Alin Jivan

Romani 1:16A

Căci mie nu mi -e ruşine de Evanghelia lui Hristos; fiindcă ea este puterea lui Dumnezeu pentru mîntuirea fiecăruia care crede..

VIDEO by Cornel Pop

Alin & Florina Jivan

Alin & Florina Jivan
„Îmi cer iertare Domnul meu”

Stiri Crestine – Editia 8 Martie


  • Presedintele Congresului Evreiesc Mondial, Ron Lauder: „Eu nu voi tacea si noi nu vom tacea.” Acesta este mesajul pe care l-a prezentat crestinilor, cu privire la sustinerea pe care o ofera evreii, crestinilor persecutati. Lauder: „Vedem cum se repeta istoria anilor 1930 si este infricosator. Vedem cum se dezvolta curentul anti-crestin. In Orientul Mijlociu, bisericile sunt arse si crestinii sunt ucisi.” Lauder a avidentiat faptul ca 450,000 de crestini au parasit Siria. Iar populatia crestina din Betleem a scazut de la 70, la 15-20%. El a declarat ca exista doua forme de antisemitism, care se ridica astazi in Europa. Prima forma este reprezentatata de curentul anti-Israel, alimentat in principal de populatia musulmana din Europa occidentala. A doua forma este promovata de extremeistii din Estul Europei si alte parti. Lauder: „Acesti extremisti trebuie sa dea vina pe cineva pentru probleme si dau vina, inca odata, pe poporul evreu. Intr-o actiune fara precedent, Lauder a multumit crestinilor in timpul Sarbatorilor Corturilor pentru ca sunt alaturi de Israel.
  • Industria Avorturilor – Organizatia Life Dynamics lupta impotriva avorturile facute de fete minore, dintre care 60-80% din aceste fete minore au fost lasate gravide de barbati adulti, ceea ce se incadreaza la viol si abuz sexual. Legea spune ca aceste infractiuni trebuie raportate. Dar organizatia Life Dynamics a descoperit ca Planned Parenthood si clinicile din Federatia Nationala se lauda ca nu raporteaza astfel de delicte. Ii apara pe delicventi.
  • Infractiunilor Tineri din Statele Unite -85% din tinerii inchisi provin din familii fara tata. Jonathan McReynolds – O poveste de succes al mentorarii prin intermediul bisericii.
  • Casa Agape – Una din cele 500 de orfelinate care impanzesc zona rurala a unei provincii din Nordul Tailandei.
  • Restaurarea Bisericii Nasterii din Betleem. Biserica Nasterii este unul dintre cele mai vizitate locuri din Israel (In 2013 au fost peste 2 milioane de vizitatori). Dar cladirea care are ramasite vechi de peste 1500 de ani este neglijata de zeci de ani. Elena, mama lui Constantin a construit prima biserica in secolul IV, deasupra unei pestere, unde conform traditiei, fecioara Maria L-a nascut pe Isus. In prezent vizitatorii viziteaza biserica construita mai tarziu de imparatul bizantin Iustin I. Constructia nu contine partea cea mai vizitata de crestini- cripta unde multi cred ca s-a nascut Isus.
  • Organizatia ‘Romania Fara Orfani’. Raul Stepan, Presedinte Alianta Romania Fara Orfani: „Alianta Romania Fara Orfani a luat fiinta in urma cu cateva luni, dar acest lucru nu s-a intamplat dintr-o data. In anul 2012, in urma unor discutii, am decis sa organizam mai multe intalniri cu organizatii neguvernamentale, care toate militau pentru apararea orfanului. In urma intalnirilor de la Cluj si de la Brasov, am decis, un grup de 6 organizatii neguvernamentale, si doua persoane care stateau alaturi de noi, sa infiintam aceasta alianta.

ultimele stiri crestine:

Coplesit de Creatia lui Dumnezeu – Geamul catre lume Time Lapse – Window to the world

Acesta este un trailer de la o filmare de 60 de minute, dar totusi atat de frumos in sine, ca am hotarat sa-l postam.

This is a 4 minute trailer/teaser for a 60 minute film which can be rented on vimeo. It is so absolutely breathtaking itself, that we decided to post it here:

HD Nature Relaxation Videos: Turn Any Screen Into a Window to the World – Trailer from NatureRelaxation on Vimeo.

Sa ne adunam in jurul lui Hristos

Photo credit Maria M via Facebook

O Viata Eficienta de Rugaciune

Nimic nu e prea greu pentru Dumnezeu. Photo

de Chuck Smith
„Cea mai grozava arma a crestinului este rugaciunea!”

de la Marius

Beniamin Fărăgău, despre avorturi + Invitație la Marșul pentru Viață 22 Martie Piața Unirii, Cluj-Napoca

photo M. Tripon  2012 via

O voce pentru cei fără voce

„Marşul pentru Viaţă” este un eveniment care se desfăşoară desfăşoară anual, în mai multe oraşe din România, în jurul datei de 25 martie (sărbătoarea religioasă „Buna Vestire”) şi este organizat de asociaţii ale societății civile care compun mişcarea provita, în colaborare cu instituţii şi comunităţi religioase.

Scopul principal al „Marşului pentru Viaţă” îl reprezintă susținerea dreptului la viaţă pentru toate fiinţele umane începând cu momentul concepţiei şi până la moartea naturală. Totodată, este o afirmare a familiei tradiționale și a valorilor acesteia, care sunt temelia unei societăți solide și sănătoase.

Beni FaragauBeniamin Fărăgău: M-am gandit de multe ori la faptul ca Dumnezeu a gasit cu cale sa porneasca viata in cadrul familiei si daca ma intorc in Genesa, Dumnezeu a spus, ce-a impreunat El, omul sa nu desparta. Dar este la fel de interesant ca si viata se naste in acelasi fel, impreunand doua entitati. Si nu-i vorba doar de aspectul mecanic, pe care omul a incercat sa-l faca in zilele noastre. Aici este vorba despre taina aceea, a vietii. Si tocmai pentru ca noi nu ne putem atinge de ea, n-o putem fabrica, n-o putem produce, este atat de trist ca ne-am permis sa ne luam libertatea s-o stingem, s-o calcam in picioare. s-o aruncam la gunoi.

Si eu cred ça marsul acesta despre care vorbim, pentru proviata, ar trebui sa trezeasca pentru fiecare dintre noi dorinta aceea de a veni si de a spune: „Ce a impreunat Dumnezeu, omul sa nu desparta. Ce a facut Dumnezeu, omul sa nu strice. Cred ca acesta ar trebui sa fie mesajul pe care oamenii ar trebui sa-l auda in zilele noastre.

Din pacate, odata cu instrainarea de Dumnezeu, ne-am permis sa stricam si lucrurile Lui, incepand de la natura si terminand cu viata, care-i cel mai scump lucru de pe planeta noastra. Ma bucur din toata inima de initiativa vare acuma se reia in fiecare an, si eu cred ca vocea aceasta ar trebui sa se auda din ce in ce mai serios, in cetatea noastra. Si toti, intr-un fel, ar trebui sa respectam viata si sa pledam cauza celor inca nenascuti. La asta sa ne ajute Dumnezeu.

Pentru ca exista o astfel de initiativa, cred ca e important sa nu stam pe margine, ci sa ne implicam si vocea noastra sa fie auzita. Asa ca, va incurajez pe toti sa faceti pasul acesta, sa va luati timpul si sa participati si sa fiti o voce in cetatea noastra ‘prolife’ PENTRU VIATA.

VIDEO by Marșul pentru Viață Cluj-Napoca
Blogul –

Reportaj Marșul pentru Viață Cluj-Napoca 2012

VIDEO by FacliadeCluj

Louie Giglio going to preach in Abu Dhabi

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The Christian Post interviewed Louie Giglio on several different subjects, including about his upcoming trip to the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates in particular. Here’s what Louie Giglio said:

Passion is going to be hosting a few events in the Mid-East, and we’ll be doing our first event ever in an Arab country which is going to be awesome. We’re doing Passion Abu Dhabi coming up in the United Arab Emirates in just a few weeks now. Our first two events are in India, in Delhi and Hyderabad. Then we’ll be back in the Philippines doing two nights in Manilla, then Singapore, and Honolulu is our last stop. We’re thrilled, we’re looking forward to it.

People ask, ‘What are you expectations in Abu Dhabi?’ I don’t know. I’ve never been to the UAE before, but I would imagine it’s gonna be a roomful of young people who love Jesus who somehow because of this beautiful world we live in are singing the same songs and who will join right in with our anthem. And it will feel just like it will feel in Hyderabad a few nights later, although the faces will be different, the culture will be different.

People are singing the same songs of faith all over the world. It’s beautiful to see how the Global Church is being unified and how, even though the world is big and the Church is big, somehow this modern world we live in, everyone is kind of on the same page together. We’re thrilled to be taking off and being apart of what God is doing in other places around the world.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque courtyard in Abu Dhabi photo

When asked wheteher an invitation was extended, or whether Giglio sought this event out, Louie answered:

It’s a little bit of both actually. We always have invitations to travel places around the world, but then we’re also strategic and trying to get into a particular part of the world for a short period of time. We’re both pastors and have a church to lead in Atlanta, so we can’t just be flying around the world all the time. Once we started down the road of being in India, all of a sudden a relationship opened up a door to be in Abu Dhabi and we got an invitation from Singapore, and that’s sort of in between Manilla and the next place. It’s like putting a puzzle together but God puts all the pieces together at the right time, puts us in the right place at just the right time.

Read the entire interview here- Louie Giglio Defines True Leadership, Addresses Dropping Obama Inauguration and Shares Excitement for First-Ever Passion Visit to an Arab Country (Part 2)

Read Louie Giglio’s other interview, from earlier this year, here – Louie Giglio Q&A: Millennials May Be Leaving the Church But They’re Walking Toward Christ (Part 1)



Voddie Baucham – Tracing the Line of the Promised Seed of Abraham

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Voddie Baucham will be joining The Lignoier Conference next week. Read more about it here-  2014 National Conference. In this excerpt from his message at our 2011 Fall Conference at Reformation Bible College, Voddie Baucham traces the line of the Promised Seed from Genesis to the Gospels:

photo credit


God makes a promise in Genesis 3:15. This promise involves the promised seed. He pronounces this promise in a curse against the serpent. The serpent believes exactly what God says which is why in Genesis 4 we have the first murder. What is the first murder? The seed of the serpent, Cain, kills the seed of the woman, Abel. The seed that was promised still had not come to fruition. Eventually you come to a man name Terah who has an offspring by the name of Abraham. God makes a promise to that man named Abraham and this promise involves, among other things, seed. But this promise is rather significant because he and his wife, particularly his wife, too old for seed. So how do you get promised seed if the seed bearing woman is too old for seed? The answer is God must intervene. No? The answer is we’ve got to find somebody else—Hagar. Wrong answer. God didn’t say “a seed,” He said, “the seed.” Ishmael was a seed but not the seed. Isaac is the seed.

Isaac then goes on and they have twins. Which one is it going to be? Certainly it’s going to be the older. No, this is not about birth order, this is about election. “The older will serve the younger” (Gen. 25:23). So, it’s not Esau, it’s Jacob. Jacob goes forth and if seed is going to come certainly Jacob has to find a wife. He goes to Laban and he meets Laban’s daughter and falls in love, and thinks he has found the one…one, one, one. Seven years he works, and he gets married and wakes up next to the…other one.

And you thought it was a love story. But it was not a love story, it was an election story. The one whom he loves cannot bear children until way later in the story when she gives birth to a son named Joseph and then one named Benjamin. And then she dies. Joseph is loved above all of his brothers because he was the beloved son of the beloved wife. But he was not the promised seed. The woman that he didn’t even want, when her sister couldn’t have children, she did. And she proceeded to give birth to Reuben, Simeon, Levi-the father of the priesthood, and Judah. And as we come to this story, in Genesis 37 we are introduced to Joseph. In Genesis 38 there seems to be a chapter that’s out of place, because now we read about Judah and Tamar, the worst moment in Judah’s life. Why is that there in the midst of this story about Joseph? Because it’s not about Joseph, it’s about Judah.

Well why show Judah at his lowest point? Because God has to redeem Judah for him to take his place as the head of the family and to be identified as the promised seed because of the electing work of God. And so God redeems Judah and in what moment do we see Judah’s redemption? When Judah says to his father, Jacob, “Send me with the boy Benjamin. I know you love him, and if anything happens to him I will be his substitute. Judah goes on to have a son. It’s a great, great, great, great grandson. And his name is David.

David, just like his father Judah, shows up on the scene like this great, great, great, great grandfather of his. And what does he do when he shows up on the scene? When he’s finally identified and the promised seed brings forth his presence with authority. He walks down into a valley where there has been a giant who made this proposition, “Send me a man to fight with me. If he defeats me, we will serve you. If I defeat him, you will serve me.” David goes down, fights the giant as the representative substitute for God’s people; wins victory over the giant, thereby winning victory on behalf of all of God’s people.

And great King David, descendant of Judah, eventually has a greater son who is a greater king who is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The New Testament opens up with a genealogy. And basically that genealogy screams: the God who made a promise in Genesis 3 has fulfilled that promise.

These are the line of the promised seed who will crush the head of the snake. And what does King David’s greater son Jesus do? Like his forbearers David and Judah, he stands as a substitute on behalf of God’s elect. Lays down his life, accepts the wrath of God poured out upon him that he might win victory on behalf of God’s people, that all of those who are found in him might be rescued.

VIDEO by Ligonier Ministries
Full Message:…

In Syria, believers are running out of options

Syria unrest: Maps and videos of Homs fighting. Photo credit

Syria (MNN) — Ukraine has taken over the world’s spotlight, but developments in Syria are cause for concern: believers are running out of options. David Curry of Open Doors USA explains: “Over the past several months, Christians have increasingly been caught in the cross-fire of the battle between those that are loyal to the government and the Muslim extremists.

“Some extremist groups have been quoted as saying, ‘We’ll either kill you or you’ll have to leave.’ There’s a concerted effort to put Christians in the middle of these battles because they want them to leave; they want to impose Sharia law.”

Believers in Homs are standing firm, though: Open Doors says a small group of 28 Christians is refusing to leave the city. They feel that if they leave, there will be nothing to return to when things calm down.

“Extremists and/or government loyalists will claim a historic Christian site as a battleground…and it basically creates these situations where Christians are forced to leave their homes–historic Christian villages, historic Christian places–and maybe lose their homes, maybe never be able to come back,” explains Curry.

Last month, hundreds of Syrians were evacuated from Homs during a temporary ceasefire. At the same time, humanitarian aid and food were brought in. But it wasn’t enough, according to Dutch Jesuit priest Frans van der Lugt.

“They [the UN] brought pans and cloths the people didn’t need. We need rice and food. That didn’t come in sufficiently,” he told Dutch NOS Radio 1 during the evacuation.

“There is a huge lack of food. At our breakfast, we eat olives and drink tea. In the afternoon, we make soup with what grows between the stones on the street. In the evening, we just see what we can get.”

With the help of partners in the region, Open Doors is helping some 8,000 families in Syria.  (Image courtesy Open Doors)

With the help of partners in the region, Open Doors
is helping some 8,000 families in Syria.
(Image courtesy Open Doors)

The “starvation tactics” used by Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, wherein cities are constantly shelled to prevent movement of goods and people, are taking a toll. Rebels are reportedly striking ceasefires with local governments, turning in their weapons to authorities so that food and medical aid may enter the city.

PHOTO on right – Open Doors is partnering with churches and Christian partners to help 8,000 families in Syria, including relief products.

“We provide food and water and assistance to help people survive,” explains Curry. “We want to make sure that Christians have the ability to stay and to remain in their home country.”

There’s a way for you to help, too.

“We need to have Christians in the West calling their representatives in Congress and Senate and saying, ‘Hey, will you please pay attention to what’s happening to Christians in Syria?’” says Curry.

“A lot of times, people don’t realize Christians are being targeted…but it’s becoming a big problem.”

Pray for strength and courage for the believers choosing to stay in Syria.

Source Mission News Network

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