Carturari si Farisei de Costache Ioanid (Matei 23:1-31)

In Evanghelia dupa Matei gasim un capitol intreg  unde Domnul Isus s-a adresat Carturarilor si Fariseilor, on Saptamina Patimilor. Uneori  ne putem si noi identifica cu actiunile pe care  Domnul Isus le condamna in ei. Sa ii cerem Domnului sa ne ierte, sa ne schimbe si sa ne dea putere sa ne corectam.

Cărturari şi farisei stau pe scaunul lui Moise.
Ascultaţi-i, voi iudei, dar nu faceţi ce fac ei.
Căci sunt oameni după veac, una zic şi alta fac.
Căci ei leagă sarcini grele cum se leagă un samar,
dar ei nu se-ating de ele nici cu degetul măcar.
Căci ei strâng argint în pungi, dar îşi leagă peste coate
filacterii cât mai late peste ciucuri cât mai lungi.

În biserici şi la mese îşi aleg un loc în faţă
şi le place când le iese în răspântii şi în piaţă
gloata lumii cea lipsită de-a învăţăturii zestre,
zicând: Doctore, maestre!

Voi să fiţi doar ucenici. Când se strânge tot poporul
ca să-nveţe cu folos, unul e Învăţătorul: E Cristos!
Iar toţi ceilalţi, mari şi mici,
robi şi preoţi şi-mpăraţi, nu sunt alta decât fraţi.

Deci pe nimeni de-azi-nainte voi să nu-l numiţi părinte.
Unu-i Tatăl Creator, Cel ce v-a vorbit pe munte.
Cine vrea să fie-n frunte, să vă fie slujitor.

Vai de tine, vai de tine, fariseu cu suflet greu,
care-aveţi în mână cheia către patria promisă,
care ştiţi că nu-i departe însă ţineţi uşa-nchisă –
şi o ţineţi pân-la moarte, cu o ură furibundă,
ca nici voi să n-aveţi parte, şi nici alţii să pătrundă.

Vai de voi, vai de voi scribi cu inimile sloi!
Căci voi jefuiţi pe-ascuns văduvele şi orfanii,
prigoniţi pe robi şi slugi, dar vă ţineţi în litanii
şi în nesfârşite rugi.

Vai de tine, vai de tine fariseu cu suflet greu
care-nconjori tot pământul ca să faci un prozelit,
dar îl faci mai împietrit şi de două ori mai rău
decât însuşi duhul tău!

Vai şi-amar, vai şi-amar, suflet gol de cărturar!
Căci tu dai a zecea parte chiar din chimen şi mărar,
însă laşi cât mai departe crezul, dragostea şi mila.
Scoţi din blidul tău ţânţarul şi nu vezi că-nghiţi cămila.
Speli pe faţa lui paharul, însă nu te prinde sila
de lăturile din el.
Doctori, călăuze oarbe, lupi flămânzi cu chip de miel!
Căci voi sunteţi mai degrabă ca mormintele spoite,
smălţuite-n flori de Rai,
pe deasupra cu podoabe şi-nlăuntru putregai.
Căci zidiţi acum, şireţi, toate sfintele morminte
ale marilor profeţi, şi strigaţi în lumea largă,
printre lacrime fierbinţi, că de-aţi fi trăit în vremea
adormiţilor părinţi
n-aţi fi stat cu ei alături în acel vrăjmaş sobor.
Dar mărturisiţi cu-aceasta că sunteţi copiii lor.
Căci voi omorâţi pe sfinţi, dar aţi împlinit măsura
ucigaşilor părinţi.

Pui de şerpi cu inimi reci, cine vă va scoate oare
din jăratecul de veci?
Iată, vă voi mai trimite încă soli pe la răscruci.
Voi să-i fugăriţi cu gloate, din cetate în cetate,
şi să-i ţintuiţi pe cruci, ca să vie-asupra voastră
tot şuvoiul revărsat de la sângele lui Abel
pân-la sângele curat care-a curs din Zaharia,
când a fost lovit cu-amar între tindă şi altar.

Vai, Ierusalim al Vieţii, munte binecuvântat,
care ţi-ai ucis profeţii şi pe soli i-ai lapidat.
O, de câte ori cu milă v-am chemat să fiţi ai Mei,
să vă mântui din furtună, să fim veşnic împreună,
să vă scap de anii grei,
cum o pasăre-şi adună puii sub aripile ei.
Şi n-aţi vrut. De-acuma, iată,
Templul slăvilor străbune, Casa neasemănată,
vă va rămâne pustie pân-la vremea când veţi spune:
Binecuvântat să fie Cel ce vine…
Cel ce vine în Sion să-Şi zidească Cetăţuia!
Binecuvântat să fie!

Vladimir Pustan – Isus cu mâinele legate și cum îi legam noi mâinile lui Dumnezeu

la Biserica Penticostala Betel Udine, Italia. Textul: Marcu 15:1:

1Dimineaţa, preoţii cei mai de seamă au făcut îndată sfat cu bătrînii, cărturarii şi tot Soborul. Dupăce au legat pe Isus, L-au dus şi L-au dat în mînile lui Pilat.

Nu vi se pare ca Biblia induce o idee periculoasa ca Dumnezeu poate sa fie legat? Exista o neputinta ca Dumnezeu sa faca ceva cu viata mea, cu familia mea, cu biserica mea, pentru ca Dumnezeu are miinile legate? Dar ai cui miini erau legate, nu acelor doi tilhari care au fost rastigniti cu El, ci miinile lui Hristos, miinile celui ce-a facut cel mai mult bine si face in universul acesta, Dumnezeul nostru. Miinile Lui sfinte, miinile Lui care s-au oprit peste bolnavi si i-a vindecat. Cind a murit Ioan Boetzatorul, spune  sfinta Scriptura, era o jele. L-a durut dn doua parti: Musrise cel ce-i pregatise calea si murise verisorul Lui.

Isus atinge leprosii

Dar a mers mai departe si si-a pus miinile si a vindecat, pina inca si leprosi care erau necurati. Putea sa vindece cu cuvintul. De ce ii placea sa puna mina pe leprosi? Pe leprosi nu i-a atins nimeni, niciodata. Si fac o paranteza aici, sunteti multi tineri… Marele probleme ale noastre ca pastori este ca tot timpul va spunem ca trebuie sa alegeti cu Duhul si cu ochii, nu cu mina. Avem mari probleme pentru ca tinerii nostri de astazi imping in usa permisiunii lui Dumnezeu cu umarul cit mai mult. Si iata ce ma deranjeaza, de 20 de ani pastor, ca „s-au mai pipait”. Scuzati-mi cuvintul, ca nu gasesc altul. Dupa ce nu mai pot sa ia cina, nici sa se uite in ochii lui Dumnezeu si nici unul in ochii celuilalt, de aceia dupa casatorie nu mai au timp de atingere. Si un fel ed a-ti exprima dragostea fata de sotie este sa ii dai mina, sa o mingai pe obraz. Eu nu vorbesc de neiubitii din lumea aceasta. Eu vorbesc de nevasta ta, de sotul tau, de copii tai.

Decit masinile noastre si casele noastre, copii nostrii au nevoie sa ii tinem in brate. N-au nevoie sa le spunem povesti televizorul sau calculatorul, ci noi. Cind vin copii mei in casa, cei mai mici, n-au nevoie sa le spun nici o predica. Au nevoie de o atingere. Parca ne-am obosit dupa ce ne-am casatorit.

Pe leprosi nu a pus nimeni mina. Erau paria societatii spirituale si Isus, spune Biblia ca punea mina pe ei, pe neatinsii acestui veac. Nu ii era frica de contaminare. Si totusi observati: I-au legat miinile si ne indureram cind vedem lucrul acesta. Cum adica sa legi miinile Mintuitorului, Miinile lui Hristos? Cum adica sa le pui in funii.

Isus, miinile legate, batut

Dumnezeu de multe ori vrea sa faca lucruri in viata noastra si nu poate pentru ca noi ii legam miinile lui Dumnezeu. Si apoi tot noi, dupa ce i-am legat miinile spunem: Lucreaza Doamne! Cum sa lucrez cind mi-ati legat miinile? M-ati facut neputincios.

Vreau sa va vorbesc despre neputintele lui Dumnezeu. Dumnezeu nu poate sa faca nimic in momentul in care noi ii legam miinile. Dar cum putem noi sa ii legam miinile lui Dumnezeu? Prin refuzul de a asculta de El.

In marea dragoste pentru noi, in urma cu 2,000 de ani, Hristos si-a intins mainile pe cruce si au fost legate ca sa isi intinda mainile cit mai tare ca sa poata cuprinde pe cel mai josnic pacatos de pe pamintul acesta, din care unul am fost eu. Dar in momentul cind El isi intinde mainile pe cruce pentru mine si pentru tine si spune: Conditia ca tu sa fi mintuit e sa crezi si sa asculti de Evanghelie. In momentul in care tu nu mai citesti Biblia si nu mai crezi fagaduintele din ea Dumnezeu nu mai poate sa faca nimic pentru tine pentru ca i-ai legat mainile.

„Veniti la Mine”, spune sfinta Scriptura, „toti cei truditi si impovarati.” Va rog sa fiti atenti ce spune: voi sa-Mi dati truda voastra si povara voastra si eu in schimb va voi da odihna mea,” spune Domnul. Dar tu nu crezi asta! In marea dragoste a Lui pentru tine Dumnezeu a spus: Vreau sa te mintuiesc!  Dar tu zici (ascultand soapta Satanei):Sint cel mai mare pacatos din locul acesta. Ei bine, asta-i place lui Dumnezeu, ca sa mintuiasca pe cel mai mare pacatos de aici. Nu sfintii au nevoie de mintuire. Nu sanatosii au nevoie de vindecare, ci tu si eu.

Spune sfinta Scriptura: Pocaiti-va, cine va crede si se va boteza, va fi mintuit. Tu sa nu crezi asta. Tu sa mai amai. Tu sa spui ca asta a fost adaugata in Biblie mai tirziu. Tu sa nu citesti Biblia, sa stii orice se intimpla sub soare, sa stii cit e cursul Euro, sa stii ce se intimpla pe luna, sa stii ce se intimpla in mijlocul pamintului acestuia, dar tu sa nu stii ce e in sufletul tau. Nici sa nu te intereseze. N-ai decit unul, daca il faci praf, nu mai ai pe altul de rezerva. Sa nu citesti Biblia. Sa crezi orice, numai Biblia sa n-o crezi. Sa stai cu doua telefoane in mina si sa stai toata ziua si sa trimiti in Romania text, dar sa vezi ce mai vorbeste Domnul sa nu stii.

Avem o biserica in Romania, analfabeta biblic. Crede orice, numai Biblia nu o cunoaste. In ultimele studii pe care le-am facut, 75% din tinerii nostri nu mai cunosc Biblia si nu o mai citesc si o au pe telefonul mobil, o au pe calculator si o au acasa. Legam mainile lui Hristos pentru ca nici nu citim Biblia, nici nu credem in ceea ce spune El, nici nu ne pocaim, nici nu ne botezam, nici nu o credem. Orice fagaduinta pe care o face  un prieten de al nostru o luam de buna si fagaduintele lui Dumnezeu nu le luam de buna.

Zic ca m-am pocait, dupa care Satana a dat cu mine de pamint. Atunci, tot diavolul vine si imi arata 2 versete din Biblie si imi spune: Cu nici un chip tu nu mai poti fi mintuit. Esti bun de iad. Numai Satana poate sa-ti spuna: Hai fa pacatul asta ca nu-i grozav si toata lumea-l face, lasa ca nu-i greu; dupa care vine si-ti spune dupa ce l-ai facut: Mai, du-te si spinzura-te.

Uploaded by  on Apr 4, 2012

Biserica penticostala „Betel” din Udine – Italia
Predica pastorul Vladimir Pustan – februarie 2012

Misty Edwards – I belong to the man from Nazareth

I belong to the man from Nazareth
He-s got wounds in His feet and scars in His hands
and He loves me with
an everlasting love

And I wouldn’t give anything
nothing withholding
I will search for you like silver and gold
and I’m gonna taste the glory of knowing you Lord

I belong to the King of Israel
He conquered death and holds the keys of heav’n
and he loves me with
an everlasting love

with all my heart, all my strength, all my soul
with all my heart, all my strength, all my soul

Passion Week (E) Wednesday Events and Judas Iscariot,the suicide of Satan and the Salvation of the World

(via) Justin Taylor from the Gospel Coalition

Holy Week: What Happened on Wednesday?

Jesus continues his daily teaching in the Temple

Luke 21:37-38

With Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread approaching, the chief priests, elders, and scribes plot to kill Jesus

Matthew 26:3-5 Mark 14:1-2 Luke 22:1-2

Satan enters Judas, who seeks out the Jewish authorities in order to betray Jesus for a price

Matthew 26:14-16 Mark 14:10-11 Luke 22:3-6

Luke 22:1-6

Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew near, which is called the Passover. 2 And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to put him to death, for they feared the people. 3 Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve. 4 He went away and conferred with the chief priests and officers how he might betray him to them. 5 And they were glad, and agreed to give him money. 6 So he consented and sought an opportunity to betray him to them in the absence of a crowd.

This is the final message in the series called Spectacular Sins and Their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ. The aim has been to show that over and over in the history of the world, the epoch-making sins that changed the course of history never nullified but only fulfilled the global purposes of God to glorify his Son and save his people.

My prayer is that, as these great historical vistas of God’s sovereignty over sin take their place in your renewed mind, they would have a profoundly practical effect in making you strong in the face of breath-stopping sorrows and making you bold for Christ in the face of dangerous opposition. Christ-exalting strength in calamity and Christ-exalting courage in conflict. I pray that the Lord will weave cords of steel and silk into the fabric of your soul.

History’s Most Spectacular Sin: The Murder of Jesus

The most spectacular sin that has ever been committed in the history of the world is the brutal murder of Jesus Christ, the morally perfect, infinitely worthy, divine Son of God. And probably the most despicable act in the process of this murder was the betrayal of Jesus by one of his closest friends, Judas Iscariot.

Judas was one of the twelve apostles that Jesus had personally chosen and who had been with Jesus during his entire public ministry. He had been entrusted with the moneybag for the whole group (John 13:29). He was close enough to Jesus at the Last Supper to be dipping bread with him in the same cup (Mark 14:20).

“Satan Entered into Judas”

On the night of the Last Supper, Luke tells us in Luke 22:3-6 that “Satan entered into Judas. . . . He went away and conferred with the chief priests and officers how he might betray [Jesus] to them. And they were glad, and agreed to give him money. So he consented and sought an opportunity to betray him to them in the absence of a crowd.” Later he led the authorities to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane and betrayed Jesus with a kiss (Luke 22:47-48). With that, Jesus’ death was sealed.

When Luke tells us in verse 3 that “Satan entered into Judas,” several questions come to our minds. 1) One is whether Satan simply mastered a good Judas or whether Judas was already walking in line with Satan and Satan simply decided that now is the time. 2) Another question is why Satan would do this since the death and resurrection of Jesus would result in Satan’s final defeat, and there is good reason to think Satan knew that. 3) And the third and most important question is: Where was God when this happened? What was his role or non-role in the most spectacular sin that ever was? So let’s take these questions one at a time.

1) Satan’s Power in Judas’ Sinful Passions

When it says in Luke 22:3 that “Satan entered into Judas,” how are we to think about the will of Judas and the power of Satan? Judas was not an innocent bystander when Satan entered into him. The apostle John tells us in John 12:6 that he was a thief. When Judas complained that Mary had wasted money in anointing Jesus, John comments, “He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it.”

If that sounds incredible, just think of the scandalous behavior of so-called Christian leaders today who use ministry gifts to buy $39,000 worth of clothes at one store in a year, and send their kids on a $29,000 trip to the Bahamas, and drive a white Lexus and a red Mercedes. As Judas sat beside Jesus with his pious, religious face and went out and cast out demons in Jesus’ name, he was not a righteous lover of Jesus. He loved money. He loved the power and pleasures that money could by.

Paul tells us how that works together with Satan’s power. Listen to Ephesians 2:1-3: “You were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air [notice the connection: dead in sins, following Satan], the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.” Dead in our sins, walking in the passions of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of body and mind, and therefore following the prince of the power of the air.

Satan does not take innocent people captive. There are no innocent people. Satan has power where sinful passions hold sway. Judas was a lover of money, and he covered it with a phony, external relationship with Jesus. And then he sold him for thirty pieces of silver. How many of his tribe are there still today! Don’t be one. And don’t be duped by one.

2) Satan’s Role in His Own Destruction

The second question is why Satan would lead Judas to betray Jesus. Doesn’t he know that the death and resurrection of Jesus would result in Satan’s final defeat (Colossians 2:13-15; Revelation 12:11)? There’s good reason to think Satan knew that.

When Jesus began his ministry on the way to the cross, Satan tried to turn him away from the path of suffering and sacrifice. In the wilderness, he tempted him to turn stones into bread and jump off the temple and get the rulership of the world by worshipping him (Matthew 4:1-11). The point of all these temptations is: Don’t walk the path of suffering and sacrifice and death. Use your power to escape suffering. If you’re the Son of God, show your right to reign. And I can help you do it. Whatever you do, don’t go to the cross.

Then do you remember the time when Jesus predicted he would suffer many things from the elders and the chief priests and be killed and Peter rebuked him and said, “Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you” (Matthew 16:22). In other words, I will never let you be killed like that. Jesus did not commend him. He said, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man” (Matthew 16:23). Hindering Jesus from going to the cross was the work of Satan. Satan did not want Jesus crucified. It would be his undoing.

But here he is in Luke 22:3 entering into Judas and leading him to betray the Lord and bring him to the cross. Why the about face? Why try to divert him from the cross and then take the initiative to bring him to the cross? We are not told. Here is my effort at an answer: Satan saw his efforts to divert Jesus from the cross failing. Time after time, Jesus kept the course. His face was set like flint to die, and Satan concludes that there is no stopping him. Therefore he resolves that if he can’t stop it, he will at least make it as ugly and painful and as heartbreaking as possible. Not just death, but death by betrayal. Death by abandonment. Death by denial (see Luke 22:31-32). If he could not stop it, he would drag others into it and do as much damage as he could. It was a spectacular sequence of sins that brought Jesus to the cross.

3) God’s Role in the Murder of His Son

Which brings us now to the third and final question—the most important one: Where was God when this happened? Or more precisely: What was God’s role or non-role in the most spectacular sin that ever happened—the murder of Jesus Christ?

To answer a question like that we should put our hands on our mouths and silence our philosophical speculations. Our opinions don’t count here. All that counts is what God himself as shown us in his word. And the first thing he shows us is that the details surrounding the death of Jesus are prophesied in God’s word hundreds of years before they happen.

The Scriptures prophesy that evil men will reject Jesus when he comes.

Matthew 21:42: “Jesus said to them (quoting Psalm 118:22), ‘Have you never read in the Scriptures: “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes”?’”

The Scriptures prophesy that Jesus must be hated.

In John 15:25, Jesus quoted Psalm 35:19 and said, “The word that is written in their Law must be fulfilled: ‘They hated me without a cause.’”

The Scriptures prophesy that the disciples would abandon Jesus.

In Matthew 26:31, he quotes Zechariah 13:7: “You will all fall away because of me this night. For it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’”

The Scriptures prophesy that Jesus will be pierced but none of his bones will be broken.

John quotes Psalm 34:20 and Zechariah 12:10 and says, “One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear. . . . For these things took place that the Scripture might be fulfilled: ‘Not one of his bones will be broken.’ And again another Scripture says, ‘They will look on him whom they have pierced’” (John 19:34-37).

The Scriptures prophesy that Jesus would be betrayed by a close friend for thirty pieces of silver.

In John 13:18, Jesus cites Psalm 41:9 and says, “I am not speaking of all of you; I know whom I have chosen. But the Scripture will be fulfilled, ‘He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.’”

And in Matthew 26:24, Jesus says, “The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed!”

And in Matthew 27:9-10, it says, “Then was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, saying, ‘And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel, and they gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord directed me’” (Jeremiah 19:1-13; Zechariah 11:12-13).

And not only the Scriptures, but Jesus himself prophesies, down to the details, how he will be killed.

In Mark 10:33-34, he says, “See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles. And they will mock him and spit on him, and flog him and kill him. And after three days he will rise.”

And on that last night, Jesus looked at Peter and said, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times” (Matthew 26:34).

According to His Sovereign Will

From all these prophesies, we know that God foresaw, and did not prevent, and therefore included in his plan that his Son would be rejected, hated, abandoned, betrayed, denied, condemned, spit upon, flogged, mocked, pierced, and killed. All these are explicitly in God’s mind before they happen as things that he plans will happen to Jesus. These things did not just happen. They were foretold in God’s word. God knew they would happen and could have planned to stop them, but didn’t. So they happened according to his sovereign will.

And all of them were evil. They were sin. It is sin to reject, hate, abandon, betray, deny, condemn, spit upon, flog, mock, pierce, and kill the morally perfect, infinitely worthy, divine Son of God. And yet the Bible is explicit and clear that God himself planned these things. It is explicit not only in all the prophetic texts we have seen, but also in passages that say even more plainly that God brought these things to pass.

God Brought It to Pass

For example, in Isaiah 53:6 and 10, it says, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. . . . It was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief.” So behind the spitting and flogging and mocking and piercing is the invisible hand and plan of God.

And I say that carefully and with trembling. This truth is too big and too weighty and too shocking to be glib about or to be cocky about. I choose to say that the invisible hand and plan of God are behind these most spectacular sins in all the universe—more grievous and more spectacular than the fall of Satan or any others. The reason I use these very words is because the Bible says it in those very words.

The Hand and Plan of God

In Acts 4:27-28, we have the clearest, most explicit statement about God’s hand and plan behind the horrific crucifixion of his Son. “Truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever your hand (cheir) and your plan (boule) had predestined to take place.” Those are the two words I am using: the hand of God and the plan of God.

It is a strange way of speaking—to say that God’s hand and plan have predestined something to happen. One does not ordinarily think of God’s “hand” predestining. How does a hand predestine? Here’s what I think it means: The hand of God ordinarily stands for God’s exerted power—not power in the abstract, but earthly, effective exertions of power. The point of combining it with “plan” is to say that it is not just a theoretical plan; it is plan that will be executed by God’s own hand.

This explains Isaiah 53:10: “It was the will of the Lord to bruise him; he has put him to grief.” Or more literally, with the King James Version, “It pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief.” The Lord bruised him. Behind Herod and Pilate and the Gentiles and the people of Israel was Jesus’ own Father who loved him with an infinite love.

The Gospel: God At Work in Death

Why should this matter to you? It should matter because if God were not the main Actor in the death of Christ, then the death of Christ could not save us from our sins and we would perish in hell forever. The reason the death of Christ is the heart of gospel—the heart of the good news—is God was doing it. Romans 5:8: “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” If you break God’s activity from the death of Jesus, you lose the gospel. This was God’s doing. It is the highest and deepest point of his love for sinners. His love for you.

Romans 8:3: “Sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh.” God condemned sin in Jesus’ flesh with our condemnation. So we are free.

Galatians 3:13: “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.” God cursed Jesus with the curse that belonged on us. So we are free.

2 Corinthians 5:21: “For our sake [God] made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” God imputed our sin to him, and now we go free in God’s righteousness.

Isaiah 53:5: “He was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities.” God wounded him. God crushed him. For you and me. And we go free.

The Cross of Christ: The Work and Love of God

The reason why this series of messages matters is this. If you embrace the biblical truth (and I pray you will) that God ordains spectacular sins for the global glory of his Son, without in anyway becoming unholy or unrighteous or sinful in that act, then you will not shrink back from the cross of Christ as a work of God. You will not be among the number of those who call the most loving act that ever was “divine child abuse.” You will come to the cross and fall on your face. And you will say: This is no mere human conspiracy. This is the work of God and the love of God. You will it receive as his highest gift. And you will be saved. And Christ will be glorified. And I will not have preached in vain.

© Desiring God

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