Mesaj Alin Jivan – Un pas mic pentru om, un salt uriaş în credinţă

Jivan FlorinaMesaj Alin Jivan
Seara de Tineret Betel Bucureşti – marti 29 octombrie 2013
Text: Deuteronom 32: 11-12
VIDEO by inventivstudio

Predică – Alin Jivan

VIDEO by  inventivstudio

Cantari Alin si Florina Jivan

1. Unde pleci prietene, grabit -prima cantare compusa de Alin Jivan
2. Priveste in sus – compusa dupa ce a intrat prima data in biserica07:24
3. Simt iubirea Ta 13:14
4. Eu cred in El orice ar fi 18:40

VIDEO by RodiAgnusDei

Lazar Gog „Putin mai departe” Biserica Efraim Targoviste

Lazar Gog Conventie 2013

Matei 26:36-39

36 Atunci Isus a venit cu ei într’un loc îngrădit, numit Ghetsimani, şi a zis ucenicilor: ,,Şedeţi aici pînă Mă voi duce colo să Mă rog.„ 37 A luat cu El pe Petru şi pe cei doi fii ai lui Zebedei, şi a început să Se întristeze şi să se mîhnească foarte tare. 38 Isus le -a zis atunci: ,,Sufletul Meu este cuprins de o întristare de moarte; rămîneţi aici, şi vegheaţi împreună cu Mine.„ 39 Apoi a mers puţin mai înainte, a căzut cu faţa la pămînt, şi S’a rugat, zicînd: ,,Tată, dacă este cu putinţă, depărtează dela Mine paharul acesta! Totuş nu cum voiesc Eu, ci cum voieşti Tu.„

Lazar Gog: In orice imprejurare in care te afli, sa mergi un pic mai departe. Dar, in bine, nu in rau. De aceea, mesajul din seara aceasta se intituleaza ‘Putin mai departe’. ‘Frate Gog, nu stiti dumneavoastra cat rau mi-au facut fratii acestia…’ Putin mai departe in iertare. ‘Nu stiti dumneavoastra in ce imprejurari ne gasim noi aicea, in Tagoviste…’ Putin mai departe in intelegere. ‘Nu stiti…’ Putin mai departe in a renunta la tine. ‘Nu stiti…’ Putin mai departe si refaceti legaturile fratesti. Asta este secretul. El, Isus, a mers putin mai departe (in gradina Ghetsimani). Cat de departe s-a dus Isus si cat de departe te poti duce tu? Cat de departe trebuie sa mergem ca sa ajungem unde ne-am propus sa ajungem in imparatia eterna a lui Dumnezeu? Trecand peste obstacole, trecand peste crize, trecand peste deceptii, trecand peste dezamagiri, trecand peste boli, trecand peste suferinte, trecand peste pierderi, Isus Hristos a acoperit, potrivit Evangheliei, cel putin 5 distante despre care voi vorbi in aceasta seara.

VIDEO by Biserca EFRAIM Targoviste

LIVE VIDEO cu Serviciile de Priveghi pentru Dayana (8 ani) si Matei (5 ani) Tomoiaga la Biserica Golgota 7-9 Noiembrie 2013


Pentru o vreme, veti putea viziona serviciile de priveghi si de inmormantare, facand click pe poza aceasta:

Daiana si Matei Tomoiaga Funeral
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10100 S 52nd Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453-3952
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VIDEO si Photos by Matei Tomoiaga
Dayana Cântă ‘Amazing Grace’ ‘Măreţul Har’

Creștinii Uciși in Sadad, Syria (noi detalii si video) – Individual Stories of Persecution: The UNSPEAKABLE crimes committed against the Christians of Sadad, Syria (News Report Video)

Funeral family of 6 executed Sadad SyriaFuneral – Family of 6 executed in Sadad – The bodies of six family members were found in a well in Sadad: Matanios El Sheikh, 85, his wife, Habsah, 75, their daughter, Njala, 45, their grandsons Ranim, 18, and Fadi, 16, and the boys’ paternal grandmother, Mariam, 90. The city of Sadad lies between Damascus and Homs and is mentioned in the books of Numbers and Ezekiel in the Bible.

Inmormântarea familiei creștină- toti cei 6 membri ai familiei au fost impușcati in cap in Sadad. Vezi numele lor si vârsta sub poză. Orașul Sadad, unde a fost savârșit masacrul este așezat intre Damasc și Homs și este mentionat in Biblie in cartile Ezekiel si Numeri.


In acest video, jurnaliștii sirieni raportează din orașul Sadad, după masacrul din 21 Octombrie. Sadad este un oras unde majoritatea locuitorilor sunt creștini.  Intr-una din case, toti cei 6 membri ai familiei au fost legați si impușcați in cap, iar apoi aruncați in fântâna din curtea domiciliului. O alta femeie a ales și ea sa nu fugă din Sadad, deși putea sa plece cu cei doi fii ai ei. Motivul de a  rămâne in Sadad? Avea o soacră handicapată și astfel au rămas și  cei doi părinți ai femeii cu ea. Toți 4 au fost omorâti și aruncati in fântâna. In total, 45 de civili au fost martirizați, inclusiv femei, copii și bărbați.

Stirea: Masacru asupra creștinilor din Sadad- 21 octombrie 2013 a fost o zi neagră pentru creștinii din Sadad (Siria). Orașul a fost asediat de islamiști, care au ucis orbește zeci de creștini, aruncându-i apoi în gropi comune. Arhiepiscopul ortodox sirian Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh a calificat atacul drept „cel mai grav și cel mai mare masacru al creștinilor din Siria, din ultimii doi ani și jumătate.”

Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, care slujește ca mitropolit de Homs și Hama relata pentru presă că numai pe 21 octombrie, la Sadad, „peste 45 de civili nevinovați, printre care copii și femei, au fost martirizați fără niciun motiv, mulți fiind apoi aruncați în gropi comune.”

Orașul Sadad, o așezare mică situată la circa 100 de kilometri de Damasc, a fost timp de o săptămână scena unor lupte de o cruzime fără precedent. „Timp de o săptămână, 1.500 de familii, cu copii şi persoane în vârstă, au fost luate ostatice şi folosite ca scuturi umane. Aproximativ 2.500 de familii au reuşit să fugă din Sadad, în prezent fiind refugiaţi la Damasc, Homs, Fayrouza, Zaydal, Maskane şi Al- Fhayle,” relata arhiepiscopul sirian, pentru Orașul cu circa 15.000 de locuitori a fost aproape complet distrus. Jafurile nu au ocolit nici măcar bisericile, școlile sau clădirile publice. Inclusiv spitalul local a fost o țintă a atacatorilor.

Declarația arhiepiscopului continuă tulburător bilanțul: „3.000 de oameni au fost luați ostatici iar noi am strigat pentru ajutor și nimeni nu ne-a auzit, cu excepția minorităților care ne-au ajutat și care au fost solidare. Unde este conștiința creștină? Unde este conștiința Siriană? Unde este conștiința umană? Unde sunt frații noștri, mitropoliții, preoții și prietenii? Unde?! Unde? Și niciun răspuns… Cu câteva excepții. Am un nod un gât și inima îmi arde pentru toate câte s-au petrecut în eparhia mea și bieții oameni care au căutat refugiu, plecând apoi cu mâinile goale… Unde vor merge de acolo, nu știu…. Rugați-vă pentru noi!”

Procentul creștinilor din Siria a scăzut în prezent la 10%, pe fondul persecuțiilor intense la care sunt supuși. Citeste mai mult aici – Semnele Timpului


Syrian News Report, closed-captioned in English. Some disturbing bits from the video:

-a family of 6 members, Sadad city in the countryside of Homs, terrorists carried out against them the ugliest methods of killing. After tying their hands and gagging their mouths, they shot them in the head. Then, they threw their bodies in an old well, beside the house to hide their hatred for humanity and for life.

-one martyred woman was (would have been) able to flee with her two sons, but she refused to leave her old handicapped mother in law, and her own parents, they were not able to go to a secure place. Man to reporter: After a couple of days of ‘the attack’, we found traces of blood on the well. We were shocked. They were killed and dropped into the well and covered with dirt. With the help of civil defense, we were able to remove the dirt thrown over them (their bodies), we were shocked to find (uncover) this big massacre. They threw over them stuff, to cover their ugly crime.

-reporter: words fail to describe…

-a woman to the reporter: ‘An ugly massacre before the eyes of the whole (of) humanity. Where is the humanity in (of) the world? Does (the) humanity of the world accept this crime?

-warning, please use discretion: In the first minute, there is some graphic footage of a dead body being pulled out of one well.

45 Syrian Christians massacred

The „most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria” in which 45 people were killed and 1,500 families held hostage has been reported by the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of Homs and Hama.

It happened during the week following 21 October in the ancient Christian town of Sadad, which lies about 100 miles north-east of Damascus, after it was invaded by anti-Assad Islamist militias and before the Syrian army retook the town. Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh said: „Forty-five innocent civilians were martyred for no reason, and among them several women and children, and many were thrown into mass graves.” Thirty more civilians were wounded and 10 are still missing. Around 1,500 families were held as hostages and human shields against the incoming government forces, and 2,500 others fled the town at gunpoint with only the clothes they were wearing.
The archbishop, who conducted the funeral services last week amid grief and outrage, lamented that the outside world has done little to help suffering Syrians. „We have shouted ‘help us’ to the world but no one has listened to us. Where is the Christian conscience? Where is human consciousness? Where are my brothers?”

Church sources told the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) that civilians unable to escape – including the elderly, disabled, women and children – were subjected to torture such as strangulation.

The bodies of six family members were found in a well in Sadad: Matanios El Sheikh, 85, his wife, Habsah, 75, their daughter, Njala, 45, their grandsons Ranim, 18, and Fadi, 16, and the boys’ paternal grandmother, Mariam, 90. The Damascus-based Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III said to ACN: „How can somebody do such inhumane and bestial things to an elderly couple and their family?” He added: „I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality.”

Sadad lies between Damascus and Homs and is mentioned in the books of Numbers and Ezekiel in the Bible. Most of its population of 15,000 people are Syriac Orthodox and it is home to 14 churches, a monastery, temples, historic landmarks and archaeological sites.

Most of these have been destroyed and looted, especially the Syriac Orthodox Church of St Theodore which the Wahhabi terrorists from al-Qaeda’s Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) used as a base.

The archbishop said houses have been looted „and schools, government buildings, municipal buildings have been destroyed, along with the post office, the hospital and the clinic”.

Early yesterday morning in Damascus the Holy See’s nunciature was hit by mortar fire, causing slight structural damage to its roof. Archbishop Mario Zenario, the papal nuncio, confirmed that the 6.35 a.m. blast did not cause any injuries. It was not immediately clear who was responsible for the attack or if the building had been specifically targeted. The Syrian Government, the UN and many other nations pledged their solidarity with the Pope’s envoy.


Trinity Symposia Livestream November 13 – The Un(der)told Story: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Jihad Against the Coptic Church

Open to the public. Livestream here.

November 13
7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
Respondent: Maher Matiewh

Hinkson Hall

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
2065 Half Day Road, Deerfield, IL 60015
Get driving directions here:

(Photo credit Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Facebook Page)

Our political emissaries and Western media generally have presented the recent unrest in Egypt as a military coup that threatens to undo democracy. This narrative, however, stands on a false presentation of the Muslim Brotherhood.

In this lecture, foreign policy expert and long time Egyptian resident Raymond Stock will offer the untold story: The Muslim Brotherhood is a fanatical group born in Egypt in 1928, which is dedicated to subjugating all Christians, killing all Jews and conquering the earth for Islam. Radical Islamists have been “cleansing” Christians from most of the Middle East for the past decade, and this has intensified, in scale and force, in Egypt since the July removal of President Mohamed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood leader. The group and its Salafi allies are waging jihad against the Copts, the world’s oldest Christian community. Learn more about how this has happened and how Christians can respond.

Egypt: Christians Still Threatened by Islamic Insurgency

An Islamic-led insurgency threatens one of the world’s oldest Christian communities. Even though it’s been several months after Egypt’s president has been ousted out of office, militant Muslims are still blaming neighbouring Christians for the uprising. Now believers are facing almost daily attacks against them, like the one that claimed the life of a 10-year-old girl by the name of Jessi. Length 5:45 From Christian World News.


Iraq: Christians under fire

It’s been 10 years since the US invasion. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have left the country. Many are finding refuge and a new life in neighbouring nations, while others have chosen to stay and face the danger for the sake of the Gospel. The Voice of the Martyrs Canada’s Greg Musselman contributed to this important program. You’ll meet some amazing followers of Christ who are paying the price to advance God’s Kingdom in this ancient land.

From Christian World News/The Voice of the Martyrs Canada VIDEO by VOM C Length 28:30


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