti credinta prin fapte? Niste criterii prin care sa va puteti verifica credinta.

Emil Bartos:Prezentarea cartii Iacov

Iacov – Aceasta epistola este pentru crestini. Un necrestin, greu s-ar descurca in ea si vreau sa va dovedesc aceasta. Uitati ce o sa citim din epistola. La fiecare verset trebuie sa remarcati cu „Fraţii mei”.

Fraţii mei, să priviţi ca o mare bucurie când treceţi prin felurite încercări, – Iacov 1:2

Ştiţi bine lucrul acesta, preaiubiţii mei fraţi! Orice om să fie grabnic la ascultare, încet la vorbire, zăbavnic la mânie, – Iacov 1:19

Fraţii mei, să nu ţineţi credinţa Domnului nostru Isus Hristos, Domnul slavei, căutând la faţa omului. – Iacov 2:1

Fraţii mei, ce-i foloseşte cuiva să spună că are credinţă, dacă n-are fapte? Poate oare credinţa aceasta să-l mântuiască? – Iacov 2:14

Fraţii mei, să nu fiţi mulţi învăţători, căci ştiţi că vom primi o judecată mai aspră. – Iacov 3:1

Nu vă vorbiţi de rău unii pe alţii, fraţilor! Cine vorbeşte de rău pe un frate sau judecă pe fratele său vorbeşte de rău Legea sau judecă Legea. Şi, dacă judeci Legea, nu eşti împlinitor al Legii, ci judecător. – Iacov 4:11

Fiţi dar îndelung răbdători, fraţilor, până la venirea Domnului. Iată că plugarul aşteaptă roada scumpă a pământului, şi o aşteaptă cu răbdare până primeşte ploaie timpurie şi târzie. – Iacov 5:7

Mai presus de toate, fraţii mei, să nu vă juraţi nici pe cer, nici pe pământ, nici cu vreun altfel de jurământ. Ci „da” al vostru să fie „da” şi „nu” să fie „nu”, ca să nu cădeţi sub judecată. – Iacov 5:12

Desigur, tema principala a acestei carti este credinta. Credinta vie. Credinta practica. De aceea, nu este o carte usor de trait. De inteles, parca e si mai greu. Sa stiti ca aceasta carte din Biblie, desi nu e lunga, a fost contestata de multi pe doua motive majore, doua oiectii: Intai, ca aceasta carte n-are coerenta. Adica, ideile din carte sunt haotice. Asa, aruncate, nu exista legatura intre ele. Cred ca este o acuza gresita. Cu cat patrundeam mai mult in carte, cu atat  vedeam toate balamalele, legaturile din carte. Are coerenta si inca ce fel de consistenta. Pentru ca doar tema aceasta a credintei vii, credintei active, aduna toata cartea. Are sens. E adevarat ca aceasta epistola, o sa vedeti, cei care o veti aprofunda- mi-a placut ideea [voastra] sa o memorati, chiar daca numai pe capitole. E foarte intensa. Foarte intensa, sunt foarte multe cerinte pentru noi, foarte multe asteptari, foarte multe avertizari.

A doua acuza care a planat asupra acestei epistole este ca teologia cartii nu e in concordanta cu teologia apostolului Pavel. Ca Iacov si Pavel sunt diferiti, gandesc altfel, de ex. rolul credintei in mantuire. Ca Pavel vorbeste despre credinta mai mult ca un dar de la Dumnezeu, pe cand, Iacov vorbeste mai mult despre credinta ca fapta, ca ceva ce se vede. Sigur, eu cred ca cei doi se completeaza. Exact ce spune ap. Pavel si ce-am citit noi: Fraţii mei, ce-i foloseşte cuiva să spună că are credinţă, dacă n-are fapte? Poate oare credinţa aceasta să-l mântuiască? – Iacov 2:14 E aproape logic. Nu cred ca este aici o divergenta majora. Sigur, accentul cade diferit si anume: Eu cred ca ap. Pavel se ocupa de radacina mantuirii. Iar, ap. Iacov, de rodul mantuirii. E o diferenta. Punctul de vedere sau de aboradre, modul, perspectiva din care te uiti la credinta este diferita. Este adevarat. Dar, nu esenta. Nu, esenta. Uitati, de pilda, vers. 24 – 24 Vedeţi dar că omul este socotit neprihănit prin fapte, şi nu numai prin credinţă. Deci, credinta nu este exclusa, [ca si cum] faptele fac totul. Nu. Nu numai prin credinta. Adica, vrea sa spuna Iacov: Nici macar nu discutam ca intai trebuie sa fie credinta. Dar, aceasta credinta trebuie dovedita prin fapte. 

Deci, eu cred ca nu este o carte incoerenta, inconsistenta din punct de vedere teologic. Parintii bisericii au citat des din epistola lui Iacov, sa stiti. Si e adevarat ca n-a intrat prea usor in Canonul Noului Testament. Biserica si-a luat aproape 300 de ani pana sa decida care carti scrise de apostoli sau de apropiati ai apostolilor trebuie sa intre in Canonul Noului Testament. Sa fie partea noului legamant care ne reprezinta pe noi, crestinii.

Crestinii de la inceput au acceptat Vechiul Testament. N-a fost o problema. Dar, biserica a hotarat ulterior, prin episcopi, sa aiba si ea scrierile ei, scrierile noului legamant. De aceea au ales 27 de carti care formeaza Noul Testament. Daca va veti uita la Noul Testament, veti vedea ca sunt patru evanghelii la inceput plus Faptele Apostolilor care e scrisa tot de Luca. Si apoi, urmeaza 12 carti, epistole, scrise de Pavel. Nimeni n-a contestat aceste epistole. Insa, de la epistola catre Evrei pana la Apocalipsa, toate cartile au fost in suspans. S-au discutat. Le includem sau nu le includem? Pentru ca Evrei nu e sigur ca a fost scrisa de Pavel. Cei mai multi spun ca nu, datorita stilului.. in sfarsit. Apoi Apocalipsa, ce carte grea. Mie mi s-a spus: Dupa patruzeci de ani de teologie sa te apuci sa predici din Apocalipsa. Deci, printre aceste carti ce au intrat greu este si Iacov.  Deci, de la Evrei pana la Apocalipsa, sunt ultimele puse in Biblie. Nu pentru ca au fost scrise in ordinea cronologica. Nu, ci de abia au intrat in Noul Testament. Iacov e printre ele pentru ca unii au zis: Nu-i in armonie cu ce spune Pavel. Gresit. Si Apocalipsa e o carte minunata. E Cristocentrica.

Au fost trei criterii pentru care au intrat aceste carti in Noul Testament. Trei criterii majore, au fost mai multe.

  1. Apostolicitatea cartii – Toate aceste carti trebuia sa fie scrise de un apostol sau de un apropiat al apostolilor. Apostolicitatea: Matei a fost un apostol. Marcu a fost un apropiat al ap. Petru. Ioan a fost. Luca, nici el n-a fost dar a fost un medic, apropiat de-a lui Pavel. A fost in misiune cu el. Cu Pavel, nu le putem contesta. Restul au intrat putin mai greu, dar au intrat.
  2. Armonia cartilor – Al doilea criteriu dupa care s-a facut selectia a fost armonia cartilor. Adica, aceste carti acceptate in Noul Testament  trebuie sa se completeze, nu sa se contrazica. Sa fie in armonie ce spune Iacov, Petru, Ioan. Sa fie la fel. Duhul Sfant i-a calauzit pe toti sa scrie. De aceea n-au intrat de ex. evanghelii apocrife. Le citesc naivii si prunci: Copilaria lui Isus, Maria Magdalena. Biserica le-a ignorat. Au zis: Astea n-au cum sa fie in armonie cu celelalte, cu scrierile apostolilor. De aceea n-au intrat in Canon si nici nu le recomandam spre citire. Deci, armonia cartilor a fost o dovada. De inca din secolul 2, de la parintii apostolici (se numesc) – Clement, Alexandrinul, Iustin martirul, apoi mai tarziu Irineu, Tertulian, Ciprian, Origen, pana la parintii bisericii in secolul 4 care se numesc marii teologi ai bisericii, au inceput cu Atanasie. Toti, pana la Atanasie, deci 200+ ani, au citat din Iacov (si din celelalte carti). Deci, sunt acoperite toate. Sa stiti ca se spunea ca si daca s-ar fi pierdut originalul sau copiile, primele copii ale Noului Testament, Noul Testament se putea rescrie numai pe baza citatelor  din parintii bisericii sau din apologetii bisericii sau parintii apostolici. Ce sa mai zic ca in sfarsitul secolului 3, deci in jurul anului 300 si dupa s-a pornit miscarea monahala. Calugarii – care se retrageau peste tot in pesteri sau comunitati restranse. Si ce faceau ei toata ziua? Memorau Biblia printre altele. Si se spune ca si daca n-am fi avut copii si n-am fi avut scrierile celorlalti apologeti crestini, am fi putut reface Noul Testament pe baza memoriei acestor calugari. Si astazi, sa stiti, cei care se retrag, devin calugari, printre altele, asta fac. Deci, al doilea criteriu a fost armonia cartilor. Parintii apostolici, cei dupa apostoli, apologetii crestini, teologii bisericii, toti au citat din Iacov si din celelalte scrieri.
  3. Acceptarea acestor carti – In al treilea rand sau al treilea criteriu a fost acceptarea de biserica a acestor carti. Adica, sa se fi predicat din aceste carti, sa fi fost considerate de episcopi ca ua fost valoroase si asa am dovedit.

Deci, Iacov corespunde. iacov este o epistola acceptata de biserica. Are spirit apostolic in ea si e in armonie cu tot ce a spus si Hristos si apostolii Lui, incluzandu-l pe Pavel. Deci, avem o carte minunata, inspirata de Duhul lui Dumnezeu. Am mai predicat din Iacov, dar n-am stat sa-i gasesc eu cheia. Sa ma duc si sa vad ce imi spune mie aceasta epistola. Foarte multe mi-a spus. Tema principala, asa cum am spus, este credinta. Ce face Iacov este sa ne provoace stadiul de credinta in care suntem pentru ca el observa ca exista crestini care au stagnat in credinta. Stiti ce inseamna stagnare? Ca apa baltita. Apa care nu produce, care miroase, cam asa arata unii crestini.

Iacov vrea sa ne scuture si sa zica: „Pai, tu care spui ca esti crestin si ai credinta Domnului Isus Hristos..” asa zice in 2:1, „sa nu tine-ti credinta Domnului cautand la fata oamenilor.” Deci, credinta asta in Domnul Isus care ni s-a dat, nu trebuie sa fie nici o povara pentru tine, nici doar o datorie. Sa fie bucurie. Eu asta am descoperit in Iacov. M-a cercetat. Peste tot am gasit semnele bucuriei. Tot timpul stralucea ceva, desi ma lovea moalele capului (cap. 3) cu vorbirea.  Dar mi-am revenit si m-am bucurat ca finalul este dramatic. Finalul este despre aia bolnavi, despre aia care n-au rabdare, despre cei care-s rataciti. Dar veti vedea imediat, finalul este plin de har. Plin de har. N-am vazut niciodata asa aceasta epistola. Deci, v-o recomand. Patrunde-ti in ea. Parasiti starea de stagnare, de baltire. Stiti cum arata crestinii care nu mai cresc? Care nu se desavarsesc? Sunt crestini oscilanti, superficiali. Cei care se lupta prea des cu indoielile: „Oare sunt salava? Nu stiu daca…” Sunt cei care cred ca sunt destul de sinceri si cred ca asta-i suficient. Crestinii superficiali sunte cei care cad des in ispita. Se roaga numai in crize. Cum apare criza, hop, si el e dintr-o data mai credincios. Unc restin care stagneaza este un crestin care nu se simte confortabil sa-L prezinte pe Hristos altora. Nu isi poate deschide gura sa-L marturiseasca pe Hristos. Isi camufleaza cresinta cat poate. Crestinul care stagneaza este unul care nu iubeste partasia cu biserica decat din interes. Pentru ei Iacov are aceste avertizari: Mai fratilor, tine-ti la credinta voastra. Uite, va dau eu niste criterii prin care sa va puteti verifica credinta.” Asta face Iacov….

Mesajul incepe la minutul 1:06:00 sau 66:00. Notitele sunt pana la minutul 1:28:30.


Efeseni 5:18 FOTO

Efeseni 5:18 FOTO

„…fiti plini de Duh” Efes. 5:18 Golirea de pacat presupune umplerea cu Duh.

Este important ca cei credinciosi sa recunoasca rolul Duhului Sfant in planul de rascumparare al lui Dumnezeu. Duhul Sfant este cocreator al Universului, acesta fiind prezent inca de la Creatie: „…Duhul lui Dumnezeu se misca pe deasupra apelor.” Gen. 1:2 Lucrarea Duhului ne este prezentata diferit in Viorel UdristeVechiul si Noul Testament. Dumnezeu a avut un reprezentant divin in toata lucrarea Sa. Suntem obisnuiti sau invatati ca Sfanta Treime lucreaza impreuna si ca noi credem in Trinitate. Cuvantul in sine nu exista in Sfanta Scriptura, aceasta este mai degraba o constructie teologica ca sa putem intelege rolul acestora in planul lui Dumnezeu inca de la facerea lumii. Apostolul Pavel descrie in epistola sa catre Romani, intr-un mod cat se poate de doctrinar – el fiind dealtfel un invatat al vremii in scrierile Vechiului Testament – lucrarea Duhului in vietile credinciosilor care dealtfel, si locuieste in ei… „Voi nu mai sunteti pamantesti, ci duhovnicesti, daca Duhul lui Dumnezeu locuieste in adevar in voi” Rom. 8:9

Duhul elibereaza de sub puterea pacatului – Legea nu poate izbavi de pacat, tocmai de aceea Pavel intareste acest lucru: „In adevar, legea Duhului de viata in Hristos Isus m-a izbavit de Legea pacatului si a mortii” Rom. 8:2 Legea Duhului de viata este practic Duhul Sfant care vine si produce schimbarea in cel credincios si il elibereaza de sub puterea pacatului. Aceasta eliberare se simte atunci cand credinciosul nu mai este atras si momit de poftele care „se razboiesc cu sufletul” si atractia spre pacat practic nu mai exista. Atunci cand esti liber fata de pacat, indiferent de ce natura ar fi el, nu mai are putere asupra credinciosului datorita lucrarea pe care Duhul Sfant o face in cel credincios. Din robi ai pacatului Duhul vine si ne face robi ai neprihanirii in Hristos Isus. „Si chiar prin faptul ca ati fost izbaviti de sub pacat, v-ati facut robi ai nepriharirii. …dupa cum odinioara v-ati facut madularele voastre roabe ale necuratiei si faradelegii, asa ca savarseati faradelegea, tot asa, acum trebuie sa va faceti madularele voastre roabe ale neprihanirii, ca sa ajungeti la sfintirea voastra !” Rom. 6:18-19

Duhul infiaza – „Caci toti cei ce sunt calauziti de Duhul lui Dumnezeu sunt fii ai lui Dumnezeu.” Rom. 8:14 Cu alte cuvinte daca, faptele pacatoase ale trupului nu mai exista, suntem calauziti de Duhul. Un fiu din familia lui Dumnezeu este condus de Duhul lui Dumnezeu. Baza sigurantei mantuirii vine tocmai din aceasta lucrare a Duhului in cel credincios. Daca credinciosul nu are inca putere asupra pacatului si poftele lui inca se razboiesc cu sufletul sau, tendinta spre pacat este inca prezenta in viata lui, atunci putem admite ca in cel credincios inca nu s-a produs eliberarea fata de tot ce este pacat. Cand esti liber fata de un lucru, practic nu te mai intereseaza de el !

Duhul mijloceste in rugaciune – „…caci nu stim cum trebuie sa ne rugam. Dar insusi Duhul mijloceste pentru noi cu suspine negraite.” Rom. 8:26 Domnul Isus mijloceste permanent pentru credinciosi in prezenta lui Dumnezeu „…Hristos a murit ! Ba mai mult, El a si inviat, sta la dreapta lui Dumnezeu, si mijloceste pentru noi !” Rom. 8:34 si Duhul face acelasi lucru ! Hristos in cer, Duhul pe pamant, mijlocind „pentru sfinti dupa voia lui Dumnezeu” Rom.8:27

Duhul ne comunica dragostea lui Dumnezeu – „Caci sunt bine incredintat ca nici moartea, nici viata, nici ingerii, nici stapanirile, nici puterile, nici lucrurile de acum, nici cele viitoare, nici inaltimea, nici adancimea, nici o alta faptura, nu vor fi in stare sa ne desparta de dragostea lui Dumnezeu, care este in Isus Hristos, Domnul nostru.” Rom. 8:38-39 Credinciosii se afla in prezenta lui Dumnezeu atat in viata cat si in moarte (moarte fizica), ingerii nu vor distruge reletia dintre credinciosi si Dumnezeu, stapanirile nu pot face acest lucru, (bineinteles fara voia noastra) nimic din spatiul existent creat de Dumnezeu nu poate distruge planul Sau pentru credinciosi in Hristos Isus.

4. The Reliability of the New Testament (Authorship & Dating)

man read bibleThere is actually a lot of external and internal evidence that the Gospels were written by the men who they are credited to and can be dated to their lifetime:

See previous videos here:

  1. 1. The Reliability of the New Testament (Introduction)
  2. 2. The Reliability of the New Testament (Textual Corruption) 
  3. 3. The Reliability of the New Testament (Oral Tradition)
  4. 4. The Reliability of the New Testament (Authorship & Dating) THIS PAGE
  5. The Reliability of The New Testament – Daniel Wallace PhD

More at:

It is now time to look at the evidence for the authorship of the Gospels and good reasons we can date them within the lifetime of the Apostles.


Fabricating Jesus – Craig Evans

Jesus of Nazareth – Maurice Casey

The Relationship Among the Gospels – Albert Lord

Trusting the New Testament – JP Holding

Against Marcion – Tertullian

Against Heresies – St. Irenaeus

Adumbrationes in Epistolas – Clement of Alexandria

The Muratorian Fragment

Ecclesiastical History – Eusebius

The Earliest Gospel – John S. Kloppenborg

The Text of the New Testament – Bruce Metzger & Bart Ehrman…

The Historical Figure – E.P. Sanders

Redating Matthew, Mark, & Luke – John Wenham

Jesus and Eyewitness – Richard Bauckmann

The Gospels – Gerd Theissen

4. The Reliability of the New Testament (Authorship & Dating)

VIDEO by InspiringPhilosophy

1. The Reliability of the New Testament (Introduction)

bible magnifying glassIs the New Testament reliable or is it based on dated copies and filled with errors. This video addresses this claims and introduces one to the evidence for the reliability of the New Testament.

See previous videos here:

  1. 4. The Reliability of the New Testament (Authorship & Dating)
  2. 3. The Reliability of the New Testament (Oral Tradition)24-04-2015
  3. 2. The Reliability of the New Testament (Textual Corruption)25-01-2015
  4. 3. The Reliability of the New Testament (Introduction) THIS PAGE
  5. The Reliability of The New Testament – Daniel Wallace PhD

Dethroning Jesus – Darrell Bock & Dan Wallace

Fabricating Jesus – Craig Evans

A General Introduction to the Bible – Norman L. Geisler & William E. Nix

Trusting the New Testament – JP Holding

Misquoting Jesus – Bart Ehrman

The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts – Phillip Comfort & David P. Barrett

The Text of the New Testament – Bruce Metzger & Bart Ehrman

Prescription Against Heresy – Tertullian

Bart Ehrman vs. James White Debate:……

Dan Wallace Lectures:……

Rei Abrudan – „Cei 12” – Chemarea (3) & „Cei 12” – Linia intai – Petru, Iacov, Ioan, Andrei (4)

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Rei Abrudan – „Cei 12” – Chemarea (3)

Aceste adevaruri, mie imi dau fiori, cand stau sa ma gandesc la ele. Sut 12 oameni care au rascolit lumea si oamenii acestia au rascolit lumea pentru ca au fost martorii unui eveniment nemaipomenit. Acesti 12 oameni au trait alaturi de Dumnezeul Om Isus si au experimentat invierea Lui. Si sunt absolut convins ca aceasta experienta si nu abilitatile lor, i-au calificat si motivat pentru schimbarea pe care noi o cunoastem astazi. In seara aceasta, vreau sa citim un text foarte simplu. Este, de fapt, textul inceputului. Incercati sa va imaginati scena aceasta: Isus creste intr-o familie evreiasca ca orice alt copil. Probabil ca invata meseria tatalui. Anii trec, ajunge la 20+ ani si inca nu se casatoreste. Lucru neobisnuit. Ajunge la 30 de ani si inca nu este casatorit si nici nu intentiona s-o faca. Ajunge la 30 de ani, cand are din partea lui Dumnezeu incredintarea ca trebuie sa porneasca Misiunea.

Nu se mai intamplase nimic de felul acesta in istoria omenirii. Si acolo, Domnul Isus, inainte de a incepe Misiunea, face urmatoarele lucruri: isi selecteaza echipa, 12 oameni, ce urmau sa rascoleasca lumea, istoria, asa cum era ea cunoscuta. Vom citi din Marcu 3:13-15 –

3 În urmă*, Isus S-a suit pe munte, a chemat la El pe cine a vrut şi ei au venit la El.
14 A rânduit dintre ei doisprezece, ca să-i aibă cu Sine şi să-i trimită să propovăduiască.
15 Le-a dat şi putere să vindece bolile şi să scoată dracii.

Marcu este un evanghelist de genul ziaristului, jurnalistului. El ia faptele si le puncteaza acolo. Haideti sa ne uitam la chemarea celor 12. Aici incepea totul:

VIDEO by Credo TV

Rei Abrudan – „Cei 12” – Linia intai

(Petru, Iacov, Ioan, Andrei) (4)

Cei 12, oamenii care au rascolit lumea. Am vazut in intalnirea trecuta ca Isus cheama pe oricine vrea sa vina, numeste 12 ca sa-i aiba alaturi si sa-i trimita sa proclame vestea buna, confirmandu-le investirea prin puterea de a vindeca bolile si ascoate dracii. Am vazut, tot in intalnirea trecuta, de ce tocmai 12? Pentru ca noul legamant necesita o noua conducere, care sa inlocuiasca conducerea veche, cei 12 fii ai lui Iacov, o conducere compromisa din punct de vedere spiritual si moral. De aceea, fix 12! Dar, am mai vvazut ca erau 12 oameni absolut obisnuiti, care nu contau in sine, ci Isus conta in ei. Ceea ce-i caracterizeaza pe toti cei 12, pe toti cei 12 oameni simpli, este transformarea de care au avut parte. Unul dupa altul au fost transformati in niste oameni care au rascolit lumea. De ce? Pentru ca cumva, cumva lui Dumnezeu ii place sa restaureze.

Is the New Testament Reliable? – Frank Turek

Faith Evangelical Church in Billings, MT (March 2015) – Frank Turek speaks on Christian apologetics for the New Testament.

VIDEO by Theology, Philosophy and Science

Where did Paul Get the Information he Put Into his New Testament Letters?

As young Christians leave for secular Universities to continue their education, they will be faced (possibly for the first time), with questions and scrutiny about their Christian faith. How can you help prepare them? Dr. Darrell Bock, one of the world’s leading historical Jesus scholars, answers the questions: How did Christianity begin? How do we know that the information in the New Testament books is the best historical evidence there is for what Jesus said and did? How do we know we can trust what we are told about Jesus? Was the message Jesus preached, changed over time by the early Christians, or has Jesus’ core message remained the same until our day? How did the early Christians come to believe that the Apostles’ books and letters were to be considered Scripture, equal in authority with the Old Testament Scriptures? Who decided which books would become part of the canon? From our series „So You Don’t Fall Away From Your Faith” available for purchase at

VIDEO by John Ankerberg

Palm Sunday 3/3 – Jesus Declares His Kingship

Pentru traducere automata, fa click aici – Romanian

You can listen to the audio here from Desiring God, John Piper.

Matthew 21:1-17

When they had approached Jerusalem and had come to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, „Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to Me. 3 „If anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord has need of them,’ and immediately he will send them.” 4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: 5 „SAY TO THE DAUGHTER OF ZION, ‘BEHOLD YOUR KING IS COMING TO YOU, GENTLE, AND MOUNTED ON A DONKEY, EVEN ON A COLT, THE FOAL OF A BEAST OF BURDEN.'” 6 The disciples went and did just as Jesus had instructed them, 7 and brought the donkey and the colt, and laid their coats on them; and He sat on the coats. 8 Most of the crowd spread their coats in the road, and others were cutting branches from the trees and spreading them in the road. 9 The crowds going ahead of Him, and those who followed, were shouting, „Hosanna to the Son of David; BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD; Hosanna in the highest!” 10 When He had entered Jerusalem, all the city was stirred, saying, „Who is this?” 11 And the crowds were saying, „This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth in Galilee.” 12 And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. 13 And He said to them, „It is written, ‘MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER’; but you are making it a ROBBERS’ DEN.” 14 And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them. 15 But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that He had done, and the children who were shouting in the temple, „Hosanna to the Son of David,” they became indignant 16 and said to Him, „Do You hear what these children are saying?” And Jesus said to them, „Yes; have you never read, ‘OUT OF THE MOUTH OF INFANTS AND NURSING BABIES YOU HAVE PREPARED PRAISE FOR YOURSELF’?” 17 And He left them and went out of the city to Bethany, and spent the night there.

What I would like to do this morning is help you hear Jesus’ own declaration of his kingship. I want you to see from Matthew 21:1-17 how Jesus says, „I am your king.” And I would like to do it in a way that makes sure you see the nature of his kingship now and the different nature of his kingship when he comes a second time. And I want you to see and feel the difference because the nature of Jesus’ kingship now is creating a season of salvation in world history during which you can still switch sides and be saved from his wrath and judgment. There is still time – even now this morning – when you can accept the amnesty that King Jesus holds out to you, and renounce your allegiance to self and success and money and family and physical pleasure and security – and whatever else rules you more than Jesus. And you can bow and receive Christ as your King and swear allegiance to him, and be on his side with everlasting joy.

The Kingship of Jesus Will Look Different Than It Does Now

To help you feel the wonder of this brief season of salvation in world history – and yes I say brief, though it has lasted 2000 years; compared to how long we will exist in heaven or hell, it is very brief – to feel the wonder of this brief season of salvation in world history consider that the day is coming, and perhaps soon, when the kingship of Jesus will very different than it is now. Here is a description of that kingship, as John saw it in the last book of the Bible:

And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. 13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. 15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. 16 And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, „KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” (Revelation 19:11-16)

When the kingship of Jesus appears in the skies like that, it will be too late to switch sides. „Behold, now is ‘the acceptable time,’ behold, now is ‘the day of salvation'” (2 Corinthians 6:2). I believe that is what Matthew is trying to say to us this morning in the way Jesus proclaims his kingship in Matthew 21:1-17. What he wants us to hear – what Jesus wants us to see – is that, yes, he is king, yes his kingship is not provincial or tribal or national, but international and global and universal. But it is for now meek, lowly, welcoming, seeking, forgiving, patient. He will, in a matter of days, shed his own blood to save all who will accept his free gift of amnesty and come over to his side. And until he comes again this is the wonder of his kingship. It saves sinners.

So let’s watch him make this declaration. I just want you to see him. I want you to hear him. Rivet your attention on Jesus this morning. He will win you. He will heal you. He will save you.

There are four ways that Jesus declares his kingship in this triumphal entry. All of them are Jewish. He was a Jew, and he was fulfilling Jewish promises of a coming king and Messiah. But all them are bigger than Jewish. Remember this gospel is going to end in chapter 28 with the words, „All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:18-19). Jesus knows that he is the king over all nations, not just Israel.

So let’s listen and watch as he declares himself King of the Jews and King of the nations.

1. Jesus Declares His Kingship by Riding on a Donkey (Zech. 9:9)

First, notice Matthew 21:1-5. Jesus sends two of his disciples to get a donkey. Verse 2: „Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied there and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to Me.” Why? What is he doing? Why does he want a ride into Jerusalem on a donkey? Never before has he done such a thing. Matthew tells us why in verses 4-5, „This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: ‘Say to the daughter of Zion [that is, to Israel], „Behold your king is coming to you, gentle, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.”‘”

This is a quote from the prophet Zechariah (9:9). Jesus has chosen to act out the fulfillment of this prophecy and to declare his kingship in the action of riding on a donkey. This means, yes, I am king, for that’s what the prophet says it means: „Behold your king.” „But,” he is saying, „I am gentle and lowly. I am not, in my first coming, on a white war-horse with a sword and a rod of iron. I am not coming to slay you. I am coming to save you. This time. Today is the day of salvation.

But is he only coming for the „daughter of Zion,” Israel? Listen to the context in Zechariah 9:9-10 – and Jesus knew the context –

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. 10 I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim And the horse from Jerusalem; And the bow of war will be cut off. And He will speak peace to the nations; And His dominion [his kingship] will be from sea to sea, And from the River to the ends of the earth.

That’s declaration number one. Jesus very intentionally acts out the fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 and declares his humble, gentile, saving, Jewish and global kingship. And invites you to receive it.

2. Jesus Declares His Kingship by Cleansing the Temple (Isa. 56:7)

Second, in verses 12-13 Jesus acts out another Old Testament text. It says he „entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves.” Don’t think that this meek, gentle, lowly Savior-King was without passion for his Father’s glory!

Then to explain what he is doing he quotes Isaiah 56:7. Verse 13: „And He said to them, ‘It is written, „My house shall be called a house of prayer;” but you are making it a robbers’ den.'” There are two things that make this action and this Old Testament quote so significant. One is that the context in Isaiah is about the coming kingdom of God, and so Jesus is putting himself in the position of the coming king. And the other is that the context is global, not just Jewish. Listen to Isaiah 56:6-8.

Also the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord. . . 7 Even those I will bring to My holy mountain And make them joyful in My house of prayer. . . . For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples.” 8 The Lord GOD, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, declares, „Yet others I will gather to them, to those already gathered.”

So when Jesus chooses a prophetic word to interpret his action in the temple, he chooses one that underlines his coming on a donkey as king and the fact that his kingship is „for all the peoples.” It’s for you this morning. He is jealous to open his Father’s house to you for prayer.

3. Jesus Declares His Kingship by Healing (Isa. 35:4-6)

Third, in verse 14 it says, „And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.” Imagine what an impact this must have had. We are talking about the most public place in the city – the temple. We are talking about blind people, and people who can’t walk – lame, paralyzed people. Not people with headaches and sore throats. This was a public demonstration of something. What?

We’ve already been told at least once. When John the Baptist was in jail he sent and asked Jesus, „Are You the Expected One, or shall we look for someone else?” In other words, are you the coming king of Israel, the Messiah? And Jesus sent this word back to John in Matthew 11:4-5, „Go and report to John what you hear and see: the blind receive sight and the lame walk.” In other words, „Yes. I am the coming king.”

Why? Why does the healing of the blind and the lame in the temple after coming into Jerusalem on a donkey mean: I am the coming king? Because in Isaiah 35 the prophet describes the coming kingship of the Messiah like this: ” Take courage, fear not. . . . The recompense of God will come, But He will save you. Then the eyes of the blind will be opened. And . . . Then the lame will leap like a deer” (35:4-6).

Jesus comes on a donkey, lowly and gentle and patient; he comes cleansing his Father’s house to make it a house of prayer for all the nations; he comes healing the blind and the lame – all to show what his kingship is now in part, and will be fully in the age to come. It is not just a kingship over other kings, but over disease and all nature. We will not just be safe and sick when he comes. We will be safe and whole – absolutely whole. Now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation. Trust him. Receive his amnesty. Become his subject.

4. Jesus Declares His Kingship by His Response to Children (Psa. 8)

Finally, Jesus declares his kingship by the way he responds to what the people and the children are doing and saying. In verse 8 the crowds are spreading their cloaks on the road in front of him. This is what they did when kings were crowned in the Old Testament (2 Kings 9:13). In verse 9 the crowds were shouting, „Hosanna [salvation!] to the Son of David [the hoped for king like David]; ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.'” (These are words from Psalm 118:25-26.)

Then in verse 15 the children were shouting the same things: „Hosanna to the Son of David.” In other words, „The king is here, the king is here!” But the chief priests became angry. So they said in verse 16, „Do You hear what these children are saying?” Now I think they could just as easily have said, „Did you hear what those crowds said? Did you see what they were doing when they put their cloaks on the ground?” They can’t believe Jesus is letting all this stand unchallenged.

Jesus answers their question with one simple word. And then an absolutely astonishing quote from Psalm 8. They say, „Do you hear what these children are saying?” And he answers in verse 16b, „Yes.” „Yes, I do. I not only hear it. I planned it. And I receive it. I would gladly receive it from you. And he would gladly receive it from us!”

Then, he ends this section by quoting Psalm 8, „Have you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies You have prepared praise for Yourself’?” What is so astonishing about this is that it refers to God. „O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens! 2 From the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength [or: praise] Because of Your adversaries.” Don’t miss this. Jesus receives the praises of little children and then explains it by quoting a psalm where children are praising God.

The King Has Come and Is Coming

So here is the concluding declaration and invitation: Jesus came the first time, and he is coming again, as the king over all kings. King of Israel, king of all the nations, king of nature and the universe. Until he comes again, there is a day of amnesty and forgiveness and patience. He still rides a donkey and not yet a white war-horse with a rod of iron. He is ready to save all who receive him as Savior and Treasure and King. Come to him. Know him. Receive him. Live your life in allegiance to him.

By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website:

Poarta inspre rasarit prin care Isus a intrat in Ierusalim – The Eastern or Golden Gate through which Jesus walked on Palm Sunday

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Poarta inspre rasarit sau poarta aurita este cea mai veche poarta dintre portile Ierusalimului si se afla dealungul peretelui din est al Muntelui Templului. In Duminica Floriilor, Isus a intrat in Ierusalim pe poarta inspre rasarit. Unii crestini cred ca Poarta inspre rasarit, care ramane sigilata de 12 secole, v-a fi deschisa la intoarcerea lui Hristos.

Ezechiel 44:1-2
M-a dus înapoi la poarta exterioară a Lăcaşului, care dădea înspre răsărit, dar era închisă. 2 Domnul mi-a zis: „Poarta aceasta va rămâne închisă şi nu va mai fi deschisă! Nimeni nu va intra pe ea, căci Domnul, Dumnezeul lui Israel, a intrat pe ea; de aceea va rămâne închisă.

Ezechiel 44:1–3
M-a dus înapoi la poarta exterioară a Lăcaşului, care dădea înspre răsărit, dar era închisă. Domnul mi-a zis: „Poarta aceasta va rămâne închisă şi nu va mai fi deschisă! Nimeni nu va intra pe ea, căci Domnul, Dumnezeul lui Israel, a intrat pe ea; de aceea va rămâne închisă. Numai prinţul va avea voie să stea înăuntrul porţii pentru a mânca pâine înaintea Domnului. El va trebui să intre însă prin porticul porţii şi să iasă tot pe acolo.“


The Eastern Gate (or Golden Gate) is the oldest of the city gates and is located along the eastern wall of the Temple Mount. On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into the city through the Eastern Gate. Christians contend the Eastern Gate, which has been sealed for nearly 12 centuries, will reopen upon the return of Christ.

Ezekiel 44:1-2
Then the man brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary, the one facing east, and it was shut. The LORD said to me, „This gate is to remain shut. It must not be opened; no one may enter through it. It is to remain shut because the LORD, the God of Israel, has entered through it.” (NIV)

The Golden Gate, as it is called in Christian literature, is the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem’s Old City Walls. According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah (שכינה) (Divine Presence) used to appear through this gate, and will appear again when the Messiah comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3) and a new gate replaces the present one; that is why Jews used to pray for mercy at the former gate at this location. Hence the name Sha’ar HaRachamim (שער הרחמים), the Gate of Mercy. It is also said that Jesus passed through this gate on Palm Sunday. In ancient times, the gate was known as the Beautiful Gate.

Remains of a much older gate dating to the times of the Second Jewish Temple were found. The present one was probably built in the 520s AD, as part of Justinian I’s building program in Jerusalem, on top of the ruins of the earlier gate in the wall. An alternate theory holds that it was built in the later part of the 7th century by Byzantine artisans employed by the Umayyad khalifs.

The gate is located in the middle of the eastern side of the Temple Mount. The portal in this position was believed to have been used for ritual purposes in biblical times.  (wikipedia)

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Lazar Gog – Perspectiva Profetica 2015 – Partea 3 – Aspectul Profetic Shemittah & Partea 4 – Aspectul profetic – Ioel si impartitorii lui Israel

Perspectiva Profetica Lazar Gog

Am inceput cu partea finala (partea a 3-a si a 4-a + Concluzia) pentru ca sunt cele mai interesante si sunt si mai scurte (de scris) decat primele 2 parti si introducerea, care vor urma si ele la randul lor (cat de repede). La sfarsitul transcrierei le voi pune pe toate impreuna intr-o postare. Dar, in acest mod, puteti sa cititi aceste parti mai repede.

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3. Aspectul Profetic Shemittah

Lazar Gog: Al treilea aspect profetic pe care trebuie sa-l vedem este ceea ce eu am numit Aspectul Profetic Shemittah. Ce inseamna Shemttah? Shemittah este un termen ebraic care spune al saptelea an. Factorul acesta este invederat in Cuvantul Domnului – Exod capitolul 23:10-11 –

10 Timp de şase ani să semeni pământul şi să-i strângi rodul. 11 Dar în al şaptelea, să-i dai răgaz şi să-l laşi să se odihnească; din rodul lui să mănânce săracii poporului tău, iar ce va mai rămâne, să mănânce fiarele de pe câmp. Tot aşa să faci cu via şi măslinii tăi.

Cuvantul Domnului catre Israel a fost acesta: Sa urmaresti in activitatea ta economica si sociala un ciclu de sapte ani care sa se repete continu. Sase ani de zile sa lucrezi pamantul, al saptelea an sa-l lasi liber sa se refaca. Si tot in al saptelea an, toti saracii care au imprumutat de la banca de la tine, sa fie iertati de datoria lor. Se numeste un an de anularea datoriei. Si anul al saptelea se numeste Shemittah. Incepe la 1 Tishrei, in Septembrie si se sfarseste la 1 Tishrei, anul urmator.

Daca nu este respectat acest proces de 7 ani, Domnul spune, aduce pedeapsa peste Israel. Daca va uitati in Ieremia 25:4-18, spune: Te voi duce in robia babiloniana timp de 70 de ani. Toti atatia ani cat n-ai respectat shemittah. Dar shemittah nu este numai pentru Israel. Este si pentru toate natiunile pamantului, pentru ca istoria noastra este legata de Israel. De ce? Datorita acestui legamant pe care Dumnezeu l-a facut cu Israelul. Geneza 12:3 – Voi binecuvânta pe cei ce te vor binecuvânta şi voi blestema pe cei ce te vor blestema; şi toate familiile pământului vor fi binecuvântate în tine.

Cine te va binecuvanta, va fi binecuvantat. Cine te va blestema, va fi blestemat. Prin urmare, ce se intampla cu Israel se intampla cu natiunile pamantului, datorita atitudinii tarilor fata de Israel. Daca va uitati in istorie, potrivit  teologului evreu Jonathan Cahn  este un teolog rabin mesianic. A scris doua carti deosebite. Prima carte se numeste ‘The Harbinger’ care inseamna ‘avertizmentul’, scrisa supa Septembrie 9, 2001. Si a doua carte este ‘Importanta a Shemitah’. Potrivit acestui teolog care a facut cercetare, cele mai mari crash-uri economice  s-au petrecut in anul al saptelea si Shemittah.

Ce va urma in Septembrie 2015 ? Photo credit

Am sa va dau 5 din ele. Mare crash economic in 1973. In 1980. In 1987. In 2000 si in 2007. Anul acesta, frati si surori, noi suntem in Shemittah – al saptelea an din ciclul celor 7 randuite in Israel. Si daca in anul 2007, tot la Shemittah, s-a produs cel mai mare crash la bursa americana, a cazut 777 de puncte, fapt ce a declansat criza economica mondiala prin care am trecut. Anul acesta, incheierea lui Shemittah se produce  in 29 Elul care este Septembrie 13.

Insa ceea ce este interesant este urmatorul lucru, ca tot in Septembrie 13 avem al patrulea tetrard, de care v-am vorbit anul trecut. V-am spus ca vor fi 2 eclipse de luna si doua de soare in 2014-2015. Si toate aceste evenimente cad la sarbatoarea iudaica a Pastelor si a corturilor. Anul acesta, eclipsa de soare, a partra, care incheie acest tetrard, cade exact in elul 29- adica, Septembrie 13. Este ultima zi din Shemittah. Elul 29 (Sept. 13) este considerata ziua anularii datoriilor. E posibil ca din nou in Septembrie 2015 sa asistam la anularea multor datorii cu un nou crash economic. Lucrul acesta este dat si de acest tetrard,  pentru ca in Cuvantul Domnului ni se spune lucrul acesta in Ioel 3:1-3 –

1 Căci iată că în zilele acelea şi în vremurile acelea, când voi aduce înapoi pe prinşii de război ai lui Iuda şi ai Ierusalimului, 2 voi strânge pe toate neamurile şi le voi coborî în valea lui Iosafat. Acolo, Mă voi judeca cu ele pentru poporul Meu, pentru Israel, moştenirea Mea, pe care l-au risipit printre neamuri, împărţind între ele ţara Mea. 3 Au tras la sorţi pentru poporul Meu; ….

Ioel spune ca inainte de ziua Domnului vor fi semne in cer- luna in sange si soarele in intuneric. Si cand aceste fenomene ceresti se observa, trebuie sa intelegem absolut ca am intrat in vremea sfarsitului. Si cum spuneam, cele patru manifestari ale lunii si soarelui in acest an – 2014-2015 se intampla tocmai in ultima zi din Shemittah, in ziua anularii datoriilor. Daca va uitati in istorie, cum am spus, cand aceste fenomene s-au mai intamplat, intotdeauna economia mondiala a fost afectata. De aceea, va invit in al patrulea rand sa ne uitam la acest aspect.

Israel (albastru) in mijlocul tarilor Arabe.

4. Aspectul profetic –
Ioel si impartitorii lui Israel

Domnul se judeca cu cei ce vor sa imparta pe Israel. In lume, s-a constituit un cvartet, format din Statele Unite, Rusia, Uniunea Europeana si ONU. Practic, sunt toate statele, care sa reglementeze situatia dintre Israel si palestinienii. Dar, uitati-va din nou in Ioel 3:2 –

2 voi strânge pe toate neamurile şi le voi coborî în valea lui Iosafat. Acolo, Mă voi judeca cu ele pentru poporul Meu, pentru Israel, moştenirea Mea, pe care l-au risipit printre neamuri, împărţind între ele ţara Mea.

Ideea acestui cvartet este ca sa-l aduca pe Israel in teritoriul pana in 1967, dislocand sute de mii de evrei si creand un stat palestinian. Deci, vor sa imparta tara lui Israel si sa imparta Ierusalimul. Ierusalimul de est sa fie capitala Palestinei, Ierusalimul de vest sa fie a lui Israel. Dumnezeu spune ca se judeca cu cei ce impart tara lui Israel.

Sunt 13 ‘coincidente’ in lumea noastra, adica 13 aspecte de judecata divina care au avut loc cu America, atunci cand au luat pozitie impotriva lui Israel. Si daca lucrurile acestea s-au intamplat pana acuma, se pot intampla si de aici incolo. Efortul mare la ora actuala este sa se creeze acest stat palestinian. Din cele 13 evenimente care s-au petrecut cu America, am sa va dau doar 5, pentru ca timpul nu ne mai permite.

  1. 24 August 1992 – Presedintele Bush Sr. si Pamant pentru Pace – In Washington DC are loc runda a sasea a pacii de la Madrid. Primul Ministru Rabin al Israelului este prezent si America ii impune sa adopte o politica numita ‘Pamant Pentru Pace’ (Land for Peace). Cand Yitzhak Rabin a inceput, deci, la 24 August, cand a acceptat aceasta la impunerea Americii, uraganul Andrew , in aceeasi zi a lovit Statele Unite, fiind primul cel mai mare uragan cunoscut pana in vremea aceea. Peste 25 de miliarde de dolari ($25 billion) pagube. Pentru ca in Biblie spune ca „Cine te va binecuvanta, va fi binecuvantat. Cine te va blestema, va fi blestemat.”
  2. 17 Ianuari 1994 – Presedintele Clinton si Inaltimile Golan – Presedintele Clinton se intalneste cu dictatorul sirian, Hafez Al Assad si- i promite lui Hafez Al Assad ca va presa Israelul sa accepte sa cedeze inaltimile Golan, Siriei. In aceeasi ziare loc cel mai distrugator cutremur in istoria Americii, care a avut loc aici la noi, in California. Peste 40 de miliarde de dolari ($40 billion) pagube.
  3. 10 Septembrie 2001 – Presedintele Bush si Planul pentru 2 state in Palestina – Sub presiunea regelui Arabiei Saudite, care a acuzat America ca procedeaza unilateral, favorizand Israelul in conflicte cu palestinienii, Presedintele Bush accepta un plan ca sa se creeze doua state in Palestina. Acest plan urmeaza sa fie prezentat lumii in saptamana de 10 Septembrie (pana la sfarsitul saptamanii). 11 Septembrie 2001, America este lovita pe teritoriul ei la New York. A fost si este cel mai mare atac terorist impotriva Americii.
  4. 23 August 2005 – Presedintele Bush, Premierul Ariel Sharon si Gaza- Premierul Ariel Sharon comunica Israelului, Americii si lumii ca planul de evacuare a populatiei israeliene din Gaza, impus de America lui Israel, a luat sfarsit oficial. In aceeasi zi, in Oceanul Atlantic  s-a putut observa o depresiune atmosferica  care s-a transformat in uraganul Katrina. Cea mai mare populatie dislocata a avut loc in Louisiana, asa cum Americanii au fortat pe evrei sa disloce populatia israeliana din Gaza. Persoane apropiate Presedintelui George W. Bush au declarat ca acest eveniment, Katrina, a fost inceputul prabusirii presedintiei lui Bush.
  5. 20 Aprilie 2010 – Presedintele Obama – Administratia Obama opreste pentru prima data din 1967 incoace constructia de apartamente in Ierusalimul de Est in Ierusalim. Cand lucrul acesta este anuntat, in 20 Aprilie, in aceeasi zi, sonda petroliera a companiei British Petroleum  a explodat in Golful Mexic (la coasta cu statul Texas), cauzand cea mai mare catastrofa ecologica din istoria Statelor Unite. Tine-ti minte pentru ca ati vazut lucrurile acestea. Industria pescuitului, industria alimentara si industria turismului  au fost afectate si paralizate.

Judecata viitoare??? Profetul Ioel spune ca Dumnezeu se judeca cu cei ce impart pe Israel. Se poate intampla inca o judecata asupra Americii anul acesta? Sigur ca da. Se poate intampla asupra Europei? Sigur. In naivitatea lor politica, Uniunea Europeana, a declarat ca este dispusa sa recunoasca un stat palestinian. Iar, organizatia terorista Hamas, o considera practic un partid politic palestinian. De cand lupul poate sa fie echivalent cu mielul, inca nu s-a mai auzit.

De aceea, si Uniunea Europeana va intra in criza.  De fapt, la ora aceasta cand eu va vorbesc, Germania este pe punctul sa intre in recesiune. Si daca Germania intra in recesiune in Uniunea Europeana, fiind cea mai puternica tara economica din Europa, aduce in jos toata economia Europei de Vest. Si bineinteles ca afecteaza si Statele Unite.

Toate lucrurile acestea se intampla sub ochii nostri. Se pot intampla asa cum le-ai auzit. Sigur ca daDar Dumnezeu poate sa si anuleze si sa amane lucrurile acestea. Solutia este pocainta. Ninive s-a pocait si de aceea Domnul a amanat distrugerea. Necazul zilelor noastre este ca America si Uniunea Europeana nu se pocaiesc. Preocuparea lor este cum sa ridice mai multi prooroci mincinosi, Hristosi mincinosi. Se intrunesc impreuna, cum sa legalizeze mai multi homosexuali si cum sa anuleze Cuvantul lui Hristos. De aceea, Europa si Statele Unite au o pozitie sumbra inaintea Domnului.

jesus coming again gold

Isus vine iar!

Concluzie – Domnul este aproape

In concluzie, frati si surori, domnilor si doamnelor, as vrea sa va mai spun un lucru. In 28 Ianuarie 2006, a murit rabinul evreu Yitzchak Kaduri. A avut 108 ani. A fost unul dintre cei mai influenti si indragiti evrei. Cand a murit, se spune ca au fost peste 300,000 de oameni la inmormantarea lui la Ierusalim. Asta vorbeste despre influenta pe care El a avut-o.  Yitzchak Kaduri a fost considerat si ca un profetintre rabinii evrei.

In 2005 el a profetit ca Dumnezeu il va lovi pe Ariel Sharon pentru ca el a procedat la evacuarea evreilor din Gaza. Si in 2005, Ariel Sharon  a avut un stroke (comotie cerebrala) din care nu si-a mai revenit. El a murit anul trecut. Insa, Yitzchak Kaduri mai spune ceva. A zis: „Dumnezeu mi s-a aratat si Dumnezeu mi-a facut de cunoscut Cine este Mesia. Si el a scris un bilet, pe care a scris asa: Dupa moartea meaacest bilet sa fie deschis si sa se citeasca lumii si in special evreilor, ce mi-a vorbit Dumnezeu. Domnul mi-a vorbit cine este Mesia si cand se va arata Mesia.

Si Kaduri a murit in 28 Ianuarie, 2006. In 26 Ianuarie 2007, un an mai tarziu, fiul sau David Kaduri, si el un rabin la 80 de ani, in fata prietenilor a deschis plicul tatalui sau si a citit ce scrie acolo. Si a citit ce era scris: „Domnul mi-a aratat cine este Mesia. Adevaratul Mesia este Yeshua. Este Isus Hristos. El se va arata curand lui Israel. Iar semnul dupa care veti intelege ca a venit vremea sa se arate va fi moartea lui Ariel Sharon. Cand Ariel Sharon va muri, Mesia se va arata foarte curand.” Ariel Sharon a murit anul trecut.

Oare se arata Mesia anul asta? Sigur, noi nu stim. Nu punem date. Ci am adus in fata dvs. doar ceea ce se discuta in lumea contemporana pe aceasta tema. Un fapt este sigur. Tot ce a vorbit Dumnezeu se implineste. Perspectiva pe care am adus-o in fata dvs.  nu este de natura sa sperie pe cineva.  ori sa ingrozeasca. Ci este de natura sa aduca pocainta. Traim vremurile din urma si de aceea Cuvantul Domnului spune: „Ce fel de oameni ar trebui sa fiti voi, stiind lucrurile pe care le stiti si avand o purtare sfanta si evlavioasa.”Prin aceasta purtare evlavioasa, nu faceti altceva decat sa grabiti venirea Fiului lui Dumnezeu. Iar eu, ca slujitor al Domnului, nu pot sa spun altceva decat ceea ce spune Duhul Sfant.

„Vino, Doamne Isuse!”

Sa privim in sus. Domnul este aproape. God bless you!

Emanuel Church Anaheim – California (08.02.2015). Predici pentru vremuri grele –

Vasile Paul – Mesajul lui Ioan Botezătorul & Botezul lui Isus Hristos (Credo TV)


Happy New Year, New beginnings

Photo credit

This is what the Lord says, forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See,  I am doing a new thing !
Now it  springs up;  do you  not  perceive  it?
I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:18-19

2014 May this be the year that we chase after Christ and not the world!

Photo credit

1 Corinthians 9:24

The need for self discipline

24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Lyrics to The Chasing Song :

Now and then these feet just take to wandering
Now and then I prop them up at home
Sometimes I think about the consequences
Sometimes I don’t
Well, I realize that falling down ain’t graceful
But I thank the Lord that falling’s full of grace
Sometimes I take my eyes off Jesus
And you know that’s all it takes

Well I wish that I could say that at the close of every day
I was happy with the way that I’m behaving

‘Cause Job, he chased an answer
The wise men chased the Child
Jacob chased her 14 years and he
Captured Rachel’s smile
Moses chased the Promised Land
Joseph chased a dream
David, he chased God’s own heart
All I ever seem to chase is me

Well, they say a race can only have one winner
And you know you’ve got to pull out front to win
God knows the only time I’m winning
Is when I’m chasing Him

Well I wish that I could say that at the close of every day
I was happy with the way that I’m behaving

‘Cause Samson chased a woman
and he chased the Philistines
I’m not quite sure what Jonah chased
But I know he caught the sea
Cain, he chased the harvest
While Abel chased the beasts
David, he chased God’s own heart
All I ever seem to chase is me

And Jesus chased the moneymen
And he chased his Father’s will
He chased my sin to Calvary
And he caught it on that hill
Saul, he chased the Christians
Till his blindness made him see
David, he chased God’s own heart
All I ever seem to chase is me

On what day was Jesus really born? A New Testament Manuscript Expert Responds

A 1466 copy of Jewish historianFlavius Josephus‘ first century workAntiquities of the Jews, widely used to establish the chronology of Jesus. Photo from Wikipedia.

This is a study by Daniel B. Wallace , which you can read it in its entirety here-

Daniel B. Wallace has taught Greek and New Testament courses on a graduate school level since 1979. He has a Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, and is currently professor of New Testament Studies at his alma mater.

His Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament (Zondervan, 1996) has become a standard textbook in colleges and seminaries. Dr. Wallace is also the Executive Director for the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts.

Wallace – We must keep in mind that the Jesus we worship was truly born in time-space history. And that babe in the manger was truly crucified–and just as surely rose from the dead. The Bible is different from the sacred books of other religions because it invites historical investigation. And when it has met the test–as it surely always, inevitably does–it inculcates a greater devotion in the heart of the believer for the one we call the Son of God.

The Year Jesus Was Born

In the western hemisphere, we split time by the birth of Jesus Christ. But did he really even live? If so,when was he born?

Josephus records an eclipse of the moon just before Herod passed on. This occurred on March 12th or 13th in 4 B.C. Josephus also tells us that Herod expired just before Passover. This feast took place on April 11th, in the same year, 4 B.C. From other details supplied by Josephus, we can pinpoint Herod the Great’s demise as occurring between March 29th and April 4th in 4 B.C.

It might sound strange to suggest that Jesus Christ was born no later than 4 B.C. since B.C. means ‘before Christ.’ But our modern calendar which splits time between B.C. and A.D. was not invented until A.D. 525. At that time, Pope John the First asked a monk named Dionysius to prepare a standardized calendar for the western Church. Unfortunately, poor Dionysius missed the real B.C./A.D. division by at least four years!

Now Matthew tells us that Herod killed Bethlehem’s babies two years old and under. The earliest Jesus could have been born, therefore, is 6 B.C. Through a variety of other time indicators, we can be relatively confident that the one called Messiah was born in either late 5 or early 4 B.C.

My atheist friend scoffs at such flexibility. He says, „If you don’t know exactly when Jesus was born, how do you know that he really lived?” That is hardly a reasonable question! The other day I called my mother to wish her a happy birthday. „Mom, how many candles on this birthday cake?” I inquired. „I don’t know, son–I don’t keep track any more,” she sighed. After a few minutes of pleasant conversation, we hung up.

Now, of course, I can’t be certain, but I do believe that that was my mother on the other end of the phone. She can’t remember how old she is (and she’s neither senile nor very old), but that doesn’t make her a figment of my imagination, does it? Because if she’s just a phantom, then for the last three minutes, you’ve been reading absolutely nothing!

The Day Jesus Was Born

This coming December 25th most parents will be lying to their children about old St. Nick. Some of us will be celebrating the birth of our Savior. But was he really born on this day?

Was Jesus really born on December 25th? Virtually every month on the calendar has been proposed by biblical scholars. So why do we celebrate his birth in December?

The tradition for December 25th is actually quite ancient. Hippolytus, in the second century A.D., argued that this was Christ’s birthday. Meanwhile, in the eastern Church, January 6th was the date followed.

But in the fourth century, John Chrysostom argued that December 25th was the correct date and from that day till now, the Church in the East, as well as the West, has observed the 25th of December as the official date of Christ’s birth.

In modern times, the traditional date has been challenged. Modern scholars point out that when Jesus was born, shepherds were watching their sheep in the hills around Bethlehem. Luke tells us that an angel appeared to „some shepherds staying out in the fields [who were] keeping watch over their flock by night” (2:8).

Some scholars feel that the sheep were usually brought under cover from November to March; as well, they were not normally in the field at night. But there is no hard evidence for this. In fact, early Jewish sources suggest that the sheep around Bethlehem were outside year-round. So you can see, December 25th fits both tradition and the biblical narrative well. There is no sound objection to it.

Now admittedly, the sheep around Bethlehem were the exception, not the rule. But these were no ordinary sheep. They were sacrificial lambs. In the early spring they would be slaughtered at the Passover.

And God first revealed the Messiah’s birth to these shepherds–shepherds who protected harmless lambs which would soon die on behalf of sinful men. Whey they saw the baby, could they have known? Might they have whispered in their hearts what John the Baptist later thundered, „Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

Now, of course, we can’t be absolutely certain of the day of Christ’s birth. At least, not this side of heaven. But an early winter date seems as reasonable a guess as any. And December 25th has been the frontrunner for eighteen centuries. Without more evidence, there seems no good reason to change the celebration date now.

We can blame the ancient church for a large part of our uncertainty. You see, they did not celebrate Christ’s birth. At all. To them, it was insignificant. They were far more concerned with his death . . . and resurrection.

But modern man has turned that around. A baby lying in a manger is harmless, non-threatening. But a man dying on a cross–a man who claims to be God–that man is a threat! He demands our allegiance! We cannot ignore him. We must either accept him or reject him. He leaves us no middle ground.

This Christmas season, take a close look at a nativity scene once again. Remove your rose-colored glasses–smell the foul air, see the cold, shivering animals. They represent the Old Testament sacrificial system. They are emblems of death. But they are mere shadows of the Babe in their midst. He was born to die . . . that all who believe in him might live.

The Visit of the Magi

When Jesus Christ was born, men–known as magi–came from the east to worship him. Were they wisemen . . . or astrologers?

Matthew begins his second chapter with these words: „Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star in the east, and have come to worship him.'”

Who were these wise men from the east? Matthew tells us next to nothing about them–he doesn’t mention their names, nor how many there were–not even which country they came from. As mysteriously as they come on the scene, they disappear. . .

Though Matthew doesn’t tell us much, over-zealous Christians throughout church history have dogmatically filled in the blanks. By the 6th century A.D., these dark strangers were given thrones and names: Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthazar were the alleged names of these alleged kings. But this has nothing to do with the biblical story: we really have no idea what their names were–nor even their number. There could have been 3 or 300 as far as we know! But one thing we do know for sure: they were not royalty. The ancient magi were reilgious and political advisors to eastern kings–but there wasn’t a drop of blue blood among them.

But isn’t it true that the magi were astrologers? And didn’t God prescribe death to astrologers in the Old Testament? ‘Not always’ and ‘yes’ are the answers. In Deuteronomy 17, God commands his people to execute all astrologers by stoning. Jean Dixon wouldn’t stand a chance in such a theocracy! The fact that she–and others like her–are so comfortably tolerated–even well respected!–in modern America ought to show us that the U.S.A. is a post-Christian country–at best . . .

But what about these ancient magi? Were they astrologers? After all, they followed a star to Bethlehem.

We might answer this in three ways: First, not all magi were astrologers, for Daniel the prophet was the chief of the magi in Nebuchadnezzar’s court. Through his influence, undoubtedly many of the magi carried on their religious and political duties as worshippers of the One true God.

Second, there are some biblical scholars who believe that Isaiah predicted that a star would appear when the Messiah was born. If this interpretation is correct, then the magi who worshipped the newborn king were clearly following in Daniel’s train, for he almost surely taught them from Isaiah.

Third, although a few believe that the ‘star’ they saw was a natural phenomenon–such as a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter–this cannot explain how the star stood right over Bethlehem. Clearly, the ‘star’ was completely of supernatural origin. If so, it probably had nothing to do with astrology.

Therefore, the magi most likely did not subscribe to such superstitious folly. If so, they were truly wisemen . . .

I saw a bumper sticker the other day, which read, „Wise men still seek him.” Actually, that’s not quite accurate. The Bible tells us that „no one seeks God, not even one.” But if he has led us to himself, then we have become wise. For it is true that „wise men still worship him.”

The Boys from Bethlehem

One of the most heinous atrocities in human history was the murder of Bethlehem’s babies by Herod the Great. But did it really happen?

In the second chapter of Matthew’s gospel, we read that when Herod the Great heard of the Messiah’s birth, „he was troubled–and all Jerusalem with him.” Later, when the wise men did not report back to him, he became furious and ordered all the baby boys up to two years old in and around Bethlehem to be slaughtered!

Three questions come to mind as we consider this cruel incident: First, how many babies did Herod actually kill? Second, how old was Jesus when this happened? And finally, why does no other ancient historian record this outrage? In other words, did it really happen?

How many babies did Herod murder? Some scholars have suggested as many as 200! But most reject such a figure. Bethlehem was a small community–almost a suburb of Jerusalem. The village itself–and the surrounding countryside–would hardly have more than 30 male infants under two. Most scholars today place the number between 20 and 30.

But that’s if only the boy babies were killed. Actually, the Greek text of Matthew 2:16 could mean ‘babies’–not just ‘boy babies.’ And psychologically, Herod’s henchmen might not have bothered to check the gender of their victims. The number might be as high as 50 or 60.

Second, how old was Jesus when this occurred? According to the best chronological evidence, he could not have been more than three or four months old. He was more than likely born in the winter of 5 or 4 B.C.–Herod died in the early spring of 4 B.C. So why did Herod slay all children up to two years old? The answer to the third question might help to answer this one. . .

Third, why is this event not recorded outside the Bible? Specifically, why did Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian, fail to mention it?

Josephus tells us much about Herod. The best word to describe his reign is ‘overkill.’ He murdered hisfavorite wife’s father, drowned her brother–and even killed her! He executed one of his most trusted friends, his barber, and 300 military leaders–all in a day’s work! Then he slew three of his sons, allegedly suspecting them of treason. Josephus tells us that „Herod inflicted such outrages upon (the Jews) as not even a beast could have done if it possessed the power to rule over men” (Antiquities of the Jews 17:310). Killing babies was not out of character for this cruel king. And killing them up to two years old–to make sure he got the baby Jesus lines up with his insane jealousy for power.

Josephus might have omitted the slaying of the babies for one of two reasons: first, he was no friend of Christianity and he left it out intentionally; or second, just before Herod died he locked up 3000 of the nation’s leading citizens and gave orders that they were to be executed at the hour of his death. He wanted to make sure that there would be mourning when he died. . . Israel was so preoccupied with this that the clandestine murder of a few babies might have gone unnoticed. . .

Herod thought that he had gained a victory over the king of the Jews. Yet this was a mere foreshadowing of the victory Satan thought he had when Jesus lay dead on a Roman cross. But the empty tomb proved that that dark Friday was Satan’s worst defeat!


We’ve been looking at several aspects of the birth of Jesus Christ in this short study. Now, we want to put it all together.

In the winter of 5 or 4 B.C., God invaded history by taking on the form of a man. He was born in a small town just south of Jerusalem. Bethlehem, which means ‘the house of bread,’ indeed became worthy of its name one lonely winter night. For there, in that town, was born the Bread of Life . . .

His mother placed the infant king in a manger–or feeding trough–because the guest room where they were to stay was occupied. The birth of this king was celebrated that night only by his mother, her husband, and a handful of shepherds. The shepherds had been in the fields around Bethlehem, guarding the lambs which would die at the next Passover. An angel appeared to them and gave them the birth announcement: „today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11). In their simple faith, they rushed to see their newborn king.

Shortly after the birth of the Messiah, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem and inquired of king Herod where the real king of the Jews was to be born. The theologians of Herod’s court knew the Scriptures well–in ‘Bethlehem’ they recited. Ironically, though they knew the Scriptures, they did not believe them! They did not even bother to travel the five or six miles to Bethlehem to see their Messiah.

But Herod believed the Scriptures! That is why he sent a corps of butchers to Bethlehem to slaughter innocent children, in hopes of destroying this rival to his throne. But he was too late. The magi had come and gone and Jesus was by now safe in Egypt.

And the magi believed the Scriptures. They had traveled several hundred miles to worship this Babe. They were guided to Bethlehem by a supernatural celestial phenomenon–and by the Scriptures. Apparently, their ancestors had been instructed by Daniel the prophet about the coming Messiah. . . When they saw the child, they fell down and worshiped him. This was God in the flesh. They could do no other.

And they gave him gifts–gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This was an unusual present–by any standards. The gold, of course, we all can understand–but the frankincense and myrrh were odd. Perhaps they had read Isaiah’s prophecy that „nations will come to your light, and kings to your rising . . . They will bring gold and frankincense, and will bear good news. . . ” (Isa. 60:3, 6). This explains the frankincense, but not the myrrh.

Now myrrh, like frankincense, was a perfume. But unlike frankincense, myrrh smelled of death. In the ancient world, it was used to embalm a corpse. Jesus himself would be embalmed with this very perfume (cf.John 19:39).

If the magi were thinking of Jesus’ death when they brought the myrrh, they no doubt knew of it from Daniel’s prophecy (9:24-27). In the ninth chapter of Daniel we read that the ‘Messiah will be cut off’ and this ‘will make atonement for iniquity’ and ultimately ‘bring in everlasting righteousness’ (9:26, 24).

Even at the birth of our Savior, the shadow of the cross is already falling over his face. . .

The theologians of Herod’s court did not believe the Scriptures. They were fools. Herod believed, but disobeyed. He was a madman. The simple shepherds and the majestic magi believed in this infant Savior–and it was reckoned to them as righteousness. May we follow in their train.

Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Christ

via Wilmington/Tyndale Guide to the Bible (P 350)

You can reverently see the mighty hand of God guiding men throughout thousands of years and inspiring them through His Holy Spirit as they lay ink to papyrus and lay down God’s Word in such a way as to see it come to pass in a (mind boggling) mathematically impossible improbability.

  1. Born of a virgin – Isaiah 7:14 Fulfilled in Matthew 1:22,23
  2. Given the throne of David – 2 Samuel 7:11-12; Psalm 132:11; Isaiah 9:6, 16:5,Jeremiah 23:5 Fulfilled in Luke 1:31-32
  3. This throne to be an eternal throne – Daniel 2:44, 7:14,27; Micah 4:7 Fulfilled in Luke 1:33
  4. To be called Emmanuel – Isaiah 7:14 Fulfilled in Matthew 1:23
  5. To have a forerunner – Isaiah 40:3-5; Maleachi 3:1 Fulfilled in Luke 1:76-78, 3:3-6; Matthew 3:1-3
  6. To be born in Bethlehem – Micah 5:2 Fulfilled in Matthew 2:5-6
  7. To be worshipped by wise men and be presented with Gifts – Psalm 72:10; Isaiah 60:3, 6, 9 Fulfilled in Matthew 2:11
  8. To be in Egypt for a season – Numbers 24:8, Hosea 11:1 Fulfilled in Matthew 2:15
  9. Birthplace to suffer a massacre of infants – Jeremiah 31:15 Fulfilled in Matthew 2:17-18
  10. To be called a Nazarene – Isaiah 11:1 Fulfilled in Matthew 2:23
  11. To be zealous for the Father – Psalm 69:9, 119:139 Fulfilled in John 2:16-17
  12. To be filled with God’s Spirit – Isaiah 11:2, 61:1-2; Psalm 45:7 Fulfilled in Luke 4:18-19
  13. To heal many – Isaiah 53:4 Fulfilled in Matthew 8:16-17
  14. To deal gently with the Gentiles – Isaiah 9:1-2, 42:1-3 Fulfilled in Matthew 12:17-21, 4:13-16
  15. To speak in parables – Isaiah 6:9-10 Fulfilled in Matthew 13:10-15
  16. To be rejected by His own – Isaiah 53:3, Psalm 69:8 Fulfilled in John 1:11, 7:5
  17. To make a triumphal entry into Jerusalem – Zechariah 9:9 Fulfilled in Matthew 21:4-5
  18. To be praised by little children – Zechariah 9:9 Fulfilled in Matthew 21:16
  19. To be the rejected cornerstone – Psalm 118:22-23 Fulfilled in Matthew 21:42
  20. That His miracles would not be believed – Isaiah 53:1 Fulfilled in John 12:37-38
  21. To be betrayed by His friend for 30 pieces of silver – Psalm 41:9, 55:12-14 Fulfilled in Matthew 26:14-16, 21-25
  22. To be a man of sorrows – Isaiah 53:3 Fulfilled in Matthew 26:37-38
  23. To be forsaken by His disciples – Zechariah 13:7 Fulfilled in Matthew 26:31, 56
  24. To be scourged and spat upon – Isaiah 50:6 Fulfilled in Matthew 26:67, 27:26
  25. His price money to be used to buy a potter’s field – Zechariah 11:12-13; Jeremiah 18:1-4, 19:1-4 Fulfilled in Matthew 27:9-10
  26. To be crucified between two thieves – Isaiah 53:12 Fulfilled in Matthew 27:38
  27. To be given vinegar to drink – Psalm 69:21 Fulfilled in Matthew 27:34, 48; John 19:36-40
  28. To suffer the piercing of hands and feet – Psalm 22:15; Zechariah 12:10 Fulfilled in Matthew 15:25; John 19:34,37, 20:25-27
  29. His garments to be parted and gambled for – Psalm 22:18 Fulfilled in Luke 23:34; John 19:23-24
  30. To be surrounded and ridiculed by His enemies – Psalm 22:7-8 Fulfilled in Matthew 27:39-44; Mark 15:29-32
  31. That He would thirst – Psalm 22:15 Fulfilled in John 19:28
  32. To commend His spirit to the Father – Psalm 31:5 Fulfilled in Luke 23:46
  33. No bones to be broken – Psalm 34:20; Exodus 12:46; Numbers 9:12 Fulfilled in John 19:33-36
  34. To be stared at in death – Zechariah 12:10 Fulfilled in John 19:37; Matthew 27:36
  35. To be buried with the rich – Isaiah 53:9 Fulfilled in Matthew 27:57-60
  36. To be raised from the dead – Psalm 16:10 Fulfilled in Matthew 28:2-8
  37. To ascend – Psalm 24:7-10; Isaiah 52:13 Fulfilled in Mark 16:19; Luke 24:51

Modern Astronomical Evidence for the Star of Bethlehem

from Biblica.

Matthew 2:1-2       The Magi Visit the Messiah

1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem     2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

In Matthew’s account of the story of the magi, the ‘guidance’ of a star is mentioned four times (Matthew2:2, 7, 9, 10). Its purpose in terms of the narrative is clear–to guide the wise men to the newborn King. But what scientific validity is there for such a phenomenon?

Given that the magi were almost certainly astrologers, the kind of phenomena familiar to them would have included comets, supernova (though not the term) and a conjunction of  planets, all of which are consistent with modern scientific observation. While open to modern refinement, the definition of a comet  given by the Roman poet Virgil in the Aenid is still valid; „a star leading a meteor flew with much light”. Likewise, records of the conjuction of planets were carefully kept; there was a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 7 B.C. and of Jupiter and Venus in 6 B.C.

The modern term supernova, a star that suddenly increases in size and brilliance then fades away, may not occur in ancient documentation, but this does not mean the phenomenon was unknown.

Where modern science would differ is in the interpretation held among the ancients. What was important to the astrologer was not only to notice the phenomena, but to search for their meaning. They would have concurred with the statement of Tacitus in his Annals that „the general belief is that a comet means a change of emperor” and that the conjunction of planets is associated with the birth of a king. In fact, a common role for such wise men was to discern the rise of a new king.

If we accept some element of historicity in Matthew’s account, then any number of combinations is possible and consistent with modern astronomical understanding. The star first sighted by the wise men (Matthew 2:2) could be explained as a supernova. Then the „star that  they had seen at its rising” might be a comet that „stopped over the place where the child was”. (Matthew 2:9) Alternately, it could have been a reflection from a planetary conjunction; two of which occurred in 7 B.C. and 6 B.C.– the most likely years of Jesus’ birth.

The occurrence of these phenomena is plausible in terms of modern astronomy, and their coincidence of time and place is not impossible. At some point, it comes down to a belief that it was God who guided the wise men by utilizing the ordinary processes of creation. The event, therefore, is not a violation of nature, nor a contradiction of modern science, but the way in which nature allows for such coincidences to occur. Ultimately, their importance for the Gospel is that God uses them to witness to the truth of Jesus’ identity on behalf of the gentile world.

Ioan Basa – „CORTUL INTALNIRII” – Locul intalnirii tale cu Dumnezeu

Locul intalnirii tale cu Dumnezeu
Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu ne arata ca noi suntem doar niste straini si niste calatori pe acest pamant…. (Evr.11:13) si (1Pet.2:11)
Suntem  straini si calatori  la fel ca si Avram atunci cand a plecat din  cetatea lui de bastina (din Ur, din Caldeea), si-a pornit   spre  tara fagaduintei, spre  Canaan. (Fac.12:1-9)
Sunt multe lucruri de spus despre originea noastra si despre motivele calatoriei noastre pe acest pamant, si despre lucrarea pe care Dumnezeu o face cu noi in aceasta calatorie.
Aceste taine nu sunt obiectul acestui studiului , dar totusi voi arata doar cateva profetii referitoare la acest subiect.
Profetul Isaia ne spune ca Dumnezeu este tatal tuturor oamenilor:
  • –„Dar, Doamne, Tu esti Tatal nostru; noi suntem lutul, si Tu, olarul care ne-ai intocmit: suntem cu totii lucrarea mainilor Tale”. (Isa.64:8)
  • –„Totusi Tu esti Tatal nostru! Caci Avraam nu ne cunoaste, si Israel nu stie cine suntem; dar Tu, Doamne, esti Tatal nostru, Tu, din vesnicie Te numesti „Mantuitorul nostru”. (Isa.63:16)
  • Iar in Faptele Ap.  este spus ca” –noi toti suntem de neam din Dumnezeu” ( Fapt.17:29). (adica toata lumea isi are originea in Dumnezeu, El fiind Creatorul si Tatal tuturor). Omul initial a fost facut de Dumnezeu avand „chipul” si „asemanarea” lui Dumnezeu….dar aceste valori dumnezeiesti, au fost ulterior pervertite datorita pacatului. Locul „nasterii noastre” a fost Sionul  (Psalmul 87)
  • –•”despre Sion este zis: „Toti s-au nascut in el”, si Cel Preainalt il intareste”. (Ps.87:5) Nu voi discuta despre motivul pentru care suntem pe acest pamant, dar vreau sa mentionez doar faptul ca  Dumnezeu a facut un Plan Maret de Reabilitare si de Mantuire pentru Sion…. Pentru intreg Sionul.
  • –„Sionul va fi mantuit prin judecata, si cei ce se vor intoarce la Dumnezeu in el vor fi mantuiti prin dreptate”. (Isa.1:27)
  • –„•Striga din nou si zi: „Asa vorbeste Domnul ostirilor: „Cetatile Mele vor avea iarasi belsug de bunatati, Domnul va mangaia iarasi Sionul, va alege iarasi Ierusalimul.” (Zah.1:17)

Profetiile biblice au aratat ca Izbavitorul, Rascumparatorul si  Mantuitorul a venit din Sion

  • –„O! cine va face sa porneasca din Sion izbavirea lui Israel”? (Ps.53:6) Domnul Isus Hristos a venit sa aduca eliberarea si mantuirea celor ce-au apartinut Sionului: (Isa.61:3)
  • –„•”Da, va veni un Rascumparator pentru Sion, pentru cei ai lui Iacov care se vor intoarce de la pacatele lor, zice Domnul”. (Isa.59:20)
  • – „Duhul Domnului Dumnezeu este peste Mine, caci Domnul M-a uns sa aduc vesti bune celor nenorociti: El M-a trimis sa vindec pe cei cu inima zdrobita, sa vestesc robilor slobozenia, si prinsilor de razboi, izbavirea; … sa mangai pe toti cei intristati; sa dau celor intristati din Sion, sa le dau o cununa imparateasca in loc de cenusa, un untdelemn de bucurie in locul plansului, o haina de lauda in locul unui duh mahnit, ca sa fie numiti „terebinti ai neprihanirii”, „un sad al Domnului”, ca sa slujeasca spre slava Lui.” (Isa.61:3)
  • –„•Si atunci tot Israelul va fi mantuit, dupa cum este scris: „Izbavitorul va veni din Sion si va indeparta toate nelegiuirile de la Iacov”. (Rom.11:26)
In toate aceste profetii este vorba despre Israelul profetic si despre Sionul profetic.
Astazi traim aceste zile:
  • •Caci vine ziua cand strajerii vor striga pe muntele lui Efraim: „Sculati-va, sa ne suim in Sion la Domnul Dumnezeul nostru!” (Ier.31:6)
  • •Intoarceti-va, copii razvratiti, zice Domnul; caci Eu sunt Stapanul vostru, Eu va voi lua, pe unul dintr-o cetate, pe doi dintr-o familie, si va voi aduce inapoi in Sion. (Ier.3:14) „Va voi aduce inapoi in Sion” arata ca a fost o vreme cand omul a fost in Sion, dar din pricina pacatului a fost alungat afara din Sion.

Biblia ne arata  ca noi astazi, ne re-intoarcem din nou in Sion, acolo unde este  locul obarsiei noastre, locul destinatiei noastra si locul cetateniei noastre.(Filip.3:20)

  • –•”Cei izbaviti de Domnul se vor intoarce si vor merge spre Sion cu cantece de biruinta. O bucurie vesnica le va incununa capul, veselia si bucuria ii vor apuca, iar durerea si gemetele vor fugi!” (Isa.35:10)
    Aceste profetii minunate, se implinesc astazi sub ochii nostrii.
In toate aceste profetii este vorba despre „Sionul Ceresc”, despre „Ierusalimul Ceresc”, locul unde este mostenirea noastra  si unde este  Casa noastra (Efes.2:19).
Sub un alt aspect, Sionul  profetic mai inseamna si „Gradina Edenului”.
Dumnezeu insa stabileste conditiile  re-intoarcerii noastre acasa; conditiile  reabilitarii noastre, si conditiile  mantuirii noastre.
Apropierea noastra de Dumnezeu se face pe baza unui protocol  si Dumnezeu stabileste conditiile acestui protocol.
Acest proces al intoarcerii noastre spre Dumnezeu, al iertarii si-al  reabilitarii este aratat clar in „pilda fiului risipitor”..(LUCA 15: 11-21).
Calea intoarcerii noastre la Dumnezeu, este Domnul Isus Hristos.
–„Isus i-a zis: „EU SUNT CALEA…. Nimeni nu vine la Tatal decat prin Mine”. (Ioan.14:6)
Aceasta „intoarcere” spre Casa Tatalui implica „trezirea” la realitate, urmata de-o rupere cu pacatul si-o  pocainta sincera.
Apoi este umblarea pe calea neprihanirii, (intoarcerea noastra inapoi de unde am cazut)….este nasterea din nou si cel mai important, este trairea in sfintenie.
Daca vreunul  din aceste elemente lipsesc, inseamna ca noi inca nu suntem pe drumul spre „casa Tatalui”….
Atata vreme cat un om inca iubeste „roscovele” si „porcii lui Satana”,(LUCA 15: 11-21) el este inca rob in aceea tara indepartata a vrajmasului.
Pozitia unui om  fata de pacat si fata de sfintenie arata locul real unde este el cu adevarat.
Si astazi bisericile noastre sunt pline de oameni care merg  spre Imparatia lui Dumnezeu.
Din nefericire o mare majoritate a “sfintilor” din zilele noastre sunt pocaiti numai cu numele si sunt crestini doar de forma.
Ei nu au o relatie adevarata cu Domnul Isus Hristos, prin Duhul Sfant….
Nu au nici macar o preocupare serioasa pentru cunoasterea lui Dumnezeu.
Nu cunosc Sfintele Scripturi….
Preocuparea lor majora nu este neprihanirea si sfintenia ci este formalismul religios si ambianta placuta care o au cu cei ce frecventeaza Casa lui Dumnezeu..
A stii cate ceva despre Dumnezeu (si chiar despre invataturile bibliei) este una, si a-l cunoaste pe El si puterea invierii Lui, si partasia suferintelor Lui, si-a te face   asemenea cu moartea Lui; (Filip.3:10)…este cu totul si cu totul altceva.
In trecute am tinut un studiu biblic in biserica din care fac parte,(Muntele Sionului),  in care am discutat despre  “Cortul Intalnirii” aratat in (Exod 24:9-18) si (Exod 25:1-40)
„Cortul Intalnirii”  este o prefigurare a Trupului lui Hristos.
Am tinut acest studiu, deoarece in Cortul Intalnirii se ascunde modul apropierii noastre de Dumnezeu (Planul  Mantuii),  pe care Dumnezeu  l-a facut in Hristos pentru mantuirea noastra.
Dumnezeu a stabilit protocolul prin care ne putem apropia de El.
S-a discutat despre modul in care elementele cortului il prefigureaza pe Domnul Hristos.
Dar am discutat si despre cele 4 nivele prefigurate in Cort, care descriu procedura apropierii noastre de Dumnezeu, nivele care arata de fapt starea spirituala a credinciosilor din bisericile noastre.
1.)  in „tabara” dar nu in Cort.
2.)  doar in curtea Cortului
3.)  in Locul Sfant
4.)  in Sfanta Sfintelor
cortul intalnirii
1.  In „tabara” dar nu in Cort.
Multi credinciosi desi sunt “in tabara lui Israel”, totusi nu au intrat nici macar in curtea Cortului Intalnirii.
Curtea era un stadiu intermediar intre a fi “afara” (in lume) si-a fi “inauntru” (in Trupul lui Hristos)..
Gardul care imprejmuia curtea era din panze de in alb si curat. Aceste panze albe erau un simbol al curatirii si-al neprihanirii….
Majoritatea credinciosilor au ramas la acest nivel al “curtii exterioare”…Pentru multi nu e clar daca „sunt afara” sau „sunt inauntru”…
Cu vorbele, ei par a fi inauntru….dar cu faptele mai degraba par a fi afara..
Doar dupa ce ai intrat „pe poarta”  si esti „in Curte”, doar de aici incepe procesul apropierii de Dumnezeu, proces care are la baza curatirea si  sfintirea noastra  conform voii lui Dumnezeu.

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2.  Doar in curtea Cortului
Acolo la intrarea in curte era “altarul de arama” (sau altarul arderilor de tot) urmat de “ligheanul de arama”
„Arama” in sens profetic inseamna judecata.(Judecata lui Dumnezeu si condamnarea pacatului din viata mea)
“ALTARUL DE ARAMA” simbolizeaza rastignirea si moartea noastra pe Crucea lui Hristos. ( a nu se confunda cu botezul in apa).
Apostolul Pavel spune ca:
–“• Cei ce sunt ai lui Hristos Isus si-au rastignit firea pamanteasca impreuna cu patimile si poftele ei.” (Gal.5:24)
–“• Stim bine ca omul nostru cel vechi a fost rastignit impreuna cu El, pentru ca trupul pacatului sa fie dezbracat de puterea lui, in asa fel ca sa nu mai fim robi ai pacatului; (Romani 6::6)
–“• Acum, daca am murit impreuna cu Hristos, credem ca vom si trai impreuna cu El”, (Rom.6:8)
Aici nu este vorba despre actul simbolic al botezului in apa, ci este vorba de rastignirea practica a „omului vechi” din noi; este vorba de omorarea firii pamantesti si omorarea pacatului din viata noastra, pe Crucea lui Hristos.
Aceasta lucrare a “mortii si-a invierii” noastre se face printr-o credinta si-o pocainta sincera si adevarata si prin trairea conform Poruncilor Domnului Isus Hristos..
Doar daca-am murit impreuna cu Hristos , vom si imparati impreuna cu El….aceasta este singura cale de-a  intra in Trupul Domnului Isus Hristos.!
Tu nu mori atunci cand esti scufundat in apa botezului….ci mori atunci cand rastignesti si omori pacatul din tine tintuindu-l pe Cruce.
Avem in bisericile noastre destui  crestini botezati…dar care nu au murit niciodata impreuna cu Hristos.
„LIGHEANUL DE ARAMA”, simbolizeaza spalarea si curatirea noastra in Sangele Mielului.
Doar dupa ce in mod voluntar si constient ai rastignit si-ai omorat pacatul din tine,(prin pocainta),  doar apoi Sangele lui Hristos ne spala si ne curateste de acest pacat.
Este adevarat  ca Domnul Isus a murit pentru pacatosi si Sangele Lui ne curateste de orice pacat, dar aceasta „curatire” implica renuntarea constienta la pacat.
Atata vreme cat noi iubim, ascundem si cocolosim pacatul, noi oprim Sangele lui Hristos sa curateasca inima noastra.
3.  In Locul Sfant
Treapta urmatoare era intrarea “pe usa” in templul propriuzis (intrarea in Locul Sfant).
Aici in Locul Sfant era Masa cu Paini pentru pus inaintea Domnului (vreau sa mentionez ca painile acestea erau facute de oameni),
Tot aici era Sfesnicul de Aur care ardea necurmat si lumina locul Sfant, si tot aici mai era si Altarul de Aur (sau altarul tamaierii).
Painea aceasta din Locul Sfant reprezinta Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu (Luc.11:3).
Este painea cu care se hraneau preotii…( levetic 24:9)
Este „painea noastra cea de toate zilele” cu care trebue sa ne hranim  partea spirituala din noi.
Aceasta “hranire a omului duhovnicesc dinlauntru ”   (2Cor.4:16), (2Cor.4:16), trebue sa o facem in fiecare zi prin cercetarea temeinica a scripturilor, … mai ales, prin aplicarea lor in viata noastra.
Credinciosii au drept hrana spirituala, Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu
•–“Drept raspuns, Isus i-a zis: “Este scris: “Omul nu traieste numai cu paine, ci cu orice cuvant care iese din gura lui Dumnezeu.” (Mat.4:4)
Deci hrana noastra duhovniceasca zilnica trebue sa fie din …”Toata Scriptura”….(2Tim.3:16)
 Faptul ca painile erau facute de oameni, simbolizeaza ca noi trebue sa lucram la producerea acestor paini….Noi trebue sa cercetam Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu….
Aceasta cercetare inseamna planificare, .timp investit, si munca asidua.Painile erau facute fara aluat (aluatul reprezinta firea pamanteasca si pacatul). –„Oricine rosteste Numele Domnului sa se departeze de faradelege!” (2Tim.2:19)
Painile trebuiau framantate….(Biblia trebue crecetata, si nu numai citita ca o lectura). –„Cercetati Scripturile”… (Ioan.5:39)
Painile trebuiau folosite ca hrana pentru preoti….(Lev.24:9)
Deoarece toti cei Nascuti din Nou sunt preoti in Casa lui Dumnezeu….toti trebue sa se hraneasca zilnic din Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu.
Cati oare se “hranesc” cu painea lui Dumnezeu ?
Daca nu te hranesti cu o hrana adecvata ramai un om rahitic si nedezvoltat….
La fel este si din punct de vedere spiritual…
Painile trebuiau coapte in foc….(e vorba despre maturitatea spirituala).
Focul coace painea…..Maturitatea ta spirituala este data de Incercarile din viata ta prin care ai trecut si pe care le-ai biruit prin Cuvantul si prin fagaduintele lui Dumnezeu.
Painile trebuiau aduse si puse inaintea Domnului (tot ceea-ce tu faci, trebue sa faci pentru Slava Domnului).
Altarul de Aur (sau „altarul tamaierii”)
In Locul Sfant mai era si Altarul de Aur (sau „altarul tamaierii”).
„Altarul tamaierii”  si fumul tamaiei care se ridica zilnic (necurmat)  in Locul Sfant, reprezinta viata noastra de rugaciune. (Apoc 8:3-4)

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 Tamaia care era adusa si arsa pe altar trebuia sa fie doar cea poruncita de Dumnezeu…
Folosirea oricarei alte tamai era interzisa si orice neascultare era pedepsita cu moartea.
In Levetic 10 este aratata greseala pe care au savarsit-o fii lui Aaron, Nadab si Abihu.
Pedeapsa neascultarii lor a fost moartea.
Astazi multi aduc o tamaie straina si un foc strain pe altarul lui Dumnezeu.
Dar la multi nici nu se poate vorbi despre un “altar de aur” …Fara ca sa existe un „Loc Sfant” in inima ta, nu exista nici un „altar de aur”.
Pentru multi, “Rugaciunile Sfintilor”   (Apoc.5:8)   (Apoc.8:3-4)….sunt doar un foc de paie de 30-40 de secunde…..
Poate nici atat…
Cum este Locul Sfant din inima ta ?
Dar altarul acela de aur ? Este oare cu adevarat  altarul inimii tale  facut din aur curat ?
Dar tamaia ?
Ce calitate de tamaie folosesti ca sa aduci o jertfa de bun miros inaintea Domnului ?
SFESNICUL DE AUR CURAT care era in Locul Sfant, reprezinta Lumina pe care doar cei care ajung la acest nivel spiritual o primesc din partea Duhului Sfant.
Doar lumina  Sfesnicului  lumina Locul Sfant…acolo nu mai era nici o alta sursa de lumina..
Undelemnul folosit la sfesnic reprezinta Duhul Sfant care trebue sa fie in candela inimii credinciosului.
Doar el,  “undelemnul” produce aceea flacara a sfesnicului si doar flacara produce lumina .
Daca in noi nu exista aceea inflacarare pentru  Hristos,pentru neprihanire si pentru sfintire, acest lucru ar putea sa fie deoarece noi nu avem in sfesnicul inimii noastre undelemnul, flacara si  lumina Duhului Sfant…
Inflacararea ta  pentru cercetarea Sfintelor Scripturi, pentru viata de rugaciune, pentru trairea si implinirea Poruncile Domnului Isus pentru sfintire, si pentru partasia cu Dumnezeu, este dovada clara a faptului ca Focul Duhului Sfant arde in Sfesnicul de aur curat din inima ta.
Si-acest lucru  trebue sa fie si sa se vada lamurit in viata noastra.
Cortul Intalnirii Exodul 25


Al patrulea nivel este „LOCUL PREASFANT”, sau „SFANTA SFINTELOR”….
Aici este nivelul la care oricare credincios trebue sa ajunga in procesul apropii lui de Dumnezeu.
Ca sa ajungi la acest nivel inseamna ca ai trecut  cu bine de Curtea Cortului Intalnirii (cu „altarul arderilor de tot” si cu „ligheanul de arama”).
Inseamna ca ai trecut cu bine si prin  Locul Sfant  („masa cu paini puse inaintea Domnului”, ….”sfesnicul de aur” ….si  „altarul tamaierii”)…

Doar de-acum treci prin „perdeaua care desparte „Locul Sfant” de „Sfanta Sfintelor”
Aceasta perdea il simbolizeaza pe Domnul Isus Hristos.
Doar dupa ce ai trecut de aceasta perdea esti cu adevarat in prezenta slavei lui Dumnezeu.
Aici in Sfanta Sfintelor era Chivotul Marturiei in care era Mana, Toiagul lui Aaron si Tablele Legii….
Doar aici Dumnezeu se pogoara si sta de vorba cu cei care ajung la acest nivel.
Aici se coboara Slava lui Dumnezeu….
Aici este locul descoperirilor divine si-a revelatiilor duhovnicesti.
Doar aici la acest stadiu esti cu adevarat in partasie directa cu Dumnezeu.

Mana care era  in Chivot, era pusa intr-un vas de aur si ea era hrana care coborase direct de la Dumnezeu….(adica era Painea coborata din Cer)…(Exod.16:32)
Cei care ajung la acest nivel primesc prin Duhul Sfant o descoperire duhovniceasca directa din Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu.
Taine minunate sunt revelate prin Duhul Sfant.
Una este sa muncesti tu la facerea painilor si alta este ca Dumnezeu sa-ti dea Painea directa din Cer.
Una este sa cercetezi Scripturile si sa te documentezi ca sa-i intelegi tainele ….. si alta este ca Duhul Sfant prin Revelatie Divina, sa-ti dea direct aceasta descoperire din Cuvant
Aceasta “mana” reprezinta revelatia directa prin Duhul Sfant (sau coborata din cer ) pe care o au cei care ajung la acest nivel.
Prin aceasta revelatie directa intelegi cu adevarat cine este Dumnezeu Tatal si cine este Domnul Isus Hristos.
Toiagul reprezinta autoritatea spirituala pe care doar cei care ajung in Sfanta Sfintelor o primesc.
Este vorba despre autoritatea spirituala asupra puterilor intunericului, asupra duhurilor rautatii, asupra bolilor; asupra pacatului si asupra diavolului.
Prin aceasta autoritate, Evanghelia este vestita nu numai cu vorbe ci cu Duhul Sfant si cu Putere. (1Tes.1:5)
Prin aceasta autoritate duhovniceasca sunt vindecati bolnavii
Prin aceasta autoritate sunt eliberati demonizatii de duhurile rele care-i robesc….
Prin aceasta autoritate sunt invinse si zdrobite puterile intunericului…
Cati pot spune oare astazi:  –“Argint si aur n-am; dar ce am, iti dau: in Numele lui Isus Hristos din Nazaret, scoala-te si umbla ?!” (Fapt.3:6)
Dumnezeu are nevoie de lucratori destoinici care sa se apropie de El, asa cum El ne pretinde sa-o facem, si-astfel sa fim umpluti cu Duhul Sfant si cu Putere.
Este important sa intelegem  “focul strain” (Levetic 10:1-3) pe care fiii lui Aaron, Nadab si Abihu, l-au adus in cortul intalnirii…
In multe biserici acest “foc strain” s-ar parea ca este astazi la moda….
Dar este impotrant ca sa intelegem ce este acest “foc strain” ca nu cumva noi insine din neatentie (Ier.48:10), sa aducem inaintea Domnului un “foc strain” …si sa ne facem vinovati de necinstirea lui Dumnezeu.
ioan basa rob si preot al lui Isus Hristos
cortul intalnirii

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Richard J. Bauckham FBA, FRSE is a widely published scholar in theology, historical theology and New Testament studies. He is currently working on New Testament Christology and the Gospel of John as a senior scholar at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Wikipedia

Richard Bauckham’s second session at the public lecture held at Laidlaw’s Henderson campus on Thursday 7 August 2014. Laidlaw College is a tertiary level institution committed to the provision of degree and diploma-level theological education throughout the whole of New Zealand. This is facilitated by two physical campuses in Auckland and Christchurch, and by a virtual campus managed and operated by our Centre for Distance Learning.

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Richard J. Bauckham FBA, FRSE is a widely published scholar in theology, historical theology and New Testament studies. He is currently working on New Testament Christology and the Gospel of John as a senior scholar at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Wikipedia
Richard Bauckham’s first session at the public lecture held at Laidlaw’s Henderson campus on Thursday 7 August 2014. Laidlaw College is a tertiary level institution committed to the provision of degree and diploma-level theological education throughout the whole of New Zealand. This is facilitated by two physical campuses in Auckland and Christchurch, and by a virtual campus managed and operated by our Centre for Distance Learning.

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