VIDEO Pastorul Teodor Codreanu Predica – Australia 1991

Pastorul Teodor Codreanu de la Biserica Elim Timisoara predica in Australia. In predica, aminteste de stramosii bisericilor penticostale:

CodreanuIntrebati-va stramosii sa vedeti cum au primit ei mantuirea. Stateau cu perinile in geam. Isi tineau casatoriile (nuntile)  prin paduri, prin cimitire si prin cripte. Acolo isi tineau casatoriile. Acolo imparteau Cina Domnului si noi facem in sali deschise, pompoase, cu libertate, cu cladirea asigurata. Daca ar incerca sa ne tulbure cineva, vin in apararea noastra autoritatile. Si noua nu ne pasa….

Avem ce nici o generatie nu a avut. Vai de cel ce nu se trezeste in vremea aceasta!

Unde vreti sa duceti Evanghelia cu pasivitate? Unde vreti sa duceti Evanghelia cu trandavire? Pana cand veti sta pasivi, cand in orasul acesta sunt peste 22,000 de Romani si voi sunteti din 3-4 biserici aici. Nu va e rusine? Pana cand Dumnezeu sa rabde aceasta pasivitate?

Sculati-va din amorteala, pentru ca fara jertfa nu exista mantuire. Si toate cuvintele acestea, care vi se par ca sunt aspre, toate vor osandi in ziua judecatii.

Nu de aceea va trimis (Dumnezeu) aicea ca sa nu stati la coada pentru paine, pentru zahar. Nu de aceea va trimis aicea, sa concurati cu bastinasii. V-a trimis sa aduceti jarul care l-ati avut acolo, pe pietrele acelea, sa-l aprindeti aici, nu sa-l stingeti si pe cel care l-ati avut.

VIDEO by Criste Adrian

Florin Ianovici – Întâmplare cotidiană

Photo credit

Ne-a binecuvantat Dumnezeu cu zile de toamna blande si frumoase!

Georgiana trecea prin fata parcului cand a zarit privirea unei femei care sedea pe o banca. Ceva din aceea privire a facut-o sa se aseze langa ea. A intrebat-o de sanatate. Era vaduva de o luna, cu doi copii mari handicapati, fara nicio bucata de paine, care in 30 de zile trebuia sa paraseasca casa.

Georgiana, avocat de profesie, a rugat-o sa mai intarzie cateva minute intrucat ea se va duce sa scoata bani de la bancomat ca sa ii vina in ajutor. Dar inainte ea a simtit puternic imboldul sa se roage pentru vaduva. I-a cerut permisiunea si s-a rugat. Cuvintele ei izvorate din inima lui Dumnezeu au atins inima acelei fiinte zdrobite de durere. I-a marturisit ca hotarase sa isi ia viata dar ca aceea rugaciunea si prezenta Georgianei au incredintat-o de faptul ca Dumnezeu nu o va lasa. Luptam acum pentru o rezolvare a acestei situatii…!

Cad frunzele si la fel si mila lui Dumnezeu se revarsa zilnic! Priviti pomii dar mai ales oamenii. Ei nu trebuie sa moara…!

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Amazing Grace – Panflute – Maretul Har cântat la nai

Amazing Grace New – David Döring –  Panflut

VIDEO by PanDavid1780

Thank you Paul for sharing this song with us!

REVIVED 2013 Youth Conference – Conferinta de apologetica la Detroit cu Dr. Livius Percy – First Baptist Romanian Church, Troy, Michigan

Pentru mai multe detalii faceti click pe poza

Dati mai departe si anuntati prin comunitatea bisericilor din DETROIT. Dr. Livius Percy, de la Societatea Misionara Romana va fi vorbitorul acestei conferinte. Iata sesiunile:

Vineri 8 Noiembrie
6.30PM – Înscriere
7.00-9.00 – Sesiunea 1 – Swimming in the Postmodern Postmodern Ocean – Truth challenged by Relativism and Pluralism

Sâmbătă 9 Noiembrie
10.00 am – 12.00 noon – Sesiunea 2 – Worldviews in Conflict – (What is a worldview, characteristics of major worldviews) and also Worldviews in popular culture (movies, TV)

2.00 – 4.00 Pm – Sesiunea 3 – The role of the Mind in Spiritual Transformation –

Duminică 10 Septembrie
9.30 – 10.30 – Rugăciune
10.30 – 12.00 Serviciu Special – Sesiunea 4 Cea mai mare poruncă : Păzește-ți inima.

David Platt – Why many Christians are deceived

We are reposting this important message from David Platt today:
David Platt itickets.comEverything would be different in these men’s lives because of their encounters with Jesus. Everything. Which is why we know, that people who profess to be christians, but whose lives look just like the rest of the world’s are deceived. All kinds of people who supposedly made a decision, prayed a prayer, signed a card, walked an aisle, accepted Jesus into their hearts, but their lives don’t look any different. They say they’re christian, but the reality is they don’t know this Christ (of the Bible). Because when you know this Christ everything begins to change in your life.

I heard one precher put it this way: Imagine I got here late this morning. Imagine these guys finished leading us in musical worship and then a little video came on but it was just a blank stage and 5, 10, 15 minutes go by, you’re sitting there and it’s awkward. And al of a sudden, I come running out on stage and I say, „I am sorry I am here late. I was driving over here on the Interstate and had a flat tire. I got out and fixed the flat tire, but I accidentally stepped out into the middle of the Interstate and this Mack truck hit me head on and it hurt. But, I got up, and finished fixing the tire, got into the car and I drove here. So I apologize for being late”.


Photo credit

Now, if this was the story I had told you, you would know one of two things: Either (1) I am lying or (2) I am very deceived. And you know that because when someone gets hit my a Mack truck, they look different than they did before. Based on that reality, I think I am on pretty safe ground in saying that when a person comes face to face with God in the flesh, the Savior King and sovereign Lord, and he reaches down into your heart and saves you from the clutches of sin and sin, you’re going to look different. You’re gonna look really different. Everything changes when you follow „this” King.

For more videos visit VergeNetwork on Youtube and for more resources visit

Though persecution is on the rise, it isn’t stopping believers in Kazakhstan (Central Asia) from sharing their faith

English: Map of the Ethno-Linguistic groups of...

English: Map of the Ethno-Linguistic groups of central Asia.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Click on photo to enlarge and for source.

From the Russian/Asian front. Mission News Network reports:

Kazachs consider evangelist worse than spies for bringing Kazakhs to Christ.

SGA serves Bible-preaching churches in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States by helping national pastors and churches reach their own people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. „There definitely has been an uptick in the level and intensity of persecution in these countries,” says Griffith.

„The worst persecution believers get would be in Turkmenistan andUzbekistan, but it certainly has been stepping up in Kazakhstan.” (Photo credit

Persecution Personified

Earlier this year, Pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev was imprisoned as part of a nationwide crack-down. He’s been arrested on trumped-up charges, denied medical attention, and imprisoned in a psychiatric asylum. Now, according to International Christian Concern (ICC), Kazakh officials are harassing members of Kashkumbaev’s Grace Protestant Church.

„You are worse than spies. You bring Kazakhs to Christ,” an officer reportedly told one of ICC’s sources.

In Eastern Kazakhstan, Baptist Pastor Pavel Leonov is facing up to a year in prison for refusing to pay a fine equal to two months’ income, according to Forum 18 News. Leonov is part of the Council of Churches Baptist, a group which refuses to register their fellowships with the government.

SGA works with churches of the Union of Evangelical Christians Baptist (UECB), a group registered with Kazakhstan’s government. But that doesn’t mean they don’t run into problems, Griffith notes. „They try to comply with registration laws,” he says. „They try to follow the law as closely as they can, and they still end up getting persecuted anyway.”

The Silver Lining

Though persecution is on the rise, it isn’t stopping believers in Central Asia from sharing their faith. „The churches remember what life was like under Communism,” Griffith states. „They know what it is to live and serve under persecution, and they’re certainly not going to stop proclaiming the Gospel because this seems to be stepping up again.”

Keep praying for persecuted Christians around the world. Pray specifically for believers in Central Asia. „Pray for these pastors who are encountering difficulty right now,” adds Griffith.

„For some reason, it just doesn’t seem to grab the attention of the news media, and it needs to,” says Griffith. „I mean, these are people that are actually being killed for their faith.”

You can read more of Pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev’s story at

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